The Misunderstanding of Feminism | Teen Ink

The Misunderstanding of Feminism

December 6, 2018
By Gredel_ikonomi SILVER, Tirana, Other
Gredel_ikonomi SILVER, Tirana, Other
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 It’s been a long time since women and men around the world started fighting for women’s rights. They are not here to discriminate other genders, but on the contrary they want equality for every gender, race, belief.

 Feminists have done a lot of things in the past few years and as we know they are going to do more. If it wasn’t for feminists girls wouldn’t get the right to vote. Perhaps their greatest achievement is winning the right to vote for women and allowing them to part of politics candidates. They brought women out of household and realized that a balanced court is a happier court.

Feminists called out rape culture and sexual harassment. A lot of people don’t appreciate this, but the only thing they can say is that feminism is just a waste of time and it is not important in our society. And this really hurts me, especially when women themselves say it. Maya Angelou once said: “I’m a Feminist. I’ve been a female for a long time now. It’d be stupid not to be on my own side now”. And if you think that feminism is not worth it, then you don’t want our voices, our mother’s, our sister’s voices to be heard and counted in this world, because in my point of view everyone deserves the right to share their ideas and be respected. Women are underappreciated and many people don’t believe in our power. Let’s take a look at ourselves, let’s take a look to all the women in our lives, and we are not all the same, but I’m pretty sure that one of them is very important to you. We have a lot to give in this world, but how can we give when we already know that we are not being listened. We need give more chances to them, because they have proved their potential and values to the world. Like Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.”

Women today are not only underappreciated, but also underpaid, and not only hispanic and black women are paid less than the rest of us. According to data from the US Census Bureau , today, on average, a woman earns 80.5 cents for every dollar a man earns, and women's median annual earnings are $10,086 less than men's. It’s not about getting rich it’s about equality.

I’ve heard some people say that feminists want girls to be more powerful than boys. And why would we ever want that? If it wouldn’t have been for men, a lot of things wouldn’t happen. We respect men not only because they are part of our community, but also they make the world better, and a better world is when everybody is treated equally, no matter who they are.

Have you ever wondered how hard is for us girls to show ourselves out there? Because we can be judged by anyone of what we wear or what color is our hair. Each and every girl is different. Some like sports more than the other, some live for fashion, some really don’t care what they wear. If a girl is ‘too girly’, people would say she is annoying and is doing it for attention. If she really doesn’t care about what she wears or how she looks people would judge her and call her ugly and tell her to change. Also we are scared of who might be out there, because as we well know women can be raped and sexually harassed at anytime. And this really needs to stop and be fought of no matter you like feminism or not.

There are always people who will never understand the true meaning of feminism, which is really sad. Their thoughts about feminism are not going to end, but as well there are women who are not going to end fighting for themselves. Feminism aims equality. G.D.Anderson once said:“Feminism is not about women being strong. They already are. It’s about changing the way the world perceives the strength.”

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