Tegan and Sara – Sainthood | Teen Ink

Tegan and Sara – Sainthood MAG

October 27, 2009
By purpleninja BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
purpleninja BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
4 articles 1 photo 2 comments

“Sainthood” has to be the most anticipated album of my life. Since twin sisters Tegan and Sara Quin released “The Con” in 2007, I've been hooked. In “Sainthood,” Tegan and Sara really stretched their boundaries.

The album opener, “Arrow,” demonstrates Sara's lyrical abilities, while “Northshore” shows Tegan's pleading attitude and punk-rock influences. The album is about love, heartbreak, dedication, and trying to become a saint for the girl you've pursued for so long.

“Sainthood” is a mix of so many genres that it's hard to find one word to describe this amazing album. It's electro-pop alternative punk-rock indie goodness. Think of biting into a homemade brownie just as it comes out of the oven without the possibility of burning your tongue.

My favorite songs include “Northshore,” “Night Watch,” “Someday,” and “Alligator.” The lyrics are relatable and every song makes you want to sing along. The only complaint I have is the lack of an acoustic ballad-type song, though it might not have fit in well with the rest of the album. Overall, “Sainthood” is simply amazing and worth buying.

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