It's All About the Symmetry | Teen Ink

It's All About the Symmetry

May 30, 2011
By MyConstRuctd_IdentiTy SILVER, Chardon, Ohio
MyConstRuctd_IdentiTy SILVER, Chardon, Ohio
7 articles 56 photos 356 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One heartbeat."

"Our scars remind us of where we've been; they don't dictate where we're going."
-SSA David Rossi, Criminal Minds

Anyone who watches Soul Eater should know who this is. If you don't, then you don't watch it enough. lol XP And if you don't watch Soul Eater, well, then... you have no idea what you're missing out on.

This is Death the Kid, and as we all know... it's all about the SYMMETRY.

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This art has 11 comments.

samas PLATINUM said...
on Jan. 13 2012 at 11:29 am
samas PLATINUM, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
24 articles 16 photos 6 comments
I love how he is all about symmetry yet, his hair isn't symmetrical. But very good art.

on Aug. 30 2011 at 2:47 pm
MyConstRuctd_IdentiTy SILVER, Chardon, Ohio
7 articles 56 photos 356 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One heartbeat."

"Our scars remind us of where we've been; they don't dictate where we're going."
-SSA David Rossi, Criminal Minds

Awesome. :) Can't wait to see it, let me know when you submit it.

on Aug. 30 2011 at 9:38 am
AliceForever BRONZE, Someplace, Wisconsin
1 article 6 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes it takes a crazy person to see the truth. If so, I'm a freaking lunatic."- Stephen Colbert

"YOU CAN'T STOP THIS TRAIN!" My friend and illustrator, CK

I'm working on an Excalibur right now and I should have it pending by the end of the week.

on Aug. 25 2011 at 2:58 pm
MyConstRuctd_IdentiTy SILVER, Chardon, Ohio
7 articles 56 photos 356 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One heartbeat."

"Our scars remind us of where we've been; they don't dictate where we're going."
-SSA David Rossi, Criminal Minds

ah, haha. :P You caught me. I'm planning on drawing Maka and Soul next, but i have a whole list of drawings lined up, so it'll be a while. :P Thanks.

on Aug. 24 2011 at 8:50 pm
AliceForever BRONZE, Someplace, Wisconsin
1 article 6 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes it takes a crazy person to see the truth. If so, I'm a freaking lunatic."- Stephen Colbert

"YOU CAN'T STOP THIS TRAIN!" My friend and illustrator, CK

Dude, you rock. Just saying.

on Jun. 12 2011 at 1:09 pm
MyConstRuctd_IdentiTy SILVER, Chardon, Ohio
7 articles 56 photos 356 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One heartbeat."

"Our scars remind us of where we've been; they don't dictate where we're going."
-SSA David Rossi, Criminal Minds

lol Thanks, and I will. Is it pending approval now?

monkey1092 said...
on Jun. 11 2011 at 4:52 am
monkey1092, Canyon, Texas
0 articles 2 photos 1 comment
Freaking awesome!!!! I love it, I made one of soul and star! hope you can see it when they publish it!

on Jun. 10 2011 at 2:18 pm
MyConstRuctd_IdentiTy SILVER, Chardon, Ohio
7 articles 56 photos 356 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One heartbeat."

"Our scars remind us of where we've been; they don't dictate where we're going."
-SSA David Rossi, Criminal Minds

Thanks! lol I started watching it actually on YouTube, a friend told me about it. Then I found out that our local library has like the first 50 or so episodes or something on DVD, so I'm checking them out. :) I think my favorite if Soul, then Kid, then Black Star. No offens.e :)

inkflowerKNC said...
on Jun. 10 2011 at 2:11 pm
inkflowerKNC, Townsend, Delaware
0 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

OMG! I love Soul Eater! I still have to finish watching the episodes because Funimation took so long to put the second part on TV. Im loving it. My favorite character is Black Star. Anyway I love your drawing of Kid.

on Jun. 6 2011 at 6:53 pm
MyConstRuctd_IdentiTy SILVER, Chardon, Ohio
7 articles 56 photos 356 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One heartbeat."

"Our scars remind us of where we've been; they don't dictate where we're going."
-SSA David Rossi, Criminal Minds

lol Thank you, and I suppose Soul Eater may not be as popular as many shows or movies, but a couple of my friends and i talk about it all the time, and finally one day, I just said, you know what? I'm gonna draw him. So, this is the result! :)


heh heh It's funny how we sometimes recognize things at the wierdest of times, isn't it? XP

on Jun. 6 2011 at 6:49 pm

I don't watch Soul Eater, but I was at a preview day for the arts high-school I'm going to and there was a drawing taped to a file cabinet that says "Death the Kid proudly supports Miss Brown!" or something like that.

So I saw your drawing and I did a double-take like hey, I've seen this before! ^-^ You're a good artist. :)