Overwatch | Teen Ink


May 13, 2016
By CarryOnMyWaywardSon SILVER, Hemet, California
CarryOnMyWaywardSon SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just do it! Yesterday you said tomorrow, so just do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams!" -Shia Labeouf

Overwatch is an exciting, fast-paced, and overall enjoyable game as much as we've seen. During the open beta available from May fifth through May ninth, I witnessed just how much fun can be extracted from this game. The game pushes players to actually work together with one another with classes such as support, tank, offense, and defense. There are 21 heroes to play as to prevent the other team's victory.

Overwatch gives each hero different special abilities which, when used with other hero’s abilities, can be devastatingly effective toward the other team. Some characters use shields to protect themselves as well as their teammates while others use their abilities to do damage to the other team. Using different characters for different maps and game modes also helps, but if you are skilled with a certain character then I suggest using them as much as possible. If everyone works together then it is very likely for your team to win.

Maps are specifically designed for different game modes, in the beta at least. Some maps are designed for king of the hill, some are designed for escort missions while others may be designed for games capture and advance. Every map has areas in which different heroes can access different places, giving them a special advantage over the other team.

In conclusion, Overwatch is an amazing game, as far as I've seen, and is definitely worth the money. It forces teamwork and gives the players a thrill when they work with their team to eliminate groups of attacking enemies. As for me, I cannot wait until the full game is released to the public and I am ready to purchase it.

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