SequoiaRae | Teen Ink


Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
Member for 9 years


Books: 1984, catcher in the rye, winnie the pooh, howls moving castle

By SequoiaRae SILVER
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
SequoiaRae SILVER, Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why did they make birds so delicate and fine as those sea swallows when the ocean can be so cruel? She is kind and very beautiful. But she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly and such birds that fly, dipping and hunting, with their small sad voices are made too delicately for the sea." -Ernest Hemingway from "The Old Man and the Sea"

By SequoiaRae SILVER
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
SequoiaRae SILVER, Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why did they make birds so delicate and fine as those sea swallows when the ocean can be so cruel? She is kind and very beautiful. But she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly and such birds that fly, dipping and hunting, with their small sad voices are made too delicately for the sea." -Ernest Hemingway from "The Old Man and the Sea"

By SequoiaRae SILVER
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
SequoiaRae SILVER, Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why did they make birds so delicate and fine as those sea swallows when the ocean can be so cruel? She is kind and very beautiful. But she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly and such birds that fly, dipping and hunting, with their small sad voices are made too delicately for the sea." -Ernest Hemingway from "The Old Man and the Sea"

By SequoiaRae SILVER
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
SequoiaRae SILVER, Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why did they make birds so delicate and fine as those sea swallows when the ocean can be so cruel? She is kind and very beautiful. But she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly and such birds that fly, dipping and hunting, with their small sad voices are made too delicately for the sea." -Ernest Hemingway from "The Old Man and the Sea"

By SequoiaRae SILVER
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
SequoiaRae SILVER, Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why did they make birds so delicate and fine as those sea swallows when the ocean can be so cruel? She is kind and very beautiful. But she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly and such birds that fly, dipping and hunting, with their small sad voices are made too delicately for the sea." -Ernest Hemingway from "The Old Man and the Sea"

SequoiaRae SILVER, Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why did they make birds so delicate and fine as those sea swallows when the ocean can be so cruel? She is kind and very beautiful. But she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly and such birds that fly, dipping and hunting, with their small sad voices are made too delicately for the sea." -Ernest Hemingway from "The Old Man and the Sea"

By SequoiaRae SILVER
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
SequoiaRae SILVER, Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why did they make birds so delicate and fine as those sea swallows when the ocean can be so cruel? She is kind and very beautiful. But she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly and such birds that fly, dipping and hunting, with their small sad voices are made too delicately for the sea." -Ernest Hemingway from "The Old Man and the Sea"

By SequoiaRae SILVER
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
SequoiaRae SILVER, Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why did they make birds so delicate and fine as those sea swallows when the ocean can be so cruel? She is kind and very beautiful. But she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly and such birds that fly, dipping and hunting, with their small sad voices are made too delicately for the sea." -Ernest Hemingway from "The Old Man and the Sea"