The Fray - "The Fray" | Teen Ink

The Fray - "The Fray"

February 8, 2009
By Elizabeth_W BRONZE, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
Elizabeth_W BRONZE, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Almost four years ago, The Fray released their debut album, “How To Save A Life,” and sold over two million copies in the United Sates. Finally, The Fray has returned. On February 3, 2009, they released their highly-anticipated sophomore record, simply titled “The Fray.” Since their first record was extremely successful, this piano-rock band was definitely under pressure to create a great collection of music all over again. Fortunately, they succeeded.

“You Found Me,” the new single on the CD, has become quite popular since its release in November 2008. It reached #7 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart, and is being used to promote the fifth season of the TV series “Lost.” Isaac Slade, lead singer and pianist of The Fray, begins the single quietly at the piano, and turns it into a remarkable rock song that will undoubtedly be stuck in your head after only hearing it once.

Another song, “Absolute,” is particularly engaging with beautifully poetic lyrics. In “Ungodly Hour,” Joe King, guitarist and back-up singer, steps into Slade’s normal place and sings this soft, emotional song that will certainly tug at the listener’s heartstrings. At the close, Dave Welsh’s guitar solo completes the mesmerizing effect this song produces. “We Build Then We Break” is a total surprise, being much darker and edgier than anything else The Fray has written. It displays their amazing talent and diversity.

The overall sound of The Fray is refreshing when compared to the bland conformity of rock artists today. Slade’s distinct voice is enthralling, and, in this album, he shows off his wide vocal range. On the drums, Ben Wysocki is crisp and precise, perfectly tying together the music. Conclusively, I would recommend this CD to anyone who is looking for music that doesn’t blend in with the typical selection that the rock genre offers. This album will not disappoint.

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This article has 4 comments.

Alia_Tan GOLD said...
on Jan. 17 2011 at 9:04 pm
Alia_Tan GOLD, Elk Grove, California
15 articles 0 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I gotta right to sing the blues/
gotta right to moan and sigh/
I gotta right to sit and cry" From "I gotta right to sing the blues" By Louis Armstrong

Awesome review of the Fray! just learned new things i had never known about my number one fave band! :D

on May. 10 2009 at 10:49 pm
hey_itskatelyn PLATINUM, Willis, Texas
21 articles 0 photos 217 comments

Favorite Quote:
“God, of your goodness, give me yourself; you are enough for me, and anything less that I could ask for would not do you full honour. And if I ask anything that is less, I shall always lack something, but in you alone I have everything”

this is a great review of a great band. u cant go wrong. i think u will be published with this soon:)

on Mar. 6 2009 at 2:36 am
Elizabeth's review ROCKS!

glors unk said...
on Mar. 5 2009 at 12:59 pm
i think elizabeth caught the feeling that the frays are trying to project with there music and her review was very informative in all aspects of it's contents. thanks elizabeth from n.j. for a great review .