We Must | Teen Ink

We Must

February 12, 2016
By MJR00 SILVER, Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania
MJR00 SILVER, Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania
9 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself"(Rachel Carson).

"You can't save all of the shots, but you must believe you can" (Anonymous).

Why must we ask permission to be ourselves?

Why must we pay for simple rights?

Why must we work so much for so little?

Why must we give in exchange for an incentive?

Why must we let the warped minds of society force upon us laws against one another?

Why must our voices be censored?

Why must we accept this and play the game?

Why must we just find a scapegoat to blame?


No it's not hard to explain. What's hard is to find those who will listen, those who will change. We can't force our ideas, but we can listen and accept and be open minded. But if we continue in this society, this chaotic society where those who try to change are pushed back down. 


What we must do is listen to each other. Learn from each other. Love each other. 


There will be those who challenge us, who deny us. But they can't stop us.


No, I will not continue to accept the society we live in today. Not while others thrive off those that need help, where we kick a man while they're down. No. This society is not for each other, but against each other. I don't want to live in a "dog eat dog" world. I won't allow it. We shouldn't allow it. We can't allow it any longer.

Instead of agreeing with the power and the popular, stand against it.


No we mustn't stop. We must never stop. Yes, we must change.

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