From the perspective of Cinderella | Teen Ink

From the perspective of Cinderella

March 2, 2009
By singer BRONZE, Rosemount, Minnesota
singer BRONZE, Rosemount, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Every Flower that ever bloomed had to go through a whole lot of dirt to get there.


I loved playing the title role in Giant Step Theatre's Cinderella. It was fun, but there was a lot of hard work involved.

First off, I had to memorize a ton of lines and songs. It wasn't that hard, because I love to memorize things, but I still had to work at it. Then there was the development of four to five practices a week, for three hours each time. Luckily, I was able to carpool with some little friends. AKA: mice. After that came some costume issues; we had to find a ballroom dress. I actually ended up using my grandmothers wedding dress, but my poor mom had to create a panel with buttons for the back because the dress was too small, sew blue onto the panel and make the dress look like it actually fit me.

During all this, I developed a real life crush on my 'Prince Charming.' It turned out that he liked me back, so he 'asked me out.' (To which I said yes!) The news spread like wildfire through the cast, and soon I had little kids coming up and grinning at me as if they knew a secret. It was actually really fun to see.

Finally the first performance arrived, and I was scared out of my mind! As I hurried on in the second scene, I was so nervous, I was shaking. But as the lights came up, I completely submerged myself in the character of Cinderella. Her problems, feelings and thoughts became my own, and soon I was enjoying myself beyond words.

After the show, I had little girls in Cinderella dresses come up to me and ask for a picture with me and, believe it or not, my autograph!

All in all, even though it was tough, acting as Cinderella was probably the best experience I've ever had.

The author's comments:
I loved acting as Cinderella; it was one of the best experiences I've had in my life.

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