Movie Genres | Teen Ink

Movie Genres

October 19, 2023
By 4greuel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
4greuel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Many of my family members like different movie genres. My father and brother love action movies. The movies make them feel alive. The plot of a villain or hero is like music to their ears. I too enjoy a good action film, but to me there is such a thing as too many. They also get repetitive and everyone copies one another’s ideas, but my father, brother, and I disagree on that part. 

My mother and I, however, love romantic comedies. Something about the drama in the plot line speaks to us. A personal favorite of ours is Hitch. Kevin James and Will Smith what could go wrong. The feeling we get when the guy gets the girl is like all the world’s problems magically being resolved. They bring us comfort and peace of mind. 

My Grandma Michelle loves horror movies more specifically the Scream movies. The intensity for her is like reading a good book, you just can’t put it down, she just can’t look away from the TV. She jumps with every scare as if the killer from the movie isn’t after the characters but really is after her.

 My Grandpa Roland loves old westerns. They remind him of what it’s like to be young. Those teach morals and the justice of an eye for an eye. To my grandpa that’s the way life should be an eye for an eye; he’s old school like that.

 My grandma Shirley loves the cheesy bad acting of Hallmark romances. Their random meeting or the two estranged high school sweethearts coming back together for her are like seeing the cousins you missed that you just relate to so much for no reason. Even though each of those movies are inevitably the same, each one brings her that joy of seeing love and romance. They bring the relationship her and her first husband had together back to life. The way she says it, they were love at first sight. 

All though there is one movie genre we as a family all love and enjoy. That genre is comedy. A good joke from a movie or a stand-up comedian lights up our house. The entire mood changes from an intense gloomy evening to a bright sun-shiny day. Hearing each other laugh brings a smile to all of our faces. Each of us can’t get enough. Those are the kinds of movies that teach our family love and bring us closer together. To my family there is no such thing as too many comedy movies and we can re-watch the same ones and still laugh just as much.

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