May 8, 2019
By misterstealyourgirl, Overland Park, Kansas
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misterstealyourgirl, Overland Park, Kansas
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Favorite Quote:
dora is pretty

In a world far far away named caturn. There was villages that were all united with a peace treaty and were all united as one, they would go into war together and have troops attack the evil people in the nations. Somehow there was a horrific event that made one if the nations disappear into the air. They were the multi benders that could use all the four elements and an extra one that was really different from the rest. They could mix the elements and could make powerful mixes, the elements were FIRE,WATER,EARTH,and LIGHTING.


The land of air was special and was a different place that only the multi benders could go in, but one of the muti benders was working for the fire nation and the rest of the other nations to destroy the land since the multi benders were finding new elements everyday. This meant that they became even more powerful each day that past. The multi bender that betrayed the land of air was killed by his own kind and his family was also killed. The multi bender at that point had no choice but to use their power against the other nations. They fought with all their strength but could not defeat the enemies that threaten to kill them.


So they were killed by the lands that destroyed everything they had. The multi benders had a final attack against the villages they had the strongest of the multi benders wait in the shadows and attack the other nations when they were weak. So they waited and waited till the day of the celebration came, the nations all got together and made a huge feast. They made this feast to show glory of what they have done, which was taken down the most powerful nation. The multi benders where raged at them so when it came to attack they did so with much power. That day was known as the “Day of the great loss”,they multi benders managed to kill half of the people there which was a huge success to them.



The multi benders did not know at the time that they captured one of the multi benders and made him tell them where the hideout was. He refused many times but they told him that if he does not tell them they will kill his whole family. He was frightened and told them everything about the hideout. That night the lands managed to kill all the multi benders except one. The man that told them the hideout killed himself since he did not want to be alive with the gilt of him killing them.


The only survivor was a baby, which was the man's son. The kid was raised and was taught by the fire nation but the baby had to learn all the elements in a great way so when he grew up he would be the best in elemental control. He was tossed around to every nation and was a great student, he learned everything well and was named Keon. He then became great friends with a guy named Erwin which was 4 years older. They fought and trained in the same dojo, they had the same training,Erwin was a bit more advanced with his earth and water element. He was able to use two elements which was rare for many people. Erwin was a great student and was known for his good looks and fighting skills. He was loved by many and even wanted to become the king of the one of the lands, but then was turned down by the fire empire.He did not want to be rejected so he fought one of the empire guards and won against them but lost against the king of water.


He then returned home and helped out Keon with his training but out of a sudden the fire empire attacked all the lands and wanted to get most of the land. Keon and Erwin went into war with some other fellow people and wanted to when back what they wanted. The fire empire then launched a huge attack and was able to kill ⅓ of the troops that were going to attack them. The war made many conflicts and was a fail for all the other nations but Keon was able to go to war and defeat 2/10 of the fire empire troops. The fire empire then got worried so they got there most powerful troops and human beings and were able to take out 8/10 of the other troops.

Keon had no choice but to use all his power and did and defeated 9/10 percent of the fire empire’s troops. The fire empire then had no choice but capture Erwin and kill him. They thought it would make Keon weak and would make the war end but it did the opposite. They made the war worse for the fire empire, Keon was demented and  killed all the troops in the empires side. The fire empire was in a great lost so they gave up on the war and surrendered. Keon was still mad from what they did so he destroyed the whole fire empire and let the innocent villagers in that empire leave the destroyed empire and move to a nice and calm village known as the village of the unknown. Keon was still insanely sad about the lost of Erwin and  wanted to do something about it. He then made a huge funeral for the great lost the villages had, Erwin was a great person and everybody loved him. Keon was able to help out the people in the destroyed empire but was then able to give them all food. Keon did not know what to do, so he went back to training.

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