Escape Darkness | Teen Ink

Escape Darkness

March 2, 2023
By tp678837, Springfield, Ohio
More by this author
tp678837, Springfield, Ohio
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Author's note:

Some ideas in this book came from either my thoughts or real life 

events that i witnessed and became curious about and put it into my 


Do you ever have that gut feeling that something is always watching you. 

Well, me and one of my friends were walking back home from the park and we 

felt like something was watching us. We were a little itchy because it was so dark 

we couldn't see anything. It was like nothing was out there but us until I felt a cold 

breath exhale on my left ear but when I went to look over and my eyes met his at 

the same time. He was on my right and I felt chills shoot through my body with a 

bolt of energy. I felt as if my heart was running as fast as I was. Then we heard 

loud footsteps behind us getting closer but after each step there was a ringing 

noise kinda like the sound you hear when you have a headache. It was that noise 

but ten times louder. I thought it was the echo of us running, but it got louder and 

louder. I felt like it was getting closer and closer. We made it to my front door step 

as I shuffled around in my pocket to find the key to unlock the door. We slammed 

the door behind us, as if we were in a rush. I flipped the light switch to the porch 

on.Then I looked outside the window to see that nothing was there besides a 

couple pieces of trash being carried down the street by the wind

That's when this all started, hi my name is John, my friend that was with 

me that day no longer lives near the area because he said that he experienced 

more scary events when he got home,stuff turning on and off,doors 

opening,house heating up and turning really cold.But we still try to keep in touch 

even though we live nowhere near each other. But now I think I'm going through 

the same events. I woke up yesterday with my water faucet running so I got up 

quickly to turn it off and I was disgusted by the horrible mess that was made 

while I was asleep. The bathroom was flooded to my ankles, the faucet was 

really rusty and the paint on the walls didn't look so well either because they had 

grown mold from the excessive moisture running while I was asleep. Not a good 

experience because I had school that morning and had to somehow get ready 

and clean the water out of my bathroom all in 30 min,”Yeah” wasn't a good day to 

start with. Until I realized that these events were only getting worse by me 

ignoring them.

In the middle of the night, I jumped out of bed when I heard a loud bang I 

thought it could've been me knocking something over when I switched to lay on 

my side because my room is too small to do anything in. I looked around and 

nothing was out of place. Everything was normal and put where I left when I went 

to sleep. I walked as quietly as I could up the stairs as it creaked in silence 

making me want to hold my breath, dust was spreading everywhere. I walked all 

the way to check the balcony door, it was cracked open. I went outside to check if 

anyone was out there as soon as I stepped outside, the door behind me 

slammed shut.Then I started hearing loud metal items being thrown around. 

”Thank god the door is not locked”, I open it and take a look around and see that 

every pot and pan that i own were laying everywhere on the kitchen floor.


I drove by a traffic light and came up to a stop sign and I saw people 

walking on the sidewalk. As I watched them walk slowly as if time paused to take 

a breath. He bent over to pick something up that looked  like a quarter. He looked 

at it like he had never seen one before and like he was confused. He kept 

walking as he flipped and tossed it in the air as he walked along the sidewalk. 


I was making my way to the grocery store to pick up some pans because 

mine were broken. When I arrived I asked an employee where the kitchen items 

were. He didn't respond at first but he eventually did “awwissleesss 3.” he said in 

a slur. He looked a little deranged along with his voice. He sounded like he had 

something in his mouth. “Food maybe.” He walked with a tilt and his shoulders 

were sunk and his arms didn't swing, he walked slowly with a limp like something 

was holding on to him. I didn't understand what he said so I decided to go find 

the aisle by myself.


It was quiet, but when I got to aisle 3 the lights started flickering and I felt 

myself shaking, I felt a breeze on my neck and quickly turned around as I saw 

nothing I felt a soft touch to my hand and seen the man standing behind me,we 

were breathing heavily in sync, I stammered and ask him who he is and what he 

was doing he didn't answer he just kept breathing, I ran out of the store with a 

burst of energy as I got to my street I ran out of breath and stopped and felt like 

my heart was sinking everytime I took a breath. I felt dehydrated and dizzy but I 

kept going so I could get to my house. “Which I did”.

I took off my backpack and jacket and laid down in my bed with exhaust 

and looked at the ceiling that was moldy and listened to the rain sprinkle like hail 

on the roof as it made me slowly fall asleep.

