Should Cannabis Be Legalized? | Teen Ink

Should Cannabis Be Legalized?

December 21, 2016
By Anonymous

I do not support Cannabis being legalized and there are many reasons behind this opinion that I have. I don’t believe that people actually need it to help with medical conditions even though there are studies because there are studies about everything now that convince people that bad things are good and they believe it just because someone did some tests and said it is healthy.

One reason i that i think it should not be legalized is because it basically makes you a different person or effects the things you would normally do while you weren’t high. That’s only short term though; there are also long term effects from using this drug. If you were to use this drug as a teenager you can damage your brain. The drug makes your  thinking, memory, and learning functions slower than what it should be. Even if you quit the drug after heavily using it in your teen years all of the mental abilities do not fully come back.

Reason number two is that when you know someone before and after the started the drug you and tell the difference and it isn’t always pretty. I knew a kid a couple years back who was very smart and after he started taking the drug he had a slow decrease in intelligence and you could tell that. I also have a cousin in California who takes it for medical reasons, but i honestly think that she could be taking something else. Maybe something that we know the long term effect on as in a drug man created for whatever she has wrong with her. The point is that this drug changes you as in the way you act and how your peers see you.

Reason three by having this drug legal you open up a door for more teenagers or even younger people to be able to get a hold of this drug causing more brain damage and a dumber generation. I believe this is something we do not need to have happen because young people should be worried about good grades and getting into college not how they are going to get their next joint. I know that it opens more jobs for people, but if you had kids would you be willing to tell your kids that you work on a pot farm? Don’t you think that would open up a door for bad decisions?

There are good things that come from legalizing Cannabis, but I believe the bad overcomes what the good has to show. More jobs, medical treatments, and whatever else it can do to “Make America Great Again” isn’t worth what it will do to future generations of Americans. So, yes I do not believe Cannabis should be legalized.

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