Why Wait to Save Lives? | Teen Ink

Why Wait to Save Lives?

November 1, 2015
By 1414ajs SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
1414ajs SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In 2014 alone there were 51,739 gun violence related incidents. Amongst these incidents 12,562 people were killed. 12,562 lives were lost because of a gun, an object meant to protect protect. Of these deaths, 628 of them were children between the ages of 0 and 11. Where any of these children doing something so bad that they deserved to be killed? Does anyone who has lived barely over a decade deserve to die? Americans have changed next to nothing after these mass shootings, and wouldn’t you know it, they keep happening. It is not fair to take away the entire country's guns because of the few who disobey, however if this option will save thousands of lives every year it should be taken into consideration. Americans have sat on the sidelines mourning the innocent deaths shooting after shooting and done nothing. Gun laws need to change before another mother is told that her four-year-old was shot and killed. The United States needs to outlaw guns, in today's society it is simply unnecessary and dangerous to have guns, other countries have lead by example and the U.S. should learn from them.


Gun activist’s main argument is that having guns is their constitutional right. The second amendment to the constitution was written in 1791. It is safe to say that after 224 years, a couple of things have changed. When the constitution was written, the United States was an entirely different country than it is today. People wanted to right to bear arms so that they could overthrow the military if it was getting too powerful. The military today is much stronger and less corrupt today than it used to be. The people of American can not neglect what is happening today and be overruled by a law that was written over 200 years ago. Paul Waldman stated “Every right is subject to limitation when it begins to threaten others, and the Supreme Court has affirmed that even though there is an individual right to gun ownership, the government can put reasonable restrictions on that right”. This statement is absolutely true, people have the right to practice their religion but not if it includes human sacrifice. The amount of people threatened by this “constitutional” right is out of control and people need to look at this argument with a more reasonable perspective. America has changed since the constitution was written and so should the gun laws.
In 2014, there were 283 mass shootings, this amount of shootings is absurd. Thousands have died and the laws have not changed. In the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school in 2012, twenty-six people were killed, including twenty children. If twenty defenseless kindergarteners being killed does not make a difference then what will? Is the ability to own a gun worth movie theaters and schools full of children being shot?  Image of a woman on the phone at Sandy Hook Elementary

In this day and age, a gun is simply not necessary to protect yourself, unless of course the other person is coming at you with a gun. In no way is every gun owner going to go on a crazy shooting spree but the people that will are hard to weed out. Not everyone who has a sudden impulse to kill people has a preexisting mental condition. If guns were taken away from the people of America 100% of gun related deaths would be prevented. Think of it like those couple kids who ate glue in preschool, it was hard to know who would eat it but when they took the glue away nobody ate any. It is unfortunate that these people ruin guns for everyone but it is better to make them unhappy and protect people rather than let more and more people die.

Republican parties receive generous donations from the NRA or National Rifle Association. This clearly pro-gun group donates money to republicans and because of this the republicans do everything in their power to prevent any type of gun restriction from being passed. this is the type of corruption should be illegal. Why does the United States not see that a change needs to be made but other countries do? Australia has legitimately threatened to boycott the United States in the wake of the recent Oregon shootings. Other people are afraid to come to the U.S. because guns have become too much of a threat in everyday lives. Between the years of 1970 and 2014 there were 3,521 terrorism related deaths and thus far in 2015 there have been 9,940 gun related deaths. This statistic sheds light on the fact that we are killing each other more than terrorists are. Nobody is stopping anti-terrorist laws from being passed so there is no reason in stopping stricter gun control laws.

Australia on average has 1.4 million homicides while the U.S. has 29.7 million. The difference between the U.S. and Australia is that Australia has strict gun laws. After one single mass shooting in 1996 leaving 35 dead, Australia responded with stricter gun control laws. Since then there have been no mass shootings in Australia. What is comes down to is the people of Australia would rather have no mass shootings and not have guns than have guns and have 283 mass shootings in one single year. It just took just one shooting for the people of Australia to realize, maybe something needs to change. So what is the United States waiting for? Why have the people of America let this go on? Yes, the blame deserves to go to the people who have prevented stricter gun laws. If the United States changed their ways, twenty more kids would be starting third grade this year.

Thousands upon thousands of people have died because the citizens of America are too stubborn to change their ways. It is disgusting that these people would rather have a gun than another person on this earth. Guns have become a hobby and that is not what they are intended to be. They were intended to protect but they have killed more people than they have protected. It is time to rid the nation of these and countless lives will be saved. The people of the United States of America deserve to not be afraid to drop their children off at school, they deserve to not think twice about going to the movies. That is a right far more important than owning a device designed to kill.

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Cruiser18 said...
on May. 3 2016 at 4:13 pm
Hitler took away his citizens guns.