Gojira Monsters Unleashed | Teen Ink

Gojira Monsters Unleashed

December 11, 2013
By P_Davidson, Cincinnati, Ohio
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P_Davidson, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Favorite Quote:
"The power of the music of the night"

Warning! This novel was written strictly for Godzilla fans. Some areas of the book might not be clear to other viewers...

Tokyo, Japan 1997...
The waves splashed against the rocky shore of the Tokyo bay. The wind whipped across the dark grey sky. A ship sailed in the wavy water and blew it’s horn loudly. A man stood at the edge of the railing over a cliff. He stared blankly into the stormy waters and at the ship. The man wore a silk blue shirt and jeans. A black rain coat surrounded him with the hood up. Waves from the sea crashed once more onto the shore’s rocks, sending drops of water onto the mans face. He wiped it from his face and turned around. The man then started to walk into a lighthouse and shut the door.

“Pretty bad storm out there huh?” asked a voice.
The man spun around to see another more elderly man standing behind him.

“Yes it is,” said the man.

“We’d better inform the others,” continued the elder man.

The younger person went up the lighthouse stairs and opened the door. Another young man looked over at him with a concerned look.

“Just as bad as we thought it would be Tonoko,” said the other man.

“Mr. Yokia sent me up to inform you of it,” said Tonoko.

“Yeah well, who couldn’t see it coming?” joked the man.

Tonoko sighed and went toward the window and looked out onto the sea again. The ship that was there before, was gone now and thunder began to rumble. A streak of lightning split the sky in half.

“Wow, that was loud,” said the man who now was also standing by the window.
Then, there was a there was a crash and a thud. The lighthouse shook a little and the two men had to catch themselves. Tonoko stood back up and approached the window.
“What on earth was that?! Could it have been the storm?” asked the man
“I don’t think so. Maybe it was a mini quake,” responded Tonoko.
The elder man darted up the stairs to check on Tonoko and the other man. He opened the door and sprinted over to Tonoko.
“Are you two alright? What was that?” asked the elder man.
“Yes sir, we’re fine. We think it was just a mini earthquake or something. We’re alright,” confirmed Tonoko.
“Well, alright. But, you guys better be careful, there could be an aftershock,” replied the elder and he went back downstairs.
“An earthquake?” asked the other man in confusion.
“Hey, what else could it have been?” asked Tonoko.
The lighthouse shook again with great force and Tonoko and the other man collapsed to the floor. It stopped. Tonoko could hear the ringing in his ears. The men stood up again just to fall back down. Another rumble hit the lighthouse. Items on shelves crashed to the floor, shards of glass hitting Tonoko in the face. He screamed in pain and again, the rumbling stopped. The man beside Tonoko got up.

“What the heck is this?!” he cried.

Tonoko, unable to speak laid on the lighthouse floor. Suddenly, a figure appeared outside the window. It was dark and hard to see, very faint. The man, beside Tonoko looked up and saw it. His jaw dropped to the floor as the figure went by. A crash was heard, and the man fell over on top of Tonoko. Pieces of the lighthouse fell onto the two men, crushing them to death. The elder man ran out of the lighthouse in terror.

“Ahahahaha!” he yelled.

The lighthouse then collapsed completely and chunks of it fell on the elder man. A loud roar echoed around the shore and the thumping started to fade away into the distance.

Ch. 1

Two doors opened automatically and a woman stepped into a building. She wore a blue suit with the initials G.P.D. (Godzilla Preparation Department). A pistol hung at her side and she wore dark black shades.

“Good morning Dr. Chuang,” said a worker to her left.

She continued walking into a giant room. Workers typed on computers, a map of Japan stretched across the front wall and an alarm was going off.

“Dr. Chuang, come up here,” said a voice.

Dr. Chuang looked up a set of stairs to see a military dressed man. She walked up the stairs and approached the general.

“What’s going on sir?” she asked.

“Last night we intercepted a distress signal by the south side of Tokyo bay,” explained the army general.

“Could it have been Godzilla?” Dr. Chuang asked concerned.

“We don’t know. Godzilla hasn’t been seen since 1954,” said the general.

“Yes but, why would such a random occurrence come last night? The storm wasn’t that strong and there was no sign of any nearby large ships in the area. That doesn’t make sense,” said Dr. Chuang.

“And if it was Godzilla, why Tokyo? We moved our major power plant out of the city in case it would attract Godzilla,” questioned the general.

“Yes, that is strange,” Dr. Chuang said.

