The good soldier Schweik and his Fortunes in the World War | Teen Ink

The good soldier Schweik and his Fortunes in the World War

December 25, 2022
By Eusebius1234 BRONZE, Ostrava, Other
Eusebius1234 BRONZE, Ostrava, Other
1 article 0 photos 5 comments

The good soldier Schweik and his Fortunes in the World War is a fantastic satiric
novel, written by a Czech author Jaroslav Hašek in the beginning of the 20th
century. Although is this novel one century old, it is still popular nowadays in 50
countries in the world and it is one of the most translated Czech books and also
one of my favourites. The plot is based in Prague during the First world war and
is full of worldwide-known satiric humour and comedy scenes.

The main storyline is about middle-aged, good-humoured and simple-minded
man, called Josef Švejk, who is drafted to serve in the Austro-Hungarian army,
but because he has a rheumatism, his joining to the army become very
complicated. He is sent to the hospital, where he is threated by clysters and
starving, thereafter he is sent to prison, and when it seems to look like he
would be sent to war, he becomes a servant for a military curate who lost him
in the card game to officer he knows. In the end of the story is Švejk and his
new lord sensed to the war and he is very happy about it.

The first thing i really like about this book is its setting of the story. Reading the
story, we can imagine how probably look like Prague in the war time and few
characters are based on the real people, that lived in this time. The story itself
is full comic scenes, catch-phrases, like jokes to the Austro-Hungarian empire,
society and its own well-known characteristic humour. The main character –
Josef Švejk seems very dull for his behaviour to people around, and almost
every time he does something, he gets angry some arrogant army officer. Every
time the situation seems bad for him and the officers are really angry to him,
he just smiles and tells them what he wants to. This is the main reason, why is
Švejk famous around the world.

I think that there are no thinks to criticise about the story or a style. I would say
that this book is just perfect. Maybe I would add, that some jokes could seem
to be old to the modern readers, but this is not an author’s mistake.

Overall, I would recommend this amazing book for all people, who just readed
this review You will really like it, no matter how old or young you are. The story
is real fun, and If you like good Czech humour just like me, you will definitely
love it.

The author's comments:

This is my first own review about most perfect book ever written. Enjoy!

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jan. 16 2023 at 5:31 pm
bbakhtary BRONZE, Ostrava, Other
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
I have already seen the film adaptation and I really liked it. Yet I was really surprised, that it has been translated to so many languages since there is used the typical Czech humour.

TomasN BRONZE said...
on Jan. 8 2023 at 4:08 pm
TomasN BRONZE, Ostrava, Other
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
Your review pleasantly surprised me! I have never heard about some fun facts before. Its our national masterpiece. I would recommend the film: Dobrý voják Švejk with starring Rudlof Hrušinský. Well done mate.

on Jan. 5 2023 at 4:14 pm
PostikCZ BRONZE, Ostrava, Other
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
I really like stories with jokes but I have never seen or read it. I am thinking about watching it but the book will be better I think.
I did not know that it is so famous in the world. Very nice review!