Restaurant Review | Teen Ink

Restaurant Review

January 3, 2022
By Anonymous

People have been talking about the newest Vietnamese restaurant, 95-Pho, in Pembroke Pines. I have not eaten Vietnamese food in a long time, and I have been craving it lately and I thought this would be a perfect time share my experience.

            After jumping out the car, the first thing I noticed was the longest line ever. I will definitely say my least favorite part was the line. I ended up waiting for ten minutes outside to just enter the restaurant. And guess what? I was still far away from the cash register. If you come early than the line probably won’t be so long.

            As I waited in line, I realized that this was not like a regular restaurant, where the waiters sit you down and you eat comfortably. Instead, you had to save yourself a seat on one the turquoise cushioned seats, if you decided to dine inside. I did not enjoy that part that much as I like to be seated and enjoy my food, but it depends on you and where you feel more comfortable eating. The rectangular modern restaurant is stunning. It is set up like Chipotle, but it has pastel colors on the wall, with sage titles. All the colors complemented each other; it truly is a modern twist.

            Moving forward in line, I was able to get a glimpse of the menu. This was somewhat of my favorite part as it reduces the number of individual menus around the restaurant. The television screens glows with sage above the food station writes out the plates they sell and the prices. I find this convenient as everyone from a far or close by can easily read.

            Finally, I arrived to place my order of my food! Certainly, my favorite part as I sniffed the Banh Mi bread baking in the back and the barbeque strips of steak sizzling on the stove was music to my ears. My stomach started grumbling as I saw the toppings laid out. The plethora of toppings to pick in your sandwiches would satisfy anyone!

            Despite, my minor dislike of the long line and the structure of the restaurant, overall the menu and the food was my favorite part. I would rate the restaurant a 4.5 out of 5 and would recommend it to anyone as the food satisfied will your stomach and the color theme used in the restaurant will satisfied your eyes.

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