Confession Of A Closet Catholic | Teen Ink

Confession Of A Closet Catholic

February 7, 2012
By nikisantoro99 BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
nikisantoro99 BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i dont need good or great i just need posible , if i had a rose for every time i smiled at you i would have a graden

Confessions Of A Closet Catholic is one of my favorite books. It's about a thirteen year old girl and her best friend Mack,who has decided to give up chocolate for lent , but Justine knows god doesn't want her to make that kind of sacrifice.

Therefore she decides to give up being Jewish instead. Justine's bedroom closet becomes her hide out kind of like a tree fort, where she pours out her sins to her teddy bear Father Ted.

But when her grandma suffers through a stroke. Justine worries that her religion switch caused this. Will she lose Bubba , the only person who understands her? This story is taken place on summer holidays, and is a realistic fiction book. Confessions Of A Closet Catholic is an emotional story. This is the type of book that you cant put down. Its like your hands are glued to the book.

Justine silver is the main character that try's to live her life through her tough arguments with her mom and family , and her sister Helen and her brother Sam. One of my connection I have with Justine Silver is she thinks her mom lovers her younger sister and her dog more then she loves her. Sometimes I feel that way about my mom and brother. As you read through this book you will realize the difference between you life style to Justine and how hard it is to be Jewish.

The hook was not in the beginning of the story it was mostly in the middle when Justine is at a sleepover with her best friend,Mack, and Justine's mom comes to pick her up early and spreads the dreadful news. I enjoy the authors writing style cause she really explains the characters well and makes the story seem Non-Fiction.

Near the end Justine becomes stronger and learns to live well, as her life changes greatly she is still Jewish but less sad.

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