Be Careful What You Wish For | Teen Ink

Be Careful What You Wish For

April 19, 2024
By Maleah, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
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Maleah, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
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Author's note:

This piece is similar to my current situation.

Maleah had always been a fearless and rebellious girl, but her choices had landed her in and out of jail for five years. She was sick and tired of the same old routine and dreamed of a better life. One day, out of the blue, she received a life-changing call from her Juvenile Court Officer (JCO). He told her that she had been given a chance to turn her life around by moving to a boarding school in a distant land. Maleah was ecstatic at the news and couldn't believe she had finally been given a second chance. She knew that this was her opportunity to escape the hellhole she was in and start a new life. With her heart racing and her mind full of excitement, Maleah packed her bags, eager to take on a land of new opportunities and embrace a fresh start.

The protagonist had been counting down the days until her release from prison, and finally, the day had arrived. Exiting the correctional facility, she felt the cool breeze on her face and the sun warming her skin. The feeling of freedom was exhilarating, and she was grateful for the opportunity to start a new chapter in her life.

However, her adventure took an unexpected and spine-chilling turn. After a long and arduous 10-hour flight, she stood before a colossal and ominous manor, which appeared isolated in the middle of nowhere. The building's architecture was imposing, with looming towers and intricate carvings etched into the stone. The weather around the manor took on a sinister hue, with dark clouds amassing overhead and a cold wind rustling through the trees.

As her car approached the entrance, she noticed a towering metal fence that sealed off the property. The wall was adorned with sharp spikes and barbed wire, adding to the sense of foreboding. The gates were locked, and there was no sign of anyone around. Despite the eerie atmosphere, she felt drawn to explore the manor and uncover its secrets. Maleah had been excited to start her new school, but as she stepped out of the car and looked up at the towering building before her, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease in her stomach. The place looked like something out of a horror movie - dark, imposing, and more like a castle than a school. She shivered in the frigid air as a butler-like figure emerged from the shadows, taking her bags and reassuring her of her safety.


Despite his assurances, Maleah couldn't shake the unsettling feeling over her as they walked through the grand entranceway. The air was heavy with silence, broken only by the relentless ticking of numerous clocks. It felt like they were walking for hours before they finally reached her room, which was big and occupied by another girl.

As Maleah introduced herself to her new roommate, the other girl's warning only increased her unease. The place was creepy, she said, and everyone acted like they were brainwashed. Maleah couldn't help but feel intrigued - what kind of place had she landed herself in? It was shaping up to be a thrilling adventure, but she wondered if she was ready for it.

She wondered what kind of people were living there and what kind of lives they led. Were they friendly, or were they hiding something? She couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, and the spooky and unsettling atmosphere of her new home only added to her anxiety. She couldn't help but wonder if she would survive in this strange and mysterious place. Only time will tell. Looking around, she thought, "what the hell is going on, dude?" Upon entering the unfamiliar house, Maleah's senses were on high alert. The unfamiliar surroundings made her curious yet apprehensive at the same time. She began scanning the room, looking for any familiar faces or anything that would help her feel more at ease. As she was scanning the room, a lone figure caught her eye. Arlene was sitting in a corner, lost in her world, until Maleah finally approached her. Trying to break the silence, Maleah asked, "So what's your name then?" Arlene's reply was unexpected, "Oh, my name's Arlene. Sorry, just to let you know. Because before you came, nobody talked to me. They didn't even acknowledge my presence; it was like I was a ghost. Super creepy."

Maleah was taken aback by Arlene's words, and a shiver ran down her spine. She couldn't shake off the eerie feeling that enveloped her. The room suddenly felt colder, and the silence made it even more unnerving. She wondered why no one had talked to Arlene before or why she was treated like a ghost. Maleah couldn't help but feel that something was off. Maleah couldn't contain her excitement as she unpacked her belongings in her new dorm room. But something felt off. The air was charged with a strange energy that she couldn't explain. This was different from the typical snobbish and dull school she had imagined. Instead, Maleah was met with mystery and intrigue, and she couldn't wait to uncover the secrets of this place.

