The New Facebook | Teen Ink

The New Facebook

September 21, 2008
By Anonymous

One day I decided to go online and check a couple of things. I checked my email, looked up some stuff on Wikipedia and sparknoted a book for English class. Then I decided to check my facebook for anything new. That is when my life changed. Well not really changed but it got a little more frustrating. For weeks I had seen the announcements that the new facebook was coming and that I should switch now to learn how to use it. Did I listen? No. Should I have listened? Yes.

Right when I thought I was a pro at using facebook they decided to mess with people like me and change it.
So I get on and begin to play with the new facebook. Immediately I hate it. I look at my profile and it didn’t seem the same. I could not find any of my old applications. I was so disappointed when I could not find my south park character that I had created on my profile. And I still can’t find it. One of the most important applications of mine is gone. Bumper stickers. I used to have a collection of them and now they are all gone. What has this world come to when someone loses all of their bumper stickers?

Then there is what used to be something very easy to use on facebook now complicates my life further; the wall. My wall is just thrown into the middle of my profile and it mixes with my news feed. So now when I get a friend it gets mixed together with my wall. It all just gets very clustered.

The next thing to hate about the new facebook is the home section. I do not understand what the point of having those tabs on the home page is all about. All it does is confuse me more than it helps me.

I kind of figured out how to post pictures and stuff but it is still complicated for my liking. It was better in the simple days when all you had to do was click upload photo instead of having to go through the process of finding the photo application tab, which is hidden, and then uploading it.

I do not understand why the creators of facebook changed it. All I have to say is why? Why? why? why? why? why? The best way to put it is the way I group I recently joined on facebook puts it; THE NEW FACEBOOK BLOWS.

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