Religion: A Game of Fools | Teen Ink

Religion: A Game of Fools

June 7, 2016
By Alessia BRONZE, Tirana, Other
Alessia BRONZE, Tirana, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Religion is a massive influence in our daily lives. It has affected us for centuries on end, since when the early primitive humans created deities to explain natural events, and it still does nowadays when the primitive humans still create or believe in deities to explain natural events. However, are these other worldly forces that supposedly explain everything that surrounds us, our creation, etc, real? Or was the mere basis of some people’s existence created by a couple of psychotic guys, centuries ago?

There is a wide variety of religions, all believing in different phenomenons, Creators, and events happening after one’s death. However, most religions have one thing in common:death never means you just cease existing, there is always something after the fatality. Your soul is either elevated to a holy place where it also meets the Creator, or it is forever doomed to Hell, Naraka, Jahannam, etc, and your lifelong deeds either bless or destroy you.

Religion is also a way to control and manipulate the population, especially when taught, and indoctrinated at a young age. Who would want to be doomed to an eternity in Hell, or other equivalents of it? Therefore, people are frightened to commit sins in fear of perpetual damnation. Many religions have holy manuscripts that explain why certain actions are considered sins.

Another aspect in which many religions seem to be pretty similar, is the oppression, demonisation, alienation, or the debilitating of women. Religion's effect on the people and their mindset is one of the main reasons why there is, and always has been an inequality between the two genders. The elimination of the belief that women are dependent on men would be the only solution to the difference between the genders; however, such a riddance could never happen whilst religion is still part of our lives.

Believing in an other worldly or spiritual force is what most people consider to be their saviour. They say that prayer will get them through the tough times; God will help them through it; and some even go to a certain extent as to believe that they can cure diseases through prayer. The absurdity of the fact is truly impressive, and it is more proof that if there is a God, it is a creature that deceives the people that believe in him so very much. Furthermore, if God is almighty and fair, then why are there wars in the world today? Why are innocent people being killed in his name? 

Additionally, the concept of holy places, especially churches, has got an aura of immunity surrounding it. Churches are not obligated to pay taxes and if people are trialed against the church they will most likely lose against it, because how could a court of law offend the Almighty by saying a church is ever wrong?


Throughout history there have been documented cases of rape, and abuse, happening in churches; however never were any of these priests or members of the church trialed and found guilty, which leads many people to believe that actions such as rape are still occurring nowadays, and if so there is no end in sight.

It is important that whatever our views regarding religion are, we keep an open mind towards the people that live by it, because after they halt trying to cure diseases science has yet to find cures for, with prayer, and dedication to God, they might need the help of other people to cope with the results. God bless!

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