Moments of Clarity | Teen Ink

Moments of Clarity

May 30, 2012
By DreamWriteRepeat SILVER, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
DreamWriteRepeat SILVER, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

The best song lyrics were born out of a shower, rushing to find a pen and an old receipt, a scrap of unwanted mail, an extra napkin, anything. The perfect words to say always strike at midnight, lying awake in bed with an analysis of conservations replaying in your head. The meaning of life can be determined on an over-stayed visit to the bathroom. You can discover who your real friends are on your way to the check-out line at Wal-Mart. Pointless drives to nowhere can guide you to who you want to be, and exempted final exams can make you realize how much you’ve missed writing like ink is running through your veins, naturally and endlessly. In these moments, your mind is fueled by the charity that sweeps over you, and it’s no accident that it happened when you least expected it.

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