Twin Knight to King | Teen Ink

Twin Knight to King

September 7, 2023
By Jm0311664 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Jm0311664 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Twin Knight to King 

Long ago there was this one kingdom with rivalry in it The king's sons both wanted to take the rightful role as king. The brothers' names were Chris and Sebastian they were twins, but there was a catch both of them had different mentors. The king knew that it was not easy to pick a son to replace him, so he quested to test them and see who was best equipped to be king. 

A letter was sent to both Chris and Sebastian, After receiving the letter Chris was furious about this “ A quest, there’s no way that father is being serious “ he said. His brother on the other hand said “It's going to be funbeating my brother” he wants to show how much better he is than Chris.

While Chris was at the castle he awaited his brother's arrival in the corridor. The guards let the gates down Sebastian waited before going in “Great to see you dear brother” Chris said, but Sebastian jokingly said, “ Aww you waited for me “. They both walked down the hallway towards the king's throne to greet him and also to ask about the quest they had ahead. The doors creaked open “Eeeee” They both kneeled in front of the king himself and said “Greetings Father.”

The king was happy to see the both of them here together but it was time to tell them about what the quest was going to be. The brothers looked at one another with great animosity towards each other because they knew they had to compete against each other. The king said “There will be three trials on this quest one will be on your physical capability and the second one is to be able to lead people to survival” The third trial is a secret that later would be a problem.


 For the first trial both the brothers had to run ten miles and then have to lift triple their body weight. Chris was warming up thinking to himself “ I can beat him in this race nothing to it “, Sebastian was also warming up and getting ready physically and mentally. As the king came down to judge the race he said ready set go the brothers ran keeping up with themself until Sebastian in the seventh mile looked like they lit him as a rocket the way he sprinted the last three miles and won against Chris. Sebastian told Chris “You couldn't keep up brother “After Chris caught his breath he called him out and said “Okay whatever you ran a little quicker now I wanna see you lift the weight requirement.

 Now they had to lift not just any other weight they had to do it was three times their body weight, so both twins warmed up and ready Chris glanced at Sebastian and told him, “Are you nervous I haven't heard you say anything”. Sebastian couldn't say anything he was nervous but he took what his brother was saying about him as motivation to do his rep and pass his trial. Now it was Chris’s turn he put four times his body weight and looked at Sebastian in the eyes while he picked it up and also completed his trial.

 The brothers were truly twins being able to perform closely alike and so similar besides the fact they had different mentors in their younger days. Two moons had passed when the King summoned them down to tell them the last trial. The King assigned a group of peasants to each brother so they could lead them to survive a night out in the forest “This one is going to be a breeze I had knight training “ Chris told the King, but Sebastian said out loud “So what I also received it as well whit an old King”. Chris was shocked at this because this meant he might lose to his brother which adulterated his whole mood. 

The nightfall came fast so Sebastian helped his group find shelter and light them a fire with a piece of flint and dry leaves it looked like it was his power. Chris helped them find shelter for the night but did not help them light a fire for them, the night was bright and cloudy it looked like the clouds were dancing. Sebastian found them a nice little shelter where everyone fit, but he was getting headcount and noticed one of the peasants was missing he ran out got on his horse, and started to look for him. While this happened to Sebastian, Chris was nodding out but he didn't go check on his group.

 The King came out and found Sebastian looking for the peasants and told him “ I have the kid son “This relieved Sebastian. Chris was woken up by his father and instantly had to get ready to have a meeting with the King in the morning. The third trial was to see which brother would be more connected to his group to notice the missing peasant and try to find them when Chris heard this his heart dropped. A troubled King had to still teach some things to his son but it will pay off for him too Chris can be a great King. The king had to make the announcement and enounce Sebastian to be the new King Sebastian was still in disbelief. 

The author's comments:

I am a junior at pmhs 

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