Illegal Immigrants Should Not Be Allowed To Get a Driver's License | Teen Ink

Illegal Immigrants Should Not Be Allowed To Get a Driver's License

October 17, 2017
By LilTolu BRONZE, Houston, Texas
LilTolu BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 What would you do if one of your loved ones was in a car crash. Although the police can not identify the person who hit them because their is no legal information of them.Illegal immigrants should not be allowed to get a driver’s license because the government can not verify their history, 20% of fatal car crashes involve an undocumented immigrant, 7,300 U.S. citizens are killed annually by unlicensed drivers and half of them are illegal.

To explain why illegal immigrants should not be allowed to get driver license is because we can not verify their history. Immigrants come from another country and in that other country we do not know if they have a criminal history or not. The government does not know if they are coming to the United States because they are running away from a crime they did. The government does not know if they are coming to the United States as a mission to do something wicked to the society. For example on december 29, Richard Nackowski was riding his motorcycle across the Palm city bridge, when Antonio Rubio- Sanchez struck the back of his bike. Nackowski hit the pavement and then Antonio took off. Antonio Rubio- Sanchez, an illegal immigrant that was charged with driving without a license and leaving the scene of a crash involving death.

Furthermore illegal immigrants should not to get a driver license because 20% of all fatal crashes involve an undocumented immigrant. According to fox news “20 people are killed daily by undocumented immigrants”. This confirms that undocumented immigrants should not be allowed to obtain a license. At Golden state university, Drew Rosenberg, a 25 year old student was riding his motorcycle. When Roberto Galo, an undocumented immigrant, struck him. While Roberto was trying to flee the scene, Roberto ran over drew twice. This shows that undocumented drivers are careless and, do we want them on america’s street. 

In addition, to why illegal immigrants should not be allowed to get a driver license is because 7,300 U.S. citizens lose their life to undocumented drivers. According to ABC news 13.8 percent, or 38,374 had a license that was suspended, revoked, expired, canceled or denied, had no license at all. So do these drivers deserve a driver license after 7,300 U.S. citizens are killed annually. Furthermore they are three times  more likely to be drunk driving undocumented immigrants. Also it was five times more likely to be and hit an run.

On the other hand giving undocumented immigrants a driver's license, gives Homeland Security a way to track drivers. According to Boston globe “ making licensing available to every motorists who can prove during competence reduces the number of uninsured drivers, creating more equitable insurance cost”. So giving undocumented immigrants driver's license, let the government track immigrants and make america’s street safer.

In conclusion, illegal immigrants should not be allowed to get a driver license because the government can not verify their history, 20% of fatal car crashes involve an undocumented immigrant, 7,300 U.S. citizens are killed annually by unlicensed drivers and half of them are illegal. The U.S.government should look into more undocumented drivers, how many are involved in hit and run, and how many citizens die.

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