A Rip in Heaven by Jeanine Cummins | Teen Ink

A Rip in Heaven by Jeanine Cummins

November 29, 2012
By McCool BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
McCool BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Rip in Heaven is a sorrowful true story about the rape and murder of Robin and Julie Kerry. The only other person who sees what really happened is Tom Cummins their cousin who is a witness to the awful murders that happened on the old Chain of Rocks Bridge. The only problem is that everyone thinks that Tom killed his cousins and is thrown in jail for two counts of first degree murder.
The author is Jeanine Cummins she is also Tom’s sister and Robin and Julie’s cousin. She wrote this book to tell the story of what happened to her cousins. But also to show that even after everything Tom went through he never gave up trying to catch his cousin’s killers. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout. Knowing that this book is real adds a whole new feeling to it. It makes things seem so much more heart wrenching.
It will make you feel sad and mad all at the same time. You will want to yell at the pages and try to stop the events from occurring. Once you start reading this story you will not be able to put it down, it will keep you on the edge of your seat. This book is not for everyone due to the graphic descriptions of the crimes committed to the girls. It will give you a new look into the struggles a witness goes through to bring justice to the perpetrators.


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