Alternative Medicine: The Better Choice. | Teen Ink

Alternative Medicine: The Better Choice.

February 21, 2013
By Chloe123 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
Chloe123 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Alternative Medicine has been around since ancient times and has been used by both animals and humans. So why isn’t it trusted? Critics say that alternative medicine is “unproven” but statistically it has a higher success rate and it works long term. In actuality, alternative medicine is the right choice; conventional medicine just doesn’t cut it.

Alternative medicine contains a variety of treatments. All ranging from therapies to needles. Meditation is one type of therapy; it increases the gray matter in the brain and reduces the risk of heart attacks because it is a stress reducer. Gray matter in the brain is what controls sensory nerves and sends a message to your muscles on how to move. A chiropractor preforms a physical therapy where they move the bones around to help skeletal and muscular pains. Aromatherapy creates better mental and physical health. It uses herbal oils and flowers it is applied to the skin through massage or in a warm bath. Also if breathed in, the oils trigger olfactory glands. Also there is acupuncture. Acupuncture is a treatment in which an acupuncturist places needles in one’s body in specific places to stimulate nerves. Alternative Medicine is often criticized. So how does it differ with conventional medicine? Alternative Medicine has been used since the beginning of times by animals and humans so it is older. Now conventional medicine is pretty new and advanced, so the difference is really the amount of time it has existed. Also, conventional medicine is what a common doctor would prescribe. For example an antibiotic would be conventional medicine whereas acupuncture is an alternative medicine.

Alternative medicine was first technically used by animals. Humans observed this behavior and later copied it, this has been going on for ages. In the very beginning, medicine used was charms, spells, and religious rituals. This was combined with good diet, exercise, fresh air, sunlight, sleep, massage, herbs, roots, bark, leaves, and seeds. Many toxic drugs were used, but they stopped using them due to unsafe side effects. Native Americans were among some of the known users of alternative medicine. They used herbs, shrubs, and tree bark. Their treatments were based purely on nature and folk tradition. Acupuncture has been used up to 2,000 to 5,000 years ago. It started in Eastern regions and was used on livestock. Aromatherapy was used by Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. One popular Arabian physician distilled aromatic oils from plants, which was revolutionary. Speaking of revolutionary, Western medicine became the definition of revolutionary. Alternative medicine became more successful. So successful that 1/3 of medical schools were alternative medical schools. They realized that conventional medicine wasn’t working, for one patients were advised to drink water from sources that had dirty water. Also, doctors performed surgeries without washing their hands which led to many further diseases. The success of alternative medicine combined with the ineffectiveness of conventional medicine affected the use of medicines later on.

Alternative medicine is still used in modern times. One commonly used medicine is dietary supplements. Dietary supplements boost nutrients and help fight diseases such as heart disease, infection, and osteoporosis. These supplements are filled with proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fats, and carbs. Many healthcare specialists recommend them; clearly it has many benefits and should be accepted. Another treatment that is used a lot is bodywork. Bodywork helps exactly what it says, your body. It helps alignment, flexibility, and coordination. There are 4 different types of bodywork. One is Hellerwork, which uses deep tissue massages. It fixes headaches, musculoskeletal pains, and stress. There is also the Trager Approach. It includes mental and physical exercises and it helps with mobility. It helps with Asthma, headaches, high blood pressure, and Sciatica. Another type of bodywork is Feldenkrais Method. This incorporates coordination and flexibility with hands on guidance and verbal instruction. It is meant to help victims of stroke, spinal disorders, musculoskeletal pain, arthritis, and chronic pain. Lastly is the Alexander technique it improves posture, stops fatigue, insomnia, and stress. It cures back, joint pain, circulatory and digestive problems. Obviously if alternative medicine has been used since ancient times all the way until now it must be effective and cure what it says it will.

Yes, alternative medicine does have critics that say that it is not to be used, but there are many more reasons why alternative medicine is better than conventional medicine. For one, conventional medicine just isn’t good for you. It has been known to create a drug addiction which becomes a bigger problem than the illness. Also, not all conventional medicine fixes the problem, just relieves the pain. These drugs don’t work long term and can be dangerous. It is known that doctors replace dangerous drugs with other drugs that are only a little less dangerous. Also, these medications have side effects that are worse than the original disease. Such as Xanax, when people stop using Xanax, their panic attacks are proven to increase 300 to 400 percent. Still think conventional medicine is the way to go? Many people support the opposing medicine, alternative medicine. One reason many people turn to alternative medicine is because it costs less, and so does the research for it. Also it can help people overcome their disease, or if the illness can’t be beat it helps the patient live more comfortably with it. The controversy concerning alternative medicine is that is unproven. However not only patients of alternative medicine are happier with it, it also cures their disease safely. Not using harmful drugs with potentially fatal side effects. Alternative medicine is a clear choice, it comes straight from nature, it has been used from the beginning of time, and is less costly. Only the most ignorant of people would not accept alternative medicine. Are you ignorant?