They looked at the map and where the beacon was coming from. The general turned to one of his men that was beside him.
“Send a recon team down there to inspect damages and any signs that could tell us if it might have been Godzilla or not,” commanded the general.

The soldier saluted to the general and marched out of the room followed by three other men. The general returned his attention to the wall. Dr. Chuang also looked up at it.

“We’ll keep an eye out and see if any other strange occurrences appear,” promised the general.
Dr. Chuang nodded to the general and went to a computer.
A helicopter flew over the city of Tokyo and started toward the bay. In the helicopter sat four men and a woman.
“So, do you think Godzilla really came last night?” asked one the men loudly.
“Yeah right, why would come here? There is no reason for him to,” responded the woman.
“Maybe he just thinks Tokyo is his vacation spot and it’s that time of the year again,” laughed one of the other men.
“Very funny Tai,” said the woman.
Finally, they came to the lighthouse, or what was left of it. A pile of rubble sat by the shore.
“Holy crap!” said the third man as they flew over it.
The copter landed and the five troopers got out. Rocks, building
parts, and glass scattered the ground.
“My gosh, whatever happened it sure looks bad,” said one of them.
“Yeah, things don’t look so hot here. I feel bad for whoever was in this,” said another trooper.
Two legs stuck out of the wreckage. The women noticed them and
went over.
“Oh no. We have a casualty,” she said.
“Report it to base. We need to find out if Godzilla did this or not,”
said the first trooper.
“I’d say this is pretty good evidence,” said the second trooper and he pointed to an enormous footprint in the ground.
The others gasped at the sight. The woman trooper reached for a tag that was on the ground. It read “Security” on it. She put it down and sighed. The third trooper was on the radio with the base explaining the damage and that they were almost certain that what caused this was indeed, Godzilla.
Back at the G.P.D., the workers and general stood in shock.
“So, Godzilla did come ashore,” whispered the general to himself.
He then took his radio and talked to the army and informed them of what had occurred. Immediately, the military took action and made its way to Tokyo. After this, the general looked at the workers and walked out.
The G.P.D. troopers made their way back to the helicopter and climbed aboard. The helicopter raised in the air and began to fly back to G.P.D. headquarters. The first trooper looked down at the massive footprint.
“Let’s pray he doesn’t come back,” he said.
A few days went by and the army had surrounded the Tokyo bay in
case the monster decided to returned. A jeep drove across the beach and pulled up to an army blockade.

“Captain Zhao sir,” saluted the soldier outside the jeep.

“At ease soldier. Move on,” said the captain.

The jeep continued to drive down the beach toward their check point. The captain then went inside his tent and walked over to a man at a computer.

“Well, what’s happening?” asked Captain Zhao.

“Sir, there is no heat signatures in the water nearby. If Godzilla was here, he’s not anymore,” said the man.

“We’d better still keep a watch for the next couple of days, just to be sure he is gone,” said the captain.
“Right,” agreed the man.
Dr. Chuang looked at her computer and pondered. She typed for a while and then stared at the screen in awe. She quickly got up from her desk and left the room in a hurry. She speed walked down the hallway and into the generals office.

“General sir,” she saluted.

“Yes, what is it Dr. Chuang?” asked the general.

“I’ve picked up some strange readings in the last few hours,” she explained.

“Godzilla?” questioned the general.

She shook her head, “No sir, there are some strange things appearing in the earths atmosphere,”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I think something might be heading our way,” said Dr. Chuang.

“What do you think it might be?”

“I’m not quite sure. But, whatever it is, it’s close,” she said.

“While everyone else is keeping an eye out for Godzilla, I want you and a group of scientists to find out more about this,” commanded the general.

“Yes sir,” again saluted Chuang.

Dr. Chuang walked out of the room and went to her desk again and began sending out emails to the scientists in the building of her discovery and what the general had told her to do. The word about the odd atmosphere was now out. The news started to spread quickly.

A young boy woke up and stepped off of his bed. He yawned as the sunlight went through his small curtains which made him squint. His stood up and walked over to the window and pulled back the curtains. The sunlight was almost blinding. The wind blew lightly onto his face. Then, a voice called up to him.

“Are you awake yet?” it called.

“Yes father,” the boy responded.

“Well, come on down so we can have some breakfast before opening up shop,” said the father.

“Okay,” called the boy back to his father.

