5 Love Lessons Every Girl Needs to Learn | Teen Ink

5 Love Lessons Every Girl Needs to Learn

January 7, 2014
By BriannaW23 BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
BriannaW23 BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"To believe in love, you have to believe in fairytales and prince charmings" - Taylor Swift

1. Always look before you fall. I have a tendency to fall too fast and too far when it comes to guys. I think that’s because when you say hello to someone and it’s magical, you never ever expect that it wasn’t really magical to begin with. But when we do find someone that the magical feelings really do come around, he’ll catch you when you fall.

2. Believe in fairytales. I know we all watched Disney princess movies as children and I know we all once hoped for a fairytale when we grew up. Truth be told, we can still have a fairytale. We may not get a castle or a ball gown, but we should always hope that we’re going to meet a guy that has prince charming qualities.

3. Don’t ignore the red flags. I made the mistake of going on a date with someone that had all kinds of red flags. I knew that there was never going to be a future with him, but I let my feelings cloud my judgment. I can honestly say that it was the first date of my life. To save yourself regret and hurt, date people you can see yourself with down the road.

4. Don’t let past relationships define your new ones. I know, breaking up is tough and we always look for the past in the future. When my ex-boyfriend and I broke up, I started to look for him in every one that I met. I started wishing that he was the one I was at the movies with or the one I was having dinner with. But if I keep dwelling on how the relationship ended, I’m never going to be happy with anyone else I meet. Don’t let past boyfriends decide when the right time to move on is.

5. Be fearless. Love is a pretty scary thing. I think it scares us a lot more than it scares boys. I think that we should face it head on and not be scared of the heartbreak we could endure. I know we’re all scared of getting hurt, but if we let fear define who we love, than what’s the point of the journey that falling in love takes us on. Be fearless and say what you feel because tomorrow could be too late.

The author's comments:
As my last relationship just ended, I learned a lot. I learned a lot about love and how to deal with the heartbreak that follows. And as I continue to move on, I find myself wanting to make sure girls know these love lessons before they make my mistakes.

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