Life was getting too scary so I told my mom all the stories of what 

happened to me and my friend back then leading to now she said that she 

believed me and she was already planning on moving because nothing in the

 house worked like it was supposed to. Even after she tried to get mechanics and 

plumbers to fix our casualties. I went back to school the next day and couldn't get 

in my locker, I had to have a janitor come and open it for me. He looked at me 

like I was a weirdo I looked at him the same way and took a peak to see why he 

was looking at me like he was and my hair stood on my skin and was as stiff as a 

carpet because my broken pots were shoved into the back of my locker and 

damaged the lock. I asked if he saw anyone put them in here and he said he 

wouldn't know because he's all over the place.


I had to pull out every pot and pan from my locker, it looked like there was 

red paint all over it, at first I thought it was a reflection of light but it wasn't. I sat it 

to the side when I saw a note laying on the bottom writing in the paint.

It said, “Move far away and never turn the way you came or I will remove 

you myself with force(i'll start with your family)”.


I turned around with shock and confusion to see if someone was standing 

there to say it was a prank. To me it feels like it's getting too serious to threaten 

not only me but my family and not be able to do anything. When I got home I 

asked my mom that we need to move now and I showed her the note that was 

writing in paint and she grabbed it out my hand and ripped it up and told me to 

joking with her I said it wasn't a joke and told her this was serious and that I 

found it at the bottom of my locker.


The note still had rust from me pulling it out of my old dirty locker that I 

never clean so I came to the conclusion that I should take it to the sheriff 

downtown to swipe fingerprints or dna off the note to see if it traces back to 

anyone I know or not. So that's what I did. I took it down and gave it to the sheriff 

and told him what to do with it and he came back with my DNA. I then started to 

question myself and asked myself if I could be doing these things or that maybe 

i'm haunting myself or was it a coincidence maybe they were wearing gloves it 

didn't look like my handwriting though. I questioned everything like if it was me 

whose blood was on the note or paint or who put the pans in my locker who 

broke them who was messing with me no one seemed to be in my life until, I had 

an instant chill down my spine when I remembered everything and who it might 


I grabbed my keys and hopped in my old blue car that smells like gasoline 

and drove down my street to the stop sign and parked by the sidewalk and 

hopped out to look around to see if anyone was watching and looked down at the 

sidewalk to see what the guy was looking at and picked up. I didn't see anything 

but a rusty ring on the pavement. Whatever it was was definitely sitting there for 

a long time to make a rusty ring, and it was the shape of a coin. I caught a 

glimpse of a very bright light that blinded me. When I looked over at it I walked 

over to see another coin that was gold and looked really really old. It smelt very 

old too. 

I didn't want to touch it because it felt like it could be the only thing that 

makes sense. Everything started to get worse when I witnessed this event so I 

left it. I went back to my car and put it in drive and hit the gas and realized I 

wasn't moving anywhere. I thought maybe there was something wrong with the 

engine,maybe it overheated since it was like one hundred degrees out. I opened 

the hood and looked around because I thought something was watching me but I 

didn't see anything so I resumed my progression of trying to fix the car.  


When I touched the wires to the engine it burnt my skin and I could 

instantly smell cooked flesh. I started to panic and I was screaming really loud 

but I got over it immediately, I then tried to slow down and really focus on what 

i'm trying to fix and saw that one of the cords came undone so I plugged it back 

into the battery closed the hood and hopped back in my car, turned it on and saw 

the coin in the corner of my eye, it was like it wanted me to pick it up, but Iignored 

it and drove home to put ice on my burn and to calm down but realized the house 

was really quiet and I seen my mom laying on the floor with a pool of blood 

around her body. I started to hear ringing and lost control of my body and fell on 

my knees as I struggled to get back up. I started shaking furiously and started to 

feel needles in my back. 


Then I felt it spread through my entire body and I saw blood drip from my 

mouth,then heat filled my veins. I tried to gasp for air but I kept choking on my 

blood, and a really really bright white light surrounded me like fog and felt heavy 

moisture surrounding my body. As I started to get cold I was also starting to get 

stiff and could feel that I could no longer move my arms or legs. I tried to look 

behind me but I was unable to. The air started to get heavier and felt like it was 

crushing the last bit of energy I still had. Ringing filled my ears as everything 

around me soon went quiet, I could no longer feel the thump in my chest. I felt 

finally at peace and in my mind I felt as if I escaped whatever was trying to get 


I came up with the idea to use curiosity by using a site from R.L. 

Stine where he teaches or gives examples of where or how to get idea 

to make a book more interesting and putting people's fears for them to 

be on edge while reading. The coin idea came from a normal day 

when I was being drove home from school and we stop at a stop sign 

and watched two workers walk by I watched him bend over and pick 

something up so I was curious so in this story the main character 

picked up a cursed coin and used my imagination and used it 

for my short story.

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