Runaway | Teen Ink


January 7, 2014
By Quinn700 BRONZE, Sanibel, Florida
Quinn700 BRONZE, Sanibel, Florida
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Let the choices you make today, be the choices you live with tomorrow."

Chapter 1

My eyes scan the forest that has engulfed me. I can still hear a faint ring of the sirens that I have triggered. I think of hiding in the trees shadows but they would for sure capture me. I decide that I must keep running through the forest to the city. The clanking of their boots approaching me awakes me out of my thoughts, and I scramble to my feet and start to run towards the city.

My knife gleams in my hand from the glowing star that they call the moon, so I lock it away in my pocket hoping they didn’t see it. I remember the long hot days in fields behind our house with my older brother and my father learning how to use and defend ourselves with his knife. Soon our father pasted away and brother took his place. Soon my bother went away to the capitol to become a soldier, I never saw him again. Before he left he gave me the knife so I will be able to defend myself and my mother and sister if harm came our way, and being 8 that was a huge responsibility. Back then I didn’t know that my whole life would change in only 2 years. The clanking of their boots is getting louder and louder until I can feel their eyes targeted on my back. A cry for their leader indicates that he has spotted me and they will capture me soon. A stream lies ahead with rocks and trees that surround it. My breaths become quicker as I race towards it leaving the troops behind. I zigzag through trees and rocks, and spot the city to my right around 1 mile away. The city light shine in the dark like lights on Christmas surrounding a tree. The forest continues half way there then cuts off which would leave me in the open for their viewing of my appearance. My choices spin through my mind as one soldier peaks his head around the corner of a rock.

I throw my hat on, knowing that my long blonde hair is easy to stop and duck my head hoping he didn’t see my face. I jump behind a bush quietly still hoping he didn’t see me. I hold in my breath as I peak through the bundle of thick leafs and branches to find him gone. I sigh and close my eyes wishing I could stay here, when I feel someone’s eyes on my back. My eyes whip open as I snap my neck over my shoulder and scan the area. Nothing.

I don’t have enough time to think before the clanking of men’s boots ring in my head once again. “He must have told them that he saw me!” I say to myself. I peak through the bush and spot some more of them searching the area. There are 3 guys and I can hear more coming.

I’m about to jump out of the bush and attach when something lands on me and whispers in my ear, “Stay down their just passing through.” His voice is a slight muffle like he is trying to hide something. I try to push up, but his hand is locked onto my jacket pocket. I stop fighting and try to think of why this man is helping a fugitive like me. A minute passes then two, and then the clanking of the boots start again until only silence fills my head. My defenses kick in and I jab him in the stomach and push him off. He’s wearing a capitol soldier suit with a helmet that covers his face. I jump up and reach for my knife to find and an empty pocket. My eyes wonder the ground but are interrupted by something shining into them. I look up to spot my father’s knife locked in my enemy’s hand.

It takes me a minute to figure out how he got it, but then I remember his hand in my pocket holding me down. I glare at him who I imagine smirking at me knowing that that was my only weapon. Anger inflicts me to lung at him, aiming at him helmet that covers his face. I shatter the glass of which he sees through with one hand, while I grab his arm with the other. I twist the arm that holds my knife, back and he drops the knife. Before I can bend down and grab my knife his leg comes up and gabs me in the ribs. I fly back and land on rocks that guard the stream nearby. My head lands on something hard and I can feel myself slipping away when he leans over and takes off his helmet. Underneath is a girl about 2 or 3 years older than me her blonde hair comes down and covers her dark brown eyes, her lips are light pink and moving but I can't make out what she is saying. The last thing I remember is whispering, “Who are you?” before darkness surrounds me and I fall into a deep sleep.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jan. 20 2014 at 3:27 pm
Quinn700 BRONZE, Sanibel, Florida
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Let the choices you make today, be the choices you live with tomorrow."

Thanks!! I had some typos though lol!

on Jan. 20 2014 at 3:27 pm
Catherine1107 BRONZE, Sanibel, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Your story is AMAZING!!!! I loved it!!!! You're awesome!!!

Madie2k BRONZE said...
on Jan. 18 2014 at 10:34 am
Madie2k BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't the best of them bleed it out. While the rest of them Peter out." -Foo Fighters

Your story is really good! I loved the ending!