He opened up his dresser and pulled out a pair of clothes. It was a small red T-shirt with a black stripe in the middle of it. Also he took a pair of black shorts.He slipped them on and looked out his window one more time as he started down his stairs. The boy entered his kitchen where his father was waiting for him.

“I made you pancakes, your favorite kind too, blueberry,” said the father.

“Oh, thank you Dad,” responded the boy excitedly.

He quickly snatched one and slapped it on his plate. His father gave him a stern look as to say “manners”. He then gently put a second one on his plate. His dad came over and poured him a glass of milk.

“Father, I was wondering maybe I could take the day off today. We haven’t had many people come in these last few days and I thought maybe I could just take one day to kind of lay back and relax,” pleaded the boy.

“Oh, what the heck. Go on,” said his father.

“Thanks so much Dad! I’ll work so hard tomorrow! I promise,” thanked the boy.

“Just go on son,” again said his father.

The boy ran up and hugged his dad and went out the door.

“Hey, where are you going?” asked the father.

“I’m going to take a walk in the forest to collect more rocks to add to my collection,” said the boy.

“Alright, but be careful you here?” sternly said his father.

“I will,” said the boy sort of waving him off.

The boy marched into the woods and began his hike. He climbed up a small boulder and crossed a small stream. It was a beautiful morning. The boy’s shoes began to grow soggy from the dew on the ground. The green trees waved in the breezy weather. The sun peeked through the small openings in the trees. He continued to strode forward then, froze as he heard something. There was a rustling and crackling in the woods in front of him. He looked that way for a minute or two and started to continue onward toward the sound. He came to a bush and ducked down. The leaves of the bush were still wet as it was only 10:00 a.m. A drop of water splashed onto his face and he wiped it off. The boy slowly pulled back the leaves to reveal a massive hole in the ground.

“I don’t remember that being there,” whispered the boy to himself.

He stood up, his feet shaking and tip toed toward the hole with great caution. The boy then peeked inside. He stopped and reached into a bag that he had on his back and took out a flashlight. The boy switched it on and began to enter the giant cave. It was all really dry inside and humid. The boy looked around. It was very quiet. Though terrified, he continued into the cave. About half way inside, he began hearing sounds. It kind of sounded like breathing of a large animal of some sort. The boy started to turn back around and darted back out of the hole. He then ran back to his house as fast as he possibly could.

Dr. Chuang and a few scientists sat in front of a computer which showed the air’s atmosphere.

“Wow, look at that,” said one of them, amazed.

“Yes, it would seem that something is messing with it or just could be failing. But, there is no way such a reaction can happen so quickly,” proclaimed Dr. Chuang.
“What do you mean by, it?” questioned a scientist.
“Well think about it, nothing can just happen that fast. It takes years for something like that to occur. Perhaps something is changing it ,” answered Chuang.
“Could this be possible?” asked the scientists.
“I’m not sure. Seems like a thing is trying to adapt to our planet like an animal in a new habitat. And if something is trying to adapt to our environment, it’s preparing to come here soon or already is,” realized Dr. Chuang.
The boy shut the door to his house and walked into the mini shop that they had. His father looked at him with a confused look.
“Back already?” he asked.
“Uh, yes,”answered the boy.
“Oh, alright,”
“Dad, has there been any construction work in the woods?”
The father gave another confused look. “No son,”
“Well today, there was some sort of cave or giant hole in the ground in the forest,” said the boy.
“Oh, that is very strange. I didn’t hear anything last night, did you?” asked the dad.
“No,” answered the boy.
“Let’s stay away from the woods for a while then okay, just to stay on the safe side,”
The boy nodded. “Okay,”
“Run along then Okashi, we are actually having some business today,”
Deep in the forest where the hole was, the earth began to shake. Trees fell over and the hole caved in. Out of the ground sprung spike looking things. The ground seemed to explode as a giant creature emerged from it. It had a spiny back with a whip-like tail. It had a long snout with razor sharp teeth. The monster raised its head and gave a loud roar. Then, the creature began walking straight ahead.
At G.P.D. a worker stood up from his seat.
“Hey, we’ve discovered a heat signature!” he cried.
“What is it, Godzilla?” asked another worker.
“No, although roughly the same size, it’s Anguirus” replied the other worker.
Anguirus trumped by a building roaring loudly. A car stopped in front of him and a man got out and ran away. Tons of people began running away. The recon team from the lighthouse flew into the city and spotted it.
“Anguirus! Was is that thing doing here?!” cried the pilot.
“I don’t know but, we’d better get back to base and get new intructions,” said a G.P.D. trooper.
The helicopter hovered back to the bay to inform the beach blockade.
At the beach though, they were well already notified. The captain came out of the tent and grabbed his radio.
“Attention all bay units, an Anguirus has been spotted near the Tokyo area. Send a squad down there to try and flank it to the ocean. Then, we’ll converge on it and rid of it for good,” said the captain.
A few of the tanks started in the direction of the monster. The captain watched them go and returned to his tent.
“Sir, sir!” cried the lady at the computer inside.
“Anguirus, i know,” said the captain.
“No sir, it’s Godzilla,” replied the women.
The captain gasped. Another red dot shown on the computer outside the bay in the waters. He snatched his radio again.
“G.P.D. troopers, Godzilla has surfaced off the coast and it seems to be heading this way,” informed the captain.
The general at G.P.D. radioed back immediately.
“Roger that. You make sure that beast doesn’t get through!”
“What about the Anguirus sir?”
“Forget that porcupine. First take down Godzilla, then we’ll deal with Anguirus,” said the general.
“Yes sir,” said the captain.

