Colgate Young Writer's Workshop in Colgate University, Hamilton NY | Teen Ink

Colgate Young Writer's Workshop in Colgate University, Hamilton NY

August 12, 2011
By The_Fourth_Black_Sister GOLD, Verona, New York
The_Fourth_Black_Sister GOLD, Verona, New York
10 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
-Robert Frost

For the past three years I have been attending the Colgate Young Writers workshop in Hamilton NY. The week long camp is held in the Case-Geyser Library which is right on the Colgate campus. The experience of being on the college campus was just one of the things that made this camp awesome. There are three to five authors that come to this camp over the course of five days. This year Monday was used as a get to know people day and then the authors visited on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Friday was used as a wrap up day and we also went to what’s called the village green in town and shared our writing. I was a counselor this year a job which allowed me to be close with the teachers and interns involved but also be a student as well. I have to say that this is a great camp. Although it is only a day camp and the age group is children entering grades 6 through 10 I think this camp is worth the money. With tuition only costing around $250 not only do you come out of this camp with many different types or writing but there is also a small book published at the end of the week with everyone’s writing in it. I would recommend this camp for the most serious young writers to the young writers that are just getting their feet in the water. This camp mixes the college atmosphere with fun and writing to give you a week you’ll never forget.

The author's comments:
After attending this week long workshop for three years I can definitely say this is worth your time and money. :)

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