The Truth I See | Teen Ink

The Truth I See

May 1, 2012
By marzapan PLATINUM, Westchester, Pennsylvania
marzapan PLATINUM, Westchester, Pennsylvania
48 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
"do not lead me unto temptation, i can find the way my self" rita brown
"die fish Hitler die" jake: homestuck
"My only friend growing up was a yak." -Russia (Hetalia)
"Pants are your first priority." -My friend

Have you noticed that so many people block others out, not because they think that persons bad or they just don't like them, but because they don't like the way they dress, or talk, or walk, or any other reason out of many stupid reasons to discriminate against others. Why is it so hard to look past someones accent or fashion sense and see the reel person? Is it so hard to be friends with someone because you like them for who they are? Open your eyes, you may not notice it, but it happens everywhere. Schools, malls, parks, and so many other places. You may not know this, but chances are, even you're a culprit. People don't deserve it, for we are more than just our style, color, and our voices.

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