Sure enough, a black figure came into view. Godzilla, king of the monsters rose from the murky waters and approached the army fleet. He had black scale-like skin and spiny fins spread out his back. His blue eyes glowed and his yellow teeth sparkled. The tanks raised their barrels and prepared to fire. Godzilla leaned back in the water and gave a mighty roar. A fight was about to go down.

Godzilla dove back into the water and swam toward shore, his silver fins glistened in the afternoon sun, his tail whipped out of the water, flinging water.

“All air units, converge on Godzilla,” said the captain.

Dozens of helicopters flew past the military set up and came to Godzilla. Godzilla came out of the water again and roared.
“All units, fire at will!” commanded the pilot of one copter.
The helicopters sprayed a variety of bullets and rockets at the beast. They hit and blew up. Godzilla, taking no damage roared again and came closer to the beach.
“It did nothing sir,” said the pilot.
“I hate that monster. Tanks on the front lines, prepare to attack,”
Godzilla finally began to reach the shallow water.
The tanks shots multiple rounds into Godzilla and still did nothing. The other tanks started to join in on the fight and after a few moments, the entire fleet was firing at it. Godzilla, slowly but surely came to the tanks. Then, he stopped. The silver spines on his back turned a light blue.
“Oh, crap,” said a tank operator.
Godzilla opened his mouth, revealing a blue light inside. A blue beam of atomic breath came from his mouth and blew up some tanks. He kept shooting and destroyed more than half of the tanks. Godzilla closed his mouth and looked around. No tanks could be seen. The tent that the captain was in, was burnt to the ground. The great monster roared a tremendous roar and continued into the Tokyo bay.
“Godzilla has destroyed the blockade and is now heading toward Tokyo,” said an intercom in G.P.D.
“Not good. Send me a casualty report,” said the general.
“Yes sir,” saluted a worker.
Anguirus entered the city of Tokyo. Hundreds of people fled their homes and the buildings in sheer terror. Police cars and fire trucks roamed the streets. Anguirus stomped on a few cars and slammed his tail into a skyscraper. The building completely collapsed and smoke filled the area. A news helicopter swarmed over head the creature. Anguirus looked up at the chopper and roared at it, swung his tail, and blew it up. Helicopter parts fell onto running people.
“Anguirus is in Tokyo!” cried a worker.
“Oh no. Do we have any remaining vessels in the area?” asked the general.
“No sir, Godzilla destroyed them all,” said a worker.
“Great…” sighed the general
“We still have the G.P.D. team though sir,” proclaimed the worker
“Send them out immediately,” said the general
“They’re already in the ship and on their way to the city,”
The general looked at the Tokyo map. Red dots were shown on where Godzilla and Anguirus locations were.
“This better work,” whispered the general.
On an island not far from Japan, Infant Island two small women sat in a large cave. Together they looked at the cave wall which shown a cave painting of what looked like Godzilla. Not far from that was another painting of Anguirus and a large insect creature. This creature was in fact, Mothra. The two girls began to sing a song which seemed to be in favor of the giant moth. The song lasted for quite a while. After they sang, they closed their eyes and lowered their heads. From in the large cave came Mothra herself. She flew out of the cave and off the island.
Anguirus swatted a chopper out of the sky. He roared and jumped forward.
“That dang armadillo!” said the captain of the G.E. 5,000 (Godzilla Exterminator 5,000).
“Alright guys, we can do this. Let’s make the G.P.D. proud,” said the captain again.
The large ship came to Anguirus and halted. Anguirus just looked at it in wonder.
“Fire fasor,”
A giant green beam came from a gun on the side of the G.E. 5,000 and slammed into Anguirus. Anguirus squealed in pain and fell over.
“Nice job,” said the co-pilot of the G.E.5,000.
Anguirus got up and tried to grab the ship. The giant plane avoided it and fired again. Anguirus dodged it this time. The huge aircraft prepared to fire at Anguirus again when, a blue atomic beam heat the vessel. The ship sparked and crashed to the ground.
“Ugh, what happened?!” asked the pilot.
Godzilla marched into the city and roared.
“God...zil..Godzilla,” whispered the co-pilot.
Godzilla stepped beside the plane and looked over at the other monster. Anguirus just stood on all fours and looked back. Godzilla raised his head in the air and gave a long growl.
“Godzilla’s in Tokyo,” declared a worker.
All the workers stood up out of their seats and looked at the map which showed Godzilla and Anguirus.