The author's comments:
This piece is about alternative medicine. it includes the types, the controversy, and my opinions.

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This article has 3 comments.

mplo said...
on Jan. 20 2016 at 11:28 am
This is an interesting article, and there are times when alternative or natural forms of medicine are legitimate. There are times, however, when conventional Western medicine is necessary for treating certain innate, biologically-based neurological disorders, for example. Also, as some people say, just because something is natural or organic doesn't mean that it can't hurt you. It's best to do some thorough research and/or speak with your doctor before embarking on any kind of alternative medicine.

Joelle said...
on Jul. 14 2015 at 6:13 am
But let's leave that aside for now. While good to know, it isn't actually important. What is important is: does it work? To find out, you need to do a double blind study. That means that you need a lot of people (we're talking about hundreds, or better thousands) and you split them in two groups. One group gets treated with the medicine you want to test, the other gets a placebo. Neither know which one they got. Also, the person handing them the medicine must not know which is which (it is controlled by someone else, who has no direct contact with the patient), for unconsciously,they might treat them differently. If you have a large study done that way, you can tell with great certainty whether something works or not. Studies like that have been performed on homeopathy. Does it work? No it doesn't. Still, homeopathy is not only accepted as a healing method, it is also funded with tax money. A few years ago, a homeopathic hospital was built in London. Cost: 2,000,000,000 $. Last year, almost 2000 people from England fell sick with malaria after returning from their vacation because homeopaths had told them not to take the pills used for prevention, but use homeopathic remedies instead. Eleven of them died from malaria. This year, there was a measles epidemic in Berlin, among others a two year old girl died because her parents didn't have her vaccinated and relied on alternative medicine. Fourthly: yes, the pharma industry is way too powerful and some medications are quite dangerous. But did you know it is way easier to earn lots of money with alternative medicine? That you don't need a doctor's degree to call yourself a healer? That there are strict laws for conventional remedies so they have to be tested for years before they can go to the market (which makes it expensive), whereas alternative medicine isn't required to test anything at all? I could go on and on, but I hope you get the point. Now, last but not least, let's see what's good about alternative medicine. The reason why people feel better is because they feel like someone cares about their problems. A regular doctor has four minutes to talk to the patient to determine what the problem is (they don't have more time because there are too few of them for too many patients and they don't get paid for extra time). In alternative medicine, you get one or two hours. For example, lots of diseases can be prevented or cured just by proper nutrition (you can get everything you need from real food by the way, there is no need for supplements), workout and stress reduction/ enough sleep. That, plus the placebo effect, plus the feeling of being taken care of, is the one and only thing that works about alternative medicine. So ideally, one might say, we should combine the scientific methods of conventional medicine with the human aspect of alternative medicine, minus all the corruption and secrecy going on in both branches. We have a long way to go until we reach that point, but it is a necessary step and we all need to work together to achieve that. So please. Nature gave you the most powerful, wonderful tool on the planet: your brain. Use it. Don't just believe anything you're told. Question everything. You should question me, too. Look everything up, try to learn as much as possible. That is the only way to find true knowledge. And knowledge is power ;)

Joelle said...
on Jul. 14 2015 at 6:11 am
Dear Chloe123, firstly, I would like to encourage you to further look into the whole health topic, it is a very important thing to do. But I do need to disagree with you on quite a few points. Firstly, just because something is old or traditional, it doesn't automatically mean that this is what works. Some tribal people rip off living chicken's heads and drink the blood because they believe it will protect them from evil spirits. Should we all do that now, because obviously the evil spirits didn't get them? Many people in african countries believe AIDS can be cured by raping virgins. Do you think that works as well? And why do you think did people in the past have a life expectancy of 30 to 40 years, while nowadays people often get older than 80? Not because of ancient "healing" methods, I can tell you that much. Secondly, just because something is natural doesn't mean it's good for you. A cobra bite is completely natural, but it will still kill you. Poisonous mushrooms are natural too, that doesn't mean you should eat them. Thirdly: the problem with alternative medicine is, per definition, that it is unproven. I would like to tell you some things about homeopathy to show you what I mean. Homeopathy is a large branch in the alternative medicine industry. It was first invented by a german doctor (Samuel Hahnemann) 200 years ago. The theory is that you look at someone's symptoms (say fever) and then you take something which will, in great doses, cause the same symptoms. You then take a single drop of it (e.g. plant juice) and put it in 100ml pure water and shake it around a bit. You now have what homeopaths call a 1C remedy. If you do this 29 times more, you'll have a 30C remedy, which is a dilution often used in practice. Homeopaths believe that the more you dilute something, the stronger it gets. But do you know how much of the original substance is left in that remedy? None. Not a single molecule. Once scientists had ways to prove it was so (e.g.Chromatography), homeopaths came up with theories like "water memory" and all that.