Living Dead | Teen Ink

Living Dead

March 14, 2024
By Anonymous

It was a blizzard. In fact , no one was outside but me.I don’t know why I was but I assume something died. I've always been drawn to dead things, mostly animals, they have this satisfying  Hum but annoying at the same time.It’s confusing super hard to explain That's when I found it. A dead racoon but not dead dead it was walking a rotting raccoon corpse one of it’s eyeballs dangling out of its sockets slime is only thing keeping it attached there was barely any meat on his bones, it’s ribs shattered it was actually dead.This wasn't a prank I could hear the hum so so why was it walking? My hands are shaking and I'm not sure if it was because It’s cold or because there is a zombie raccoon in front of me.”um hey zombie animal how’s it going?” I said in a low voice “hiss” it said back I mean yeah that I figured but it didn’t move it kind of just stood there I knew 1 wrong move could potentially kill me.”uh um go back to bed” I said nervously slowly stepping back thinking my house is just over there when it’s safe I can make a break for it and I guess my body didn’t understand run when it’s safe at the time because I ran screaming at the top of my lungs words that even I couldn’t understand.      

 I can’t get the picture out of my head. The face of it haunts me. Nana tells me it was just a dream and that I’m being paranoid but if it was a dream I wouldn’t have felt the hum and I don’t have the imagination for that kind of stuff. “Helloooo Luna you're daydreaming again” my friend says with the weirdest face while wearing her bright pink skirt and neon tank top. I don't know how I’m her friend with my black ripped jeans with chains and my oversized dark purple hoodie and skeleton earrings. “I’m gonna be honest with you twilight you are way too peppy for this early in the morning” “ Your just Goth so this amount of peppiness is normal” “it’s nowhere near normal” “well at least I’m not attracted to dead things like you” twilight said with a huff. I felt a horrible surge of energy flow through my body. I saw the raccoon flash in and out of existence and soon enough it was lights out.      

I woke up in a bed. I'm in a hospital but not in the emergency room and twilight was there but this wasn’t a normal hospital. It was abandoned. I felt humming everywhere all around me it was overwhelming “Luna hey you were out for days.” Twilight told me she was wearing a ripped sweater and tattered jeans in the far corner. It was makeup that looked like something from a halloween store cause in big print it said Ghost makeup for every ghostly halloween Party!      When I looked up I could tell she had used it. She looked deader than ever but she did a horrible job on her arms that was still a very dark tan. “Why are we here and why do you look like a victim of murder or something” I said “when you fainted we kind of just appeared here.” “the whole school? ""yep ""oh god ""yeah we all claimed vacant room ""vacant room?” “ well yeah the hospital rooms are were most of the ghosts died and instead of haunting that room they just never go back” That finished the conversation for me “ How do you know all of this do you remember anything before you came here like at all” “ No idea how we got here but there are papers everywhere talking about the horrors of the place.” She handed me a thin sheet of paper. I could only make out most of the words  Patient 001: electric shock. had a series  of hallcations died shortly after. I Crumpled the page into a little ball. I didn't even want to know what happened here, I just wanted to go home. Twilight sighed “we should get moving to the safe house” “safe house?” “It’s not really a house more like abandoned hospital beds and things but either way it’s a safe place for you to heal”    