“Are they going to fight or what?” asked a worker.
“I’m not sure. It seems like their… communicating,” said Dr. Chuang.
Godzilla and Anguirus roared back and forth as if they were having a conversation.
The G.E. 5,000 lay motionless on the crushed road.
“Alright, i’m going to try and boost the system back up,” said the co-pilot.
“Great,” said the main pilot.
The ship began to rumble and spark.
“Ugh, this is trickier than I thought,”
Back at G.P.D. headquarters, Dr. Chuang noticed something as did the scientists. The atmosphere was changing again but, this time a life form was picked up.
“General, look at this,” cried a scientist.
“What is it?”
“Something else has appeared on the radar, something big,”
“Some sort of ship?”
“Seems like it,”
“Could this be that possible thing you mentioned earlier? The thing that’s able to change the atmosphere?” asked the general.
“I think so,” said Dr. Chuang.
Sure enough, a UFO was spotted near the city where the two monsters were.
“Look at that!” said one of the men in the G.E. 5,000.
“What in the heck?”
The UFO hovered down to one of the major buildings and stopped. Both Godzilla and Anguirus looked over at it.
“Wait a minute. Could this be why Godzilla and Anguirus came to Tokyo. To defend the city?” asked Dr. Chuang.
“Uh, yeah right. Godzilla destroyed this city years ago. Why would such a destructive creature come back to defend the city he crushed?” proclaimed the general.
“Maybe to show the aliens this is his chomp zone,” joked a worker.
“Haha, get back to work,” commanded the general.
“The monsters had to of noticed the change in the air and came to the source,” guessed Chuang.
The G.E. 5,000 finally powered up and got into the air.
“Yeah, we did it!” cried one of the troopers.
“Let’s finish this,” said the pilot.
“But, sir Godzilla and Anguirus are here now. We cannot take them both,” said a trooper.
“You’re right. And also, that UFO is now here as well. There is too much conflict. We’re gonna have to make a retreat back to base,” said the co-pilot.
“Alright, i’ll inform the base,” said the pilot.
The radio transmission came through to the headquarters and the general got the message.
“Great, due to the increase of activity in the area, the G.E. 5,000 is in a full retreat,” informed the general to the workers.
The workers sighed. We’ll have to see if the monsters will attack the UFO or not,”
“Sir, what if they don’t?” asked a worker.
“We’ll just have to get out of the city as soon as possible,”
Godzilla began walking toward the space ship. The UFO hovered from the building and over to Godzilla. Godzilla lit up his spikes and opened his mouth but, just before he released his deadly atomic breath, the ship spat out a beam of its own and it hit Godzilla head on. The king of the monsters collapsed onto the cold Tokyo ground and didn’t get up. Anguirus roared and lept onto the UFO. He scratched the surface of the ship and mauled it. The UFO tilted to the side, knocking Anguirus off of it. Anguirus fell onto a skyscraper.
“Did you just see that?” cried the pilot of the G.E. 5,000.
The footage of the chaos was being revealed to G.P.D. headquarters live.
“It’s remarkable,” said the general.
Godzilla stood back up and grabbed a side of the ship. He began shaking it in his palms until the UFO shot another deadly pulse of its ray into Godzillas stomach. Godzilla let go of it and screeched loudly. The hovercraft then went over and circled Anguirus who was just now getting back up. Godzilla lit his spikes again and sprayed his fire onto the aircraft. It let off a small explosion and hit the ground with a large boom.
“Whoa!” yelled the co-pilot.
The UFO blasted back into the air and started to float back up in space. Godzilla gave a heroic roar as did Anguirus, who had finally got back on his feet.
“It looks like the monsters spooked it. I don’t think however, this will be the last we see of it though,” confirmed the general at G.P.D.
The workers looked at each other. Dr. Chuang looked down at the laptop on her desk.
“Godzilla and Anguirus aren't leaving,” she said.
“They wouldn’t Doctor. Not knowing that that thing is still at large,” said the general.
Then, the radio started up.
“Sir, this is the G.E. 5,000. We are circling Godzilla and Anguirus as we speak. Now that the UFO is gone, we are able to now return fire on them. Do we have your orders?” asked the pilot.
“No, return to base. The G.E. 5,000 has had enough damage already,”
“Alright sir. We are on our way now,”
The radio then went dead. Godzilla marched into the city with Anguirus at his side. Godzilla's chest was badly wounded from the UFOs ray. He groaned due to the pain. Both monsters stumbled out of the city and into the woods.