After settling in, she indulged in an hour-long shower, enjoying the intense pressure from the showerhead. But as she stepped out and looked in the mirror, she was startled by what she saw. A mysterious girl was staring back at her. Who was she? And what was her connection to this strange school? Maleah was determined to find out.

Maleah's heart pounded loudly as she took each step down the dimly lit hallway. The hairs on her neck stood up as she felt an overwhelming dread. When she finally reached her dorm room, a chill ran down her spine as she saw a young girl with long, tangled black hair and bruises covering her face. The girl's bloodshot eyes were filled with tears and seemed to be staring right through Maleah, revealing a crazed look that made her shiver uncontrollably. The atmosphere was eerily silent as if something terrifying was about to happen.

Maleah couldn't help but wonder who the girl was and why she was there. The tension was palpable, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister was about to happen. She cautiously approached the girl and asked if she was okay, but she only responded with a pained moan. Maleah told the girl she would be back as she walked out.

 Maleah cautiously descended the stairs to the cafeteria and was surprised to find everyone dressed in identical gray uniforms and eating in perfect unison like robots. Even her friendly roommate, Arlene, acted strangely, like she was under some spell. Maleah's heart pounded with confusion and fear as she tried to understand what was happening. She knew she had to find out the truth.

Maleah approached Arlene, her voice shaking with anger and fear. "What the hell is going on here, Arlene?" she demanded. But Arlene didn't respond. She looked at Maleah with a blank expression, as if Maleah was just another student in the cafeteria. Maleah's mind raced as she tried to make sense of it all. It was eerily quiet in the cafeteria, and the air was thick with an unexplainable tension. Suddenly, Maleah heard a strange noise and turned to see the other students staring at her with empty eyes. Their faces twisted into grotesque expressions, and Maleah's heart raced with terror. "Arlene, please tell me what's happening. Why are you acting so strange? And why is everyone else behaving like they've lost their minds?" she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. But there was no answer. The silence was deafening, and Maleah felt trapped in a nightmare. She had no idea what was happening but knew she had to leave before it was too late.

Maleah's heart was pounding as she stared at Arlene, who had an ominous expression on her face. Arlene spoke in a cold, monotone voice, making Maleah's blood run cold. "Maleah, watch your language. That kind of talk is not allowed here." Maleah was taken aback by Arlene's sudden change in demeanor. She was about to retort, but she stopped herself when she saw the seriousness in Arlene's eyes.

Maleah's mind raced as she tried to piece together what was happening. The hairs on her neck stood up as she realized something was terribly wrong. "Arlene, please tell me what's happening. Why won't you tell me?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear.

Arlene's expression remained unchanged as she leaned closer to Maleah. "I can't tell you anything right now," she whispered, her eyes darting nervously. People are watching us, listening to everything we say. You need to be careful, Maleah. They're coming for you." Then Arlene's eyes shut, and she returned to the robot she once was.

Maleah's heart sank as she realized the gravity of the situation. She had stumbled into something much bigger than she could have ever imagined, and now her life was in danger. She knew she had to be careful but couldn't do it alone. She would need Arlene's help to survive, but Arlene grew more like them.

Maleah's heart raced as she watched Arlene return to eating her lunch, leaving her more confused and frustrated than ever. She knew she had to find out the truth but had no idea how to do it. She was trapped in a strange, dystopian world where everyone had lost their individuality and humanity. Suddenly, she was taken aback by the severe expression on Arlene's face. It was a look she had never seen before on her roommate. Maleah realized that Arlene was not joking and was as serious as she looked. 

She tried to speak, but before she could, six loud claps echoed through the room, interrupting her. To Maleah's horror, all the other girls did the same in unison, their eyes fixed on her. Maleah's chapped lips were about to ask Arlene another question, but the blank stares of all the other girls made her feel like she was in a nightmare. What was going on? Was she in danger? The fear crept in as she realized she was in a place where nothing was as it seemed, and she didn't know who she could trust.

