A Letter to My Future Self | Teen Ink

A Letter to My Future Self

April 22, 2016
By thatsunshine BRONZE, Maasin, Other
thatsunshine BRONZE, Maasin, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Sunshine,

This is somewhat bizarre for a sixteen-year-old you because you know i get blank when it comes to things like this.. writing a letter from myself to myself.

I hope when you’re reading this you got everything you wanted. I hope that you’ve become the person you’ve worked so hard on becoming but somehow managed you keep your sass because the world made you that way for a reason. Okay, so I am gonna ask you a lot of questions.

What was the first thing you did after you turned eighteen? Did you go on an adventure with your friends? What college did you ultimately decide to attend? What course have you finally chosen? Is it what you love? Are you still that fearless and happy kid? Do you still eat with your bare hands? Do you still play dodgeball with kids? Do you still eat like a caveman? Have you finally gained the weight you deserve after abusing your stomach? Do you still have that boisterous laugh?

Did you break the no-boyfriend-until-you-finish-college rule? I doubt that. Haha! Remember how boys tremble because of your not-so-entertaining attitude? Oh wait,that’s an understatement. Have you found “the one”? How is he coping with you? I can’t even imagine you living with a guy. What is the best and worst thing about being an adult? What countries have you conquered with the squad? Do you still hang out with the same group of friends? I hope you still do because those friends were more precious than diamonds.

Do you still do that thing where you basically talk to yourself on Twitter at three in the morning? Do you still sound crazy every time you do that? Do you still have that unique penmanship that only you could read and understand? Are you still that cranky girl who doesn’t care what people thinks about her craziness and do you still have that shot-gun mouth? Does your eyes still sparkle every time you behold the fiery rays of the sun and the tantalizing stars? Do you still have the same mannerism, like smelling your nails after scratching your head or the way your nose crinkle when you laugh? Are you still the queen of mischief? What things have you lost all this time? Well, I am expecting a scroll of that list.

I hope that between now and then, you’ll have learned a lot more and grown into an amazing young adult with a bright future. I bet you’re already sitting in your desk in a fifty storey building overlooking the sky and the world while you’re reading this message.
I hope that you turned out to be successful. If you have kids, read to your children. Let them run around barefoot, climbing trees and getting filthy. Let them experience the happiness you felt when you were a child. Let them discover things just like you did. I know you wouldn’t trade those memories for the world. And please don’t exercise favoritism in the family. You of all people know how it feels to be the dreaded “middle child”. Please love all of them equally.

Don’t worry so much. (You got it from your beloved mom and dad, yea) They have your husband’s bravery and your integrity; they will be fine. You’re a magnificent mother. Remember to look at them every single day. Look at them properly; take them in, write them down, capture every spectacular moment of growth. Don’t forget how brave you are.

P.S: Never answer these questions until you reach the age thirty and don’t forget to answer them either.


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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 9 2016 at 7:58 am
janitaregalado BRONZE, Cebu, Other
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

on May. 9 2016 at 7:55 am
janitaregalado BRONZE, Cebu, Other
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
awee i love this!!! can't wait for u to answer all this!