Voting: The Contribution to Our Future | Teen Ink

Voting: The Contribution to Our Future

October 23, 2019
By evaf13 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
evaf13 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Voting has slowly disappeared from the minds of Americans. Thoughts spin in whirlwinds of stress to ideas like jobs, school, technology, friendships, and little thought goes into voting. Today’s generation is so fixated on what is new and upcoming, such as social media trends, follower status, and having the newest iPhone. Little attention is paid to voting. However, when we do not pay attention to voting, we lose the ability to have an impact on laws that are passed or decisions that are made at the local, state, and federal level.  

The right I have as an American is that I can express my views on politics, ideas, and candidates. The luck and joy of living in a country with these rights is unusual and in the extreme minority worldwide. Many countries get to vote, but often the vote is fixed or unfair in some way. As a citizen in the United States, I experience free and fair elections. It is my duty to express my vote. 

 If I choose not to vote, I cannot complain about the outcome. Soldiers fought for freedom from England and the right to rule our own country. Women fought for the right to vote along with minorities. It is a part of our freedoms in our country, to be able to elect officials that stand up for what we believe in.  

The outcome from my voting is getting the government I ask for to represent me. If I did not contribute or vote, I would lose the chance for my views to be represented in our government. Things can change when the power is only in the hands of a few voters. Freedoms can disappear in the blink of an eye. And that is why voting is important to our country, our city, and most importantly, to me. 

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