I Believe In Beauty in the World | Teen Ink

I Believe In Beauty in the World

September 27, 2011
By hart.kaylee BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
hart.kaylee BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" Jimmi Hendrix

For all my life, I've always believed in bear feet on green grass, that art could overcome war, and starry nights. I've believed that the grass is greener on the other side and that a beautiful day can put a smile on anyone's face. I believe that beauty is like a delicate rose with no destruction to the world, but a beautiful panorama for many to take pleasure in. There is more to life then destruction. There is more to life than fear. Why must we fight, if it seems to solve nothing? I believe in being able to walk down my city streets and show no alarm and have no worries. Imagine peace rather than war. I believe one day that the people of our nation will rise into a greater power-the greater power being harmony.
The world is more than just a hole full of bombs, but it's our only canvas, and the striking people of our nation are the painters. So we mustn't damage the fine sheet, for if we do, we will be left with nothing other than the broken hearts of many believers and the trodden souls of the innocent. I believe in climbing a tree rather than tearing it down and i believe in recycling rather than polluting. If we work as a community who loves our earth, we will have no uncertainties. I believe that when the downpour falls down from the skies, that we rejoice it, not run. I look at all the people and dream of a better world one day. A world where we no longer have to live in panic, where there is enough food to provide for everyone, where the waters of the seas aren't damaged by human actions. Let beauty spread it's live like cancer, in hopes to transform the world. Inspire those who refuse to dream about world peace and turn them into believers.
I acquire my delight as i watch beauty grow. It shall grow immense. It shall grow strong. Yet it will stay saccharine and fond. I believe that there will one day be peace on earth, where we will be friends with all races and religions. Mass and figure may separate us from looks, but deep down, we all have the same soft tissue and pounding heart that throbs within our rib cage and is dying to be loved by the people who surround us. It will let no sin harm its peace, and it will let creation take over your mind and fill it with beauty. It shall create beauty where you walk and turn the hideous into loveliness. For where you walk, flowers will mature, and where you stand, violence shall not arise. As Jimmi Hendrix once said, "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace".

The author's comments:
I am a hippie child.

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