It took a really long time for me to figure out what happened to me I felt completely untouched until I looked down I my pants had a huge hole in them in the middle of hole was a scratch a big long gash with blood all around it suddenly I actually felt the pain I winced it felt like someone had shot a poisonous bullet through my leg. “I don’t think I can walk'' I said But yet I got up with ease a the pain went away odd “let’s go luna before a ghost sees us”  she led me out of the room and we walked down to the hallway I never thought I would be this horrified to walk down a hallway but it was horrific The was blood everywhere writing in white chalk saying. Save me,run while you still have legs,R.I.P,and there’s no escape.I shuddered I thought I would be best to just keep my eyes  to the ground I looked down and realized I was holding a sucker a huge rainbow lollipop “Give it back Give it back!” a little voice cried “Luna drop it” twilight said I turned around a little kid was screaming and crying yelling “Give it back Give it Back!” “Luna just drop the lollipop now!” “OK FINE” I dropped the sucker to the floor and the little kid stopped crying stared a the  sucker then looked back at me the was dead a ghost I thought I noticed it was a little boy who looked like he was from 1914 a victim of the pearl harbor bombing. The whole top of his hat was seared off his clothes where scorched and his face was covered in charcoal he smiled at me ran over and hugged me I felt like somebody shocked me 5 million times with a lighting bolt it wasn’t long until I realized this kid was patient 001 a victim of the horrible experiments that killed many people before. He was one of them after that we kept walking  Luna was telling me how lucky I was to have escaped a ghost and how most of the people who ran into a ghost usually died or got possessed she also told me some ghosts where harmless but a majority of them went insane which did not help the situation we’re in whatsoever finally after a very disturbing and long walk we made it to the safe house or a bunch of things that got put together to make somewhat of a house anyway it was like sanctuary for the whole school no the whole district K through 12 I saw many openings where a ghost could come in but there were none that was unsettling for me we pushed through the crowd I noticed everyone looked like  twilight they all looked dead but there was no hum. Finally we reached the destination, the odd house made of hospital beds and other things. My homeroom teacher was there along with 2 other teachers discussing important matters. I tripped over something I assumed it was a hospital blanket like that thin white sheet the doctors put on deceased people yeah that but it wasn’t…it was the racoon I saw when I was 12 years old in a big glass fish tank it looked much healthier then when I saw it last both of it’s eyes where in their sockets and it looked fluffier like it was healing but it met my eyes and they were glazed over and bloodshot I shrieked in horror instantly remember what happened 5 years ago. “Luna it’s ok”  said twilight.  

After the teachers calmed me down and gave me a vacant room that was closest to the safe house Twilight helped with the makeup and clothing and we sat down on my bed wich made want to sleep on the floor it hadn’t been washed in years just then that zombie raccoon walked in once again I shrieked but more quietly so I wouldn’t draw attention “oh right hank” said twilight “who?” “he’s some zombie cat we found when we appeared here” “Twilight that’s a raccoon” “oh” I sighed in relief knowing that the raccoon was not dangerous I reached my hand out to pet hank because why not? It was harmless “no luna don’t do that!” but it was too late . I was stroking his back. Hank loved it. He let me pick him up and what happened next he healed completely. He had a big fluffy tail, beautiful blue eyes and soft fur twilight was staring at me in amazement “how did you” “I don’t know” “I DO!” said a deep strong voice Instantly I got excited “ Bronze is that you!” I turned and to my surprise there he was “but you died 3 years ago” I said I dropped hank and ran over to hug him “No I didn’t actually” “but you never came home?” “I couldn't, it wouldn't let me but you healed a dead thing maybe you could get out.” Bronze finished the conversation “wow” Twilight said “such power” she looked at me with hunger in eyes she stopped looking at me in a split second I was too hungry to pay attention “um is there food or something I could eat” I asked Bronze and Twilight exchanged nervous looks “ there is a ghost who died of Binge-eating disorder and has a lot of food around him all the time but he’s patient 002 drug injection he died by eating to much and going insane so it’s super hard to get food” I gulped Going insane and eating to much that’s messed up and yet I agreed to it Twilight led me down the hallway to a huge Mountain of food and a huge door made from Broccoli “Ewww nope I’m not going in there if the door is made of broccoli how does that even work?” I said with disgust Twilight rolled her eyes at me and said “Let’s go Luna if you’re lucky you won’t get turned into a smoothie” “no really.” She shoved me into the room if you could call it that “don’t lurk in doorways it’s rude. Come in come in” said a low voice I walked over to where the voice was. The next thing I saw was a huge person who made me feel like I was a mouse “so why are you here?” “well I’m-” “HUNGRY! WHY SHOULD GIVE YOU FOOD ALL YOU PEOPLE DO IS EAT ALL DAY EAT EAT EAT!” “ I’m sorry sir I would just like a little food” “hmmm how about I make you food” he gestured to his blender then looked back at me Grinning “MMMM with strawberries!” he got up dancing happily “Strawberries and blood Strawberries and blood!” This ghost was nuts. “Um sir could we settle this like a human being” “but i’m not human.” “ghostly being?” “yep and this is how we “ghosts” settle things.” “but you see I would like to live.” “NO!” it was over, my fate was sealed. I was going to die to a very very loopy ghost.             

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