One Last Day | Teen Ink

One Last Day

January 20, 2022
By Anonymous

One last day. My last day as a senior is going to probably feel indecisive–  on one hand I want to move onto bigger and better things, but on the other hand I just want to stay here with  my friends and the people I grew up with. I'm happy most of us are still  here and that we all passed our classes, but sad that most of these people I will never see again.

On my first day of high school I was so nervous, I remember crying the night before because I was so scared to even go, telling my mom “I can’t do it, please don't make me go”. I wish I could go back and tell that girl that it’s not going to be easy but you are going to have so much fun. I wish I could go back and tell her that you are going to make so many new friends– friends that will get you grounded, friends that you will do gymnastics with, and friends that weren’t meant to be.

I am going to miss so many things about high school and all the memories I have made. I will never forget all the fooling around my table in the lunchroom sophomore year, throwing oranges, plastic gloves, and better yet barbie dolls at each other. I will never forget walking all around the freshman lunch area saying hello to half the people there. I remember buying eight kickstarts one day, stacking them one by one to make a tower out of them. I will never forget all the times I was late to class, because I was walking around with friends, or the first hour because I slept through the five alarms I had. I will never forget all of the failed quizzes or tests that got passed back to me– or taking a Chinese quiz and getting a zero percent on it. I will never forget all the times teachers yelled at me or sent an email to my mom because I just walked out of study hall. 

That last day is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions and I don’t know if any of us will really ever be actually mentally prepared for that day. I still think I'm a sophomore half the time and I am halfway into junior year, which is a scary thought to say the least. I am going to miss pretty much everything about Arrowhead and when it comes time for that last day, that last lunch, and the last time waiting for the bell to ring. I hope I get to go off into the world and experience life to the fullest because you never know how much time is really left until it's gone.

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