Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic | Teen Ink

Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic

January 14, 2013
By Hannah Tak BRONZE, Castro Valley, California
Hannah Tak BRONZE, Castro Valley, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone has felt insecurities about themselves at some point in their lives. Whether it’s because of appearances or physical abilities, we often have a desire to fit in and be “normal”. Often times we worry about things like a red pimple that just popped up on our face or getting the worst test grades in the class. However, how do you fit in when you don’t have arms or legs? You would think how can a person, without arms or legs, ever be able to be happy about their self? This was Nick Vujicic’s source of anxiety throughout his school life. In “Life Without Limits” Vujicic talks about the struggles, experiences and the lessons he learned as he trudged through his years growing up with his disability. After a near-death suicide attempt, Nick becomes aware of God’s plans for him and begins to gain a sense of purpose. As Nick continues on with his new mindset, he pursues a path of public speaking; inspiring others to reflect upon their own lives. The book goes through the various points Vujicic picked up throughout his life that helped him to overcome his inner negativity and become the confident speaker he is today. This book is an uplifting read, especially for teens, at a time we strive to gain confidence and discover the meaning in our lives. His charming remarks along with humorous anecdotes all entice the reader to connect with him on a personal level. Vujicic has proven that through one of the biggest obstacles that pushed him down, he found that it’s become one of the biggest blessings he’s ever received. “I love my life just as I love yours. Together, the possibilities for us are just ridiculous. So what do you say? Shall we give it a go, mate?” (x, Life Without Limits-Introduction)


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