The Black Samurai | Teen Ink

The Black Samurai

September 7, 2023
By jrestradaaa BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
jrestradaaa BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thursday, December 21st, 2024. It’s a cold night, the entire city of New York is in slumber. My next target has a drive. A drive that leads to Wilson’s hideout. Wilson, the man who slaughtered my parents in front of me when I was 5. It turned me into the man who the government feared at the age of 16. I never intended to do any of this, but there wasn’t much of a choice since my uncle, Rick Flag raised me into the military as a weapon. Although he is austere, Rick wasn’t the one who trained me, it was my sensei who trained my parents before me. He’s the only man who I can call family. He’s getting old, but still has the strength to defeat me in a spar surprisingly. The team and I get ready to raid our target's temple. To me, this is just a normal day. 

We arrived as usual and I split up from my team. I usually like to work on my own, since I don’t socialize with others. “See you soon,” Rick says to me while I split from the team. I ignored him as usual. I stealthily make my way towards the temple, seeing the target in my sight. I come from the vents throwing a smoke grenade, slaughtering half their team. The targets in my sight, in fear not knowing what to do. To them, I’m just a myth, to them I’m the Black Samurai. My target draws his sword, I draw mine. I make the first move as usual, everyone fears what to do so I do it for them. My target is strong, but not strong enough. My parents were both samurai warriors, with incredible strength but not naturally. Back when my parents were alive, they were injected with a serum that gave them enough strength to lift a car. Although it is powerful, it affects their moods from happiness to anger. My parents were mentally strong enough to control their emotions. Wilson, who worked with them, was controlled by his anger because of the serum. I was born with it so it did not affect me, but it doesn't matter anymore. My target looked at me with full fear in his eyes as I stabbed him. “Who are you?” he struggled to ask. “I’m just a myth” I replied, finishing my job. I easily defeated my target, taking the drive. After wiping out the whole team, we retreated to the base. 

“Nice work today.” Rick Flag nervously said. Sometimes I can’t stand looking at him, knowing he could have saved my parents. Every second I look at him, I get reminded of that night. Deep down I know he wanted to protect me, but still can’t forgive him. It isn't entirely his fault for who I am today, but I know I could have been better if it wasn’t for him. Still, I ignored him. The sun finally rises and my day begins, with training and studying since I'm homeschooled. Working from the base is the only way I can somewhat escape reality, no social media, no television, just books and school. To me, it’s not that bad, since I don’t even know what I’m missing out on. “Adam, I’d like you to meet Mrs. Hernandez and her daughter Sarah.” Rick calmly said. Seeing another person my age confused me, but as usual, I didn’t care. “Hello,” I awkwardly replied as I walked away. Hearing quick footsteps behind me, I get a tap on my shoulder from Sarah. Her smile reminds me of someone but I didn't take the time to think as she quickly introduced herself to me. “Hi, I’m Sarah, I’m surprised to see someone my age around here.”. Already I can tell she is benign and talks a lot, not used to that.

I did hear about her once. Her mother, Mrs. Hernandez is an Intelligence Specialist, her daughter came along since she's interested in the military. I heard she’s a fast learner, I guess I’ll see her around more often. A week goes by, and the team and I are on the way to get new supplies for our base. Tagging along is somewhat of a way to get out of that base. If I ever wanted to, I could easily just leave but honestly, I’d have nowhere to go. Seeing the sunrise on the car ride gave me a feeling I can’t explain, a feeling I used to feel with my mother. All of a sudden, an explosion occurred, damaging the vehicles we were in. Most of the team was injured, but I was fine. I get up as quickly as possible to see who did this. Out in the distance, Wilson Slade, standing there. I had never felt such anger in my entire life. “It's been a while since I was this excited to kill someone” he calmly says. I instantly draw my sword full of rage. Without any hesitation, I attack blindly. He’s stronger than I expected. He has moves I’ve never seen before, far more skilled than I ever was but I still held my ground. “You have your father's blood, full of rage and suffering. Your mother on the other hand would be disappointed,” he says in excitement. He hits me with blows that can kill a man, I don’t know how much longer I can stand. “You think you know pain? I’ll show you real pain!” violently stabs me in my stomach. I remember nothing but seeing him run away in my blurred vision. I only see flashes of what’s going on, lights, doctors, yelling, and Sarah. Seeing Sarah brought me that same odd feeling, comfort. Suddenly I wake up in the afterlife. I felt no pain anymore, just confusion. “Adam”. A familiar voice I hear. I look around in fear hoping I know whose it is, seeing a person walk towards me from the light. My mother, I see. “You've grown so much”, She says with the same smile I remember. 