Maleah's heart was pounding so hard that she could feel it in her throat. With each step she took toward Arlene, her anger grew more substantial, and adrenaline rushed through her body. She demanded an explanation with a voice so loud that it echoed through the eerie silence of the castle. "What is going on here?" she yelled, her eyes fixed on Arlene's unfazed expression. The tension in the air was so thick that she could almost taste it.

As Maleah looked around, she felt an intense and unsettling sensation that she was being observed. She turned around and saw several individuals in gray uniforms staring at her with an empty look. They seemed to be under some kind of trance, unlike anything she had ever seen. Suddenly, she was struck in the head, and everything went black.

When she regained consciousness, her head was throbbing, and her vision was blurry. She was in a cold, dark room with unfamiliar surroundings. Trying to understand what had happened, she muttered to herself, "Where am I?" To her surprise, a small voice responded, "You failed to listen, so now you must learn."

The sound of the voice sent shivers down her spine. Fear crept up her body as she realized that she was not alone. What was going on? Was she in danger? Questions raced through her mind as she tried to orient herself in the pitch-black room. She knew she had to stay calm and find a way out before it was too late.

In the blink of an eye, a young girl darted across the room and scratched Maleah's arm forcefully, leaving a deep red mark. The little girl grinned and spoke again, saying, "Sleep now, Maleah. Soon, you will be one of us." Maleah felt herself drifting off to sleep, and her heart raced as she woke up with a start.

Her mind was racing, and she tried to shake off the dread that had crept over her. But as she went to the bathroom, her thoughts were consumed by the memory of the little girl who had scratched her and whispered for her to sleep. Her arm started to throb, and her tired eyes were drawn to the distinct red scratch mark. Suddenly, she returned to the same scene from the day before, right before she lost consciousness.

Looking around, she realized she was in a dark, dingy room with no windows. The walls were covered in strange symbols, and the air was thick with an eerie silence. Panic set in as she realized that she was not alone. A group of children with eyes as black as coal stared at her with a sinister smile. Their eyes seemed to glow in the darkness, and Maleah could feel their cold breath on her skin.

She tried to scream, but no sound came out of her throat. The children started to move closer, and their whispers filled the air. "Join us, Maleah," they chanted in unison. "Join us in eternal sleep." Maleah's heart pounded as she tried to resist their pull. But the children were too strong, and she felt herself slipping into a never-ending darkness.

Maleah's eyes flew open, and she gasped for air. She was back in her own bed, but the memory of the nightmare was still fresh in her mind. She could still feel the cold breath of the children and the scratch on her arm. She knew that something was wrong and needed to find a way out.

The feeling of deja vu hit her like a gust of wind, and Maleah was overcome by confusion and fear. It was like she had lived this moment before, which was never a good sign. She desperately wanted to wake up and find herself in her own bed, but when she closed her eyes and opened them again, she knew this was not a dream. Something sinister was unfolding, and Maleah was determined to uncover the truth before it was too late for her and everyone else.

Maleah slowly exited her room, a strange feeling weighing heavily on her mind. As she walked down the dimly lit hallway, the cold, hard floor sending shivers up her spine, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. The silence was deafening, and it seemed like all the air had been sucked out of the room. Suddenly, she heard a loud creaking noise, and her heart skipped a beat. She turned around to see the door of her room slowly closing as if by some invisible force.

Maleah's pulse quickened, and she felt a cold sweat across her forehead. She knew she wasn't alone in the house. She could hear the faint footsteps coming from down the hall. She tried to move faster, but her legs felt like jelly and she stumbled against the wall. Her mind was racing, and she couldn't think straight. She knew she had to keep moving. She had to find a way out of this nightmare.

As she turned the corner, she saw a figure standing at the end of the hallway, shrouded in darkness. Maleah's heart leaped into her throat, and she froze. She couldn't determine who or what it was but knew it was not human. She felt a wave of terror wash over her, and she turned to run, but her legs wouldn't cooperate. The figure started moving towards her, and she realized she was trapped.

