Champions for Change | Teen Ink

Champions for Change

May 3, 2012
By ChelzRulz SILVER, Sparta, New Jersey
ChelzRulz SILVER, Sparta, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can turn off the sun, but I'm still gonna shine." - Jason Mraz
"Life is a rollercoaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life." -Avril Lavigne
"The answer is wrong, but I luv you!" - Mrs. Spelman
"Carpe Diem- seize the day!!" -Mrs. Spelman

This is for a contest sponsored by the White House, so if we are the finalists please please vote for us!! Thank you so much- and for everyone in the video and LGBT community!

Tags: Stand-up

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