Warrior-Cobra Lacrosse Stick | Teen Ink

Warrior-Cobra Lacrosse Stick MAG

By Anonymous

   Created by the world-renowned Warrior Lacrosse Company, this new Cobra is the first lax stick with a curved head, and was made in the summer of 1996 and released in stores the following spring.

The Cobra's design makes it difficult to have a lot of accuracy when throwing and shooting, but because of the curve, it helps with faster shot. The Cobra also helps a great deal when picking up ground balls because you don't have to bend over as much as you would have to if you had a straight head. The Cobra is also much lighter than most sticks, enabling more stick control.

The Cobra is a great addition to the lacrosse field and should help many players with their game. I have one and I've used it for a year and can say nothing but good things about it. The Warrior Lacrosse Company should get a reward for inventing such a great product. The new curved head is the best stick out in stores. .

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i love this so much!