Maleah screamed, but no sound came out. She was trapped in a nightmare, and there was no way out. She closed her eyes, hoping it would all be over when she opened them again. But the figure was still looming over her when she opened her eyes. She knew that she had to face her fears if she wanted to survive. She took a deep breath, and with a sudden burst of adrenaline, she charged towards the figure, ready to fight for her life. Just as she made contact with the figure, she woke up. She jerked up and ran out of her room. She descended the long, winding staircase that led to the cafeteria, and as she entered the room, she felt a sense of déjà vu wash over her. It was the same sight she had seen yesterday and the day before - the same people, tables, bland, unappetizing oatmeal in front of her.

Feeling lightheaded and weak, Maleah had a strange urge to eat. So she sat down and picked up her spoon, but the bitter taste of the cold paste made her grimace. She tried to converse with one of the girls sitting next to her, but they stared blankly back at her as if in a trance. That's when she saw her again - the same little girl who had scratched her arm a few days ago. But now, she was old and worn, her wrinkled face and frail frame giving Maleah chills down her spine. The sensation was new to her, and this place was the only one that made her uneasy.

As she stared at the old woman, she gestured for Maleah to approach her. The mysterious call drew Maleah in like a moth to a flame, and despite the warning bells ringing in her head, she found herself slowly making her way toward the woman, unable to resist the pull. Maleah's heart raced as she approached the old woman who had gestured for her to come closer. She couldn't help but wonder what the woman could want from her. As she drew nearer, she felt a surge of adrenaline course through her veins, unsure of what would happen next.

But just as she was within arm's reach of the old woman, Maleah felt a cold hand grab her wrist tightly. She looked up to see the old woman's face contorted with rage as she hissed, "You shouldn't have come here, child." Maleah tried to pull away, but the grip was too firm. Suddenly, the room began to spin, and Maleah's vision blurred. She felt like she was being pulled into a vortex, and all she could hear were the old woman's cackles echoing in her ears. In a panic, Maleah tried to scream, but her voice was silenced by the darkness that enveloped her.

Maleah found herself lying on the cold, hard ground when she finally came. She looked around and realized she was in a dimly lit room with no windows or doors. She was trapped, alone, and terrified. The old woman's warning echoed in her mind, and Maleah knew she was in grave danger. 

Suddenly, Maleah felt a pair of cold hands grab her arms and hold them firmly in place. She tried to pull away, but the grip was too firm. Then, the woman placed a strange helmet-like device on Maleah's head. It felt heavy and uncomfortable, but that was the least of her concerns.

Before she could react, Maleah felt a sharp prick on her neck and realized that the device had injected an unknown liquid into her system. She felt fear wash over her as she struggled to comprehend what was happening. Everything felt surreal, and she couldn't understand what was happening.

As the liquid coursed through her body, Maleah felt herself slipping away, her consciousness fading into darkness. She was at the mercy of the unknown and could do nothing to stop it. It was a confusing and unforgettable experience that would forever be etched in her memory.

The next day was different from all the others, but it wasn't a big difference. Something had changed, something dark and unsettling. Maleah finally became one of them, but she didn't know she was entering a nightmare.

The pursuit of perfection had turned into a twisted game, and the authorities were the puppeteers pulling the strings. The school had become a place of fear and control, with everyone acting like robots, no longer human. It was a world of perfect children but felt like a sinister trap.

Maleah realized that she was now one of the many children who had fallen prey to the authorities' sinister experiment. The once-innocent school had been transformed into a nightmarish laboratory, where the students were subjected to horrific experiments in the name of perfection.

Amid the fear and uncertainty, Maleah knew that she had to fight for her life and escape this hellish place. She had to find a way out before it was too late, but the authorities were always watching, always waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

It was a world of darkness and terror, where the pursuit of perfection had become a twisted game of life and death. Maleah knew that she had to be careful what she wished for, or she would end up like one of the rats in a maze, desperately searching for a way out but finding only darkness and horror.

Until next time, THE END.

This is dedicated to Stephanie Frazee, Kelly Mcneil, Riley Strauch, Mom and Dad, Grandparents,Latoya Sam, Mr Bubbles, and everyone else who believed in me when I needed it.

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