What they don't want us to know | Teen Ink

What they don't want us to know

August 29, 2022
By elliestqrkey BRONZE, Milton Keynes, Other
elliestqrkey BRONZE, Milton Keynes, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I do not wish [women] to have power over men; but over themselves."

The UK government is trying to take away our human rights and no one is talking about it.

All everyone talks about is the government's problems in other countries (especially America) not realising we’re losing our human rights.

On June 22nd the UK government released a Bill that will undermine the Human rights act 1988.  It’s called the Bill of rights. It’s going to stop the European court of human rights having any say over the UK. It’ll mean that in court, they don’t have to follow the laws of all the other European countries. It’s also going to make deporting people a lot easier. They called immigrants ‘foreign criminals’. 

If someone who lives and was born in the UK but their parents weren’t born in the UK but still leave here and they commit a crime, then not only will they obviously serve prison time, but their parents could risk getting deported. 

This Bill will also make it so much harder for people to fight against criminal injustice. In article two of the human rights act it says that The Police have to make sure no one gets killed under police observation, but The Bill of Rights is going to make it harder for families to get help and get justice if something like that did happen.The Bill of Rights Bill will stop any “new interpretations or further expansion” of such obligations. 

The whole point of this Bill is to make the government less accountable for stuff that happens. 

They now have the power to not be blamed for things in court because they have complete power over what is classed as human rights and what the judges and the jury believe are human rights. 

They want to get rid of the protection that the Human Rights Act gave us. Girls and Women already struggle with winning cases in court, especially if it’s about sexual assault and their own human rights. Can you imagine how harder it will be now? It’d be stupid for a woman to even sue a man because she wouldn’t win no matter how true or propelling her case is.

A petition was made to stop this Bill from being passed. You need 100,000 signatures for it to be considered for a parliamentary debate and it has over 200,000. The people who set up the petition have been waiting for 65 days for a debate date. At this point it looks like it’s not happening.

They are trying to take away our human rights and they expect us to sit back and watch it happen? No. I shall be using my voice to educate people on what is going on and hopefully they will stand up for what is right like I am and many other people are doing.

The author's comments:

I know this isn't a long article but I feel so strongly about this and it's really annoying me not seeing many people talking about it when it's something so important and life changing for everyone affected.

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