Philosophy Genre | Teen Ink

Philosophy Genre

July 21, 2010
By Thinker PLATINUM, Na, Connecticut
Thinker PLATINUM, Na, Connecticut
47 articles 0 photos 82 comments

Favorite Quote:
A wise word does not make the speaker wise.

As a person of sometimes more abstract thoughts, I sometimes find it hard to properly categorize my writing. The best I can usually do is calling it a "Free Form" poem, though that really isn't accurate at all. I also found this problem in my reading of others works; though they are wonderful pieces of writing, they are rarely read or commented on because they are not well placed in a category. I was just wondering why there isn't a "Creative Writing" or "Philosophy" section in the writing selections. Furthermore, a better solution brings up the point that writing is generally referred to as a language art; what would be the purpose of placing every piece of art in such concrete categories? If I were to redesign the website, I would use a "Google" style search setup so as our readers could find the articles they are looking for more easily. For such an abstract and complex set of pieces of information to be arranged as if they were things on a grocery list takes away from the authors allure. To better understand what I mean; one might look at the Library of Congress system for arranging their vast plethora of different writings. Instead of placing all of the writings in order by category then alphabetically like the Dewy Decimal system, they use subject categories, then sub-categories. I believe that if you were going to stick with a category system of arranging our writings, I think you should find a refined way of doing so, at the moment they system is crude compared to the subjects that your authors are concerned about.

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