Wonder | Teen Ink


July 5, 2018
By DeeAnne BRONZE, Nampa, Idaho
DeeAnne BRONZE, Nampa, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The things I wonder about tend to be strange things; the wonderings that wander around in my head tend to keep me awake at night. I lay there wondering if penguins have knees or if an ostrich could live in a tree. I stare up at the ceiling thinking if an elephant flew by me that would be an ever not-so-great sight ‘cause if a bird pooping on your head will ruin your day, then an elephant flying by happened to do the same, I’d be dead. And let me tell you, my wonderings have only just begun! What do they mean when it’s only seven to one? Someone please tell me I don’t quite know. And when it comes to narwhals do you think they’re magical? Life is strange and do you think if everyone down South is upside down are we inside out? What did that guy say about east and west? How come grass don’t turn orange and red in the fall? All these things don’t make sense, nope. Not even a little bit. But, hey, I wonder about them anyway and maybe one day I’ll know the answers to them all.

Huh, who knew? Penguins have knees and ostriches can’t live in trees. The world will always find ways to surprise you.

I am older now, therefore, the more I know, so that means there’s more I want to see and understand. You already know about what wonders wander ‘round my head. Which may lead you to bet that I’m off my rocker. Sorry to say that you lost your good hand because, my friend, I’m completely bonkers. I have wondered about them penguins with their knees and ostriches living in a big old tree, but now I think of what the heck is up with mosquitoes and their existence. How can their only purpose is to be evil? I mean, can anything cause that much malevolence? And what about wild turkeys? If the penned up one's drown in the rain, how do the wild turkeys survive? What about flem? Do you think it’s alive? I wonder if other people try to figure out how I tie my shoes in the morning. If they do maybe they don’t know that it’s my phalanges. How come only some whales have teeth? Geeze, I have lots of questions, most of which don’t make any sense, but still, I wonder about them. And I guess this more or less proves why I was right and how come you lost your bet tonight. Just remember it’s okay to be wrong. Just be who you are even if you’re a little crackers, cause after all my friend I’ve made it this far being completely bonkers.

As you can probably tell, or I at least hope, that I wonder about things: strange things, semi-normal things, and other things. You probably had enough of these said things, but here’s some stuff that I found to be no wonders. Cockroaches are dumb because if they weren’t they’d enslave us all. People tend to be cruel because they themselves feel like blunders. Cactuses hurt, they have spines. One-year olds are the smartest cause nobody’s told ‘em yet that they ain’t gonna shine. And if Cinderella had never went to the ball, she would have decided to destroy step-mother, step-sisters, and citizens all.

Many of us wish to be like people we see on t.v, which is fine, except,  I know you’re way better than anything up there on that screen. When you're in the shower you will most certainly, definitely, and in all finality get wet, however when you go singing in the rain you don't have to just sing, you can perform. “The world is wonderful and full of opportunity,” many of the adults say. Then they decide to mention, “Unless you’ve already seen it or happen to be sore and not to mention poor.” No wonder so many of us just decide to quit.

It’s no wonder that the world is outside. There is also no question about the person standing at our side, being incredibly different than us. I no longer question why cactuses have spines to ward predators off. I also understand the reason you let your spikes sprout out of you. But let me tell you one thing that someone else may have forgotten to; it is no wonder that you are a wonder. It only takes one person to change this big old world and that person is you.

The author's comments:

This is about the course of growing up; we start out seeing things with wonder, then as we get older we begin to lose curiosity. We see things differently and begin to doubt ourselves, but it is no wonder that you are a wonder.

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