Grendel's Last Adventure | Teen Ink

Grendel's Last Adventure

December 2, 2019
By Anonymous

The sun was finally starting to go down, which meant I would be able to make my way to Herot soon. My hunger had been growing stronger and stronger because I had waited so long since my last meal. At once, I started my journey to Herot, destined for the best Last Supper. When I arrived, I could see breathing bodies with closed eyes, and my excitement raised to an all-time high. As I began munching on my first human meal of the night, I felt as though something may go wrong; however, my starvation led me to continue. The next human I was going to eat would be the giant meat-filled man. I bent down and grabbed at the large body, more than ready to enjoy all the muscle and fat this human had to offer. All of a sudden, something strange happened… the human began to fight back. I was confused and scared because no one had ever tried to escape my grip before. The only other person that had ever been so terrifying and strong was the Almighty man upstairs. I began to regret ever making the trip to Herot, and I was desperately wanting to go home. The man and his army continued fighting me, but I had cast a spell on all weapons that made me invincible to them. As the battle was coming to an end, the strong man came and ripped my arm off with his bare hands. I let out a loud scream, and I knew I had to use the opportunity to flee Herot and go back to my cave. On my journey home, I sang songs begging of God’s forgiveness because I was afraid these might be my last moments. I knew I did not want to spend eternity in Hell, so I sang myself into a state of peace and slowly wasted away into eternal rest.

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