The first time I’ve ever felt emotion. “Mom?” I struggled to say. Running to her arms sobbing, “I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to save you” I said. “But you're strong enough to protect the world” my mother proudly said to me. “How can I do that? I’m just a murderer,” I replied. My mother wiping a tear on my cheek she says “We all make mistakes, It’s how we grow. I know you never wanted to hurt those people. I am so proud of who you are and who you are meant to be Adam.” My mother hugs me. Her warmth is enough to motivate me to change my life. “Can I come?” accepting my death. “Yes of course!.” She replied. Walking towards other figures knowing they were my loved ones. Mother stops me from walking and says “But not yet, you still have a purpose. “A purpose for what? They made me who I am.” I sobbed. “There are the hands who made us, and there are the hands who guide the hands.” She says hugging me once again.  “My little superhero, the story was yours all along, you just didn’t know it.” she whispers. “I’m not a superhero” I replied, not being able to finish my sentence as I fell from nowhere and woke up in the hospital bed. Rick and Sarah were there on my side, shocked and relieved. 

“Adam!” Sarah shouts and hugs me. The only person in this building I felt love for. Seeing everyone in the room happy to see me felt welcoming, something about me has changed and changed for the good. My recovery was quick, thanks to the serum. Sarah sees me and approaches me, I’m happy to see Sarah. “I’m glad you're okay Adam, I know you won’t talk to me but I’m always here for you when you need me.”. She walks away but I stop her. “I lost people I cared about, I never ignored you on purpose. You're the only person I feel comfortable with now.”. She smiled and hugged me. The time came, I needed to train one last time to stop Wilson. Rick tells me Wilson plans on taking over New York. I greet my Sensei and begin our spar. “You’ve gotten stronger.” He says. Hours go by and I finally defeat my sensei. Me and Rick discussed our plans for Wilson. I prepare and get the team ready. We search and evacuate the city. Finding Wilson's hideout in the center of New York, I approach him jumping off the helicopter and getting his attention. “You're alive, not surprised honestly,” he shouts. “It'll take much more for death to earn me,” I shouted back. Both of us drew our weapons, running towards each other. This time, I have the upper hand, patiently attacking him. Remembering every word my mother said to me, kept me calm and patient. We are both even, not knowing who's going to land the first hit. He finally lands one but brings a smile to my face. I rush in as quickly as possible, defeating him. I hover my sword over his throat, fighting every urge to end him. I don’t do it, knowing my mother wouldn't want me to. “Why? Why won’t you kill me now?” He struggles to say. “It’s not who I am anymore,” I replied while my team arrested him. Later on, during that day, I gave him a visit. “Go ahead, ask it.” He says angrily. “Why did you kill my parents?” I asked. “Because they thought I was too powerful, they attacked me for who I became. So I had to finish the job for the better.”. I cut him off rushing to tell him the truth. “My parents were trying to protect you.” I quickly said. He looks at me in confusion. “The serum. You and my parents used it, right? You turned mad, and your team tried to kill you, while my parents tried to defend you. You were so blinded in your rage you killed them too.” He was in shock. Not knowing what to say. I calmly walked away. “Adam.” He quickly said. “I’m sorry.” he sobbed. “I forgive you, It’s what my mother would have wanted. For me to forgive.” Walking out to see Sarah’s smile brought me joy for once. “I’m proud of you Adam, Thank you for everything,” she says. “I’ll protect you from whatever tries to harm you” I reply. “You know if you want to protect me, maybe you should train me.” she nervously says. “Of course,” I said. “When do you want to start?”  THE END. 

The author's comments:

Adam starts a new life with new people he learns to care about.

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