Matched by Ally Condie | Teen Ink

Matched by Ally Condie

October 7, 2011
By Kate2345 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
Kate2345 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ally Condie

In the exciting book Matched Ally Condi creates a great read for ages twelve to fifty two. This exciting science fiction story makes you stay up reading it and getting up early in the morning just to finish the next chapter! It takes place far into the future in a country known as The Society. It is definitely one of the best books I have ever read.

Every month The Society matches teenagers above the age of 17 another teen who shares your likes and dislikes. The society also decides where you live, what your job is and that you will someday marry the person they matched you to. Xander and Cassia have been best friends since they were small. Once Cassia and Xander have been matched, Cassia realizes that she is not meant to be with him. Before long The Society recognize she knows and the trouble begins.

One day something happens that will separate Cassia and her real love as seems forever. What will happen? Will Cassia go on living her life but never tell anyone what happened? What will become of Cassia?

The book does have some things I didn’t like about it. One part that was too sad was when one character is left alone and abandoned. Melissa Marr, author of Wicked Lovely series says, this book is “Absolutely riveting! Matched is a must-read.” I agree with her and recommend this book to anyone who enjoys an inspiring love story.


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