When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie Mclemore | Teen Ink

When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie Mclemore

May 10, 2017
By Angeletia BRONZE, Fountain Hills, Arizona
Angeletia BRONZE, Fountain Hills, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout just the first few pages of, When The Moon Was Ours, I was mesmerized by the young teenage romanticism. This book brings together so many elements of young fairytales and combines it all to create something magical, something beautiful. In the beginning of the book everything is a mystery. However, as soon the story continues you receive little bits and pieces of the answer to the mystery. One of the main characters, Miel, which means ‘honey’ in spanish, is known as a girl made of water. This is because she tumbles out of a rusty, old well. Miel has roses that bloom from her wrist, each comes because of a distant memory or present emotion. However, when Miel came tumbling out of that well, Sam, a young child her age, was the one to befriend Miel in front of the whole. From the jump Sam and Miel had this connection of understanding. Sam had even dedicated his life to caring for Miel and helping her.

Throughout the novel you start to notice how certain characters find themselves, and everyone around them doesn't judge them, nor shun or push them away. Everyone is accepting of others and even welcoming. Overall, this book brings together that young teenage love and mystery fairytale that lies in all of our once young teenage hearts. This book shows how people should love and accept one another, instead of shaming them or showing any kinds of hatred. If you are one who loves fairytales, young love, and a world of acceptance. Then you should read, When The Moon Was Ours.

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