Clown Guy | Teen Ink

Clown Guy

October 16, 2023
By Anonymous

John looked everywhere. Left, Right, Straight, even back where he just came from. Nothing. He couldn’t hear a thing either. His heartbeat was going ballistic, and his head was pounding. He had no idea what to do or where to go next, but he needed to make his decision now. His initial reaction was to find his brother, Paul, but he knew that would be the toughest task of them all. He heard a rustle behind him, leaves starting to scatter. All of a sudden, a shadow appeared. At first, he was ready to sprint straight ahead and not stop until his body told him to, but he felt like he recognized the figure. Looked somewhat of the same build as Paul; Short, stocky, built, and a small waist. As soon as he regained his composure, he started walking towards it. All he could think about was,

“Don’t be scared.”

“It’s only Paul.”

“I’ll be okay.”

Next thing he knew, he was in a full body bag over a figure's shoulder. John started hyperventilating, and all of a sudden passed out.

John woke up, side by side with his brother Paul. He could visibly see the deep cuts with dried blood around them. John tried to scream at the top of his lungs but realized he’d been kicked and punched all around his ribs. As soon as he tried, he started to cry in pain. He can see a shadow coming around the corner, and the first thing he sees from the figure is a mask. Not just any ordinary mask, a blood-stained, homemade, clown mask. He immediately tried getting up from his chair and running away, but his arms and ankles were handcuffed onto the chair with his brother. He knew he had to figure out how to get out of the handcuffs, and made eye contact with his brother Paul and tried to telepathically say to him, “We need to get out of here. Now.”

John looked over at the shelf and saw the first item he wanted to try wiggling over and grabbing somehow with his hands, a hammer. The Clown guy is in the bathroom, so now’s their chance to try and do something. John tries to stand up handcuffed to the chair, but yelps in pain and knows that he needs to stand up exactly at the same time as Paul did. Paul is barely conscious at this point, because of how much blood he has lost. He gets his attention and points up to the sky to stand up, and Paul realizes what he means. John counts down. 3…2…1…

They both stand. It worked. They waddle over to the shelf, with the hammer sitting down. They can hear the toilet flush, but they don’t have much time until he comes out and sees them. John grabs the hammer and starts pounding on Paul’s wrist behind him, trying to jar the handcuff loose. Paul screams in pain, as John sees the handcuff becoming more and more loose. Paul slides his wrist through the opening of the handcuff, he grabs the hammer, and frees his other hand. As soon as he gets his ankles, he gets up, gives John the hammer, and tries to find an exit from this place. As soon as John gets his wrists free, the clown comes out of the bathroom. You can see the look in his eyes through the mask. Fear. Terror. There’s only one thing he can do. Grab his gun. John was struggling on the ankle handcuffs, Paul found an exit and stumbled his way out of the building. The clown pointed his gun at John. His finger curled tighter around the trigger.


The author's comments:

I like writing about these stories because they feel easy to write.


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