Skull | Teen Ink


October 30, 2014
By TheRebell SILVER, Piscataway, New Jersey
TheRebell SILVER, Piscataway, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone dies. It’s as simple as that. One day you’re alive, your blood pumping and your lungs breathing. The next moment, all that ends. No longer do you walk the Earth, talking to your friends, loving your family, eating your food. No. Instead, your loved ones hold you one last time, your friends say their last goodbye, all while putting you in the ground, where you will rest forever. At least, that’s what they think you are going to do.


You see, not to long ago, an object was found. Nothing irregular, just an anklet. The man who found it thought that he could sell it. To him, this anklet was equal to some spare change. But what did he know. He picked up the anklet and the unimaginable happened. He just evaporated. He didn’t fall down in agonizing pain, slowly becoming dust. He didn’t walk of as if nothing happened, he just evaporated. And no one cared. No one saw it happen. And no one even knew who this man was. Another thing no one knew was that this man was no longer a mortal. He was now a god. But anklets come in pairs, and it was not long after that another man happened upon that anklet and was stuck in the same situation. It just so happened, that these men began to hate each other. They learned to harness the power from the anklets, to use it against one another. Long fights occurred, until their anger peaked. Each called an army of skeletons to rise from the grave. They had no purpose to fight in what become to be known as The Great Skeleton War.

Of course, not many people know about this. They don’t know that when their loved ones die, they rise once again to fight their own kind. Each day, the skeletons wish that the gods would make peace with one another and peace could ensue. Instead, each day the gods just became angrier. Nothing could be done. The skeletons had no choice but to pick up their weapons and fight each other. Until he came. The man who was supposed to change it all. The skull.

That wasn’t his real name of course. But his real name didn’t matter. He had died an early death and taken the name Skull. Like all others, Skull joined the war with a grudging acceptance that it would never end. Day after day, Skull fought tirelessly to win the war. He watched as comrades fell around him, wounded by a bullet, or killed by a grenade. And each time he saw a friend hit the ground, their soul going to who knows where, something inside of him burned. Slowly this fire grew, till Skull fully realized what it was. It was pure hatred toward the gods. Those powerful gods, who treated the skeletons as playthings, forcing brother against brother, friend against friend. He vowed to end it. He would end the gods stupidity even if it meant killing others. He was willing to kill thousands to save millions. Nothing would stop him from ending this war. No one would. No one could.

Skull had heard of a mystical wand. The carrier of the wand would be the most powerful, and would be able to defeat anyone that got in their way. Skull knew he needed to find this wand, it would be his only hope. So he began his treacherous journey, to find this wand. He had only traveled for two hours when he came upon some enemy soldiers. He tried to explain his mission, of he could end this war, but the skeletons were oblivious for his pleas. The pulled out their pistols and aimed. Suddenly, Skull pulled out his revolver and fired of three shots, killing three out of the five men. The other two backed away, carefully trying to devise a plan that would allow them to live. Suddenly Skull lashed out with a kick, knocking out another man. It was just the two of them now. The skeleton knew he couldn’t beat Skull, so he did the rational thing. He ran as fast as he possibly could. But no man or skeleton is faster than a bullet. And a bullet is what hit the skeleton in the back of his head. By then, Skull knew someone would have heard the shots, and reinforcement would be on its way so he quickly ran towards the mountain. The next two weeks of his journey passed quickly. Whenever Skull spotted a patrol, he would hide behind the rocks. He soon reached the cavern where the mystical wand was supposed to lay. Warily, Skull pulled out his revolver and walked into the cave expected unimaginable dangers. Instead, Skull walked in just to find a wand lying on the floor. It was to easy het thought, but nevertheless Skull walked in and picked up the wand. Nothing happened. No surge of power, no lighting from the sky, no flash of bright light. Nothing.

All of the sudden, two men in full battle gear appeared in front of Skull with malicious grins. Obviously, they were the gods. A sudden ball of anger and hate grew in Skull. Without even saying a word, Skull raised the wand and pointed it at the gods and thought DIE. Nothing happened. Skull stood there, staring at his wand, hoping for something to occur, but the only thing that happened was the gods began laughing. They buckled over in their laughter, holding their sides while tears streamed from their eyes. That’s when Skull noticed the bodies. Countless dead skeletons littered the floor; no doubt others who had tried to do the same as he had. Skull knew he would die, but he would make it an honorable one. He was about to give a speech that would make the gods think twice, but he never got the chance. The gods had already put a bullet through his head.

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