A meeting begun at the G.P.D.

“What was that thing?” asked a man.

“It did look like it was from another planet, didn’t it?” asked an army soldier.

“Alright, settle down,” said the general in a loud voice.

The crowd went silent and they all looked at the general.

“We need to find out what our next move is. This, UFO is not our problem for now. It is gone, until it comes back we have not to worry about it, right. Right now, our issue to deal with Godzilla and Anguirus,” started the general.

“But sir, in case the ship comes back, shouldn’t at least take some action before?”

“After we discuss the matters with the monsters, we will create a research facility for the hover craft. But, for now we need to get rid of these creatures,” continued the general.

“Um, General. Say the monsters are defeated, what will destroy the space ship?”

“Us of course! Are you questioning our modern abilities?” asked the general.

“No, im just concerned that we might not have as good a chance without the monsters fighting it as well. They obviously don’t like the UFO here either which is why I believe they came here,”

“Hey, we don’t even know if the thing is coming back for sure,”

“Oh, it’s coming back all right. The atmosphere hasn’t changed back,” explained Dr. Chuang just now walking into the conference.

“That’s right, it hasn’t has it?” questioned the general.

“No, now that this thing has got an idea of what it’s dealing with, it will return and deal with the issues it faced, meaning Godzilla and Anguirus,” said Chuang.

“You might be right. We have to come up with a plan of action and fast. This thing isn’t going to wait for us,” said the general.

Tanks rolled down what was left of Tokyo and followed the trails of the monsters. A wave of helicopters also followed them. Building ruins laid everywhere and smashed cars and semi trucks scattered the streets. A cloud of smoke nearly covered it all. Godzilla stomped on a tree and roared, Anguirus close behind.

“We have them in our sights General. Would you like us to engage?” asked a chopper pilot.

“...No, just follow them and see where their going. They could know where the UFO will hit next,” said the general.

Godzilla and Anguirus approached the ocean and they both jumped in.

“General, the monsters have entered the ocean. We are not able to follow them that far,”

“Okay, come back to base. The G.E. 5,000 has just been refueled and will continue following them,”

The G.E. team suited up and walked into the launch arena for the G.E. 5,000. It sat in the middle of the area still dented from it’s previous encounter. Though still damaged, this was only a recon mission so they didn’t need it completely fit for battle. The team went into the ship and the main pilot switched the key on. The G.E. 5,000 started up and began to fly upward.

“All systems check,” said the pilot.

The giant plane flew away in the direction of the two monsters.

Godzilla and Anguirus waded into the water and sunk beneath the waves. The G.E. 5,000 came to the water and looked around. Godzilla’s silver spines poked out.

“There they are. Follow them but, not too close,” instructed the pilot.

The ship went with the monsters into the ocean. A little ways away, Mothra flew across the blue sea as well.

At the G.P.D. the general looked at the map. The monsters seemed to heading around toward Osaka.

“Well, now we have an idea of where they’re going,” whispered the general.

It was about 8:00 p.m. when the monsters reached the coast of Osaka. Godzilla surfaced out of the water and roared. His wound in his chest was now healed. Anguirus put his head out of the water as well and they reached the land. The G.E. 5,000 was right behind them at a decent range.

“G.P.D. Godzilla and Anguirus have surfaced and are now in Osaka,” pronounced the pilot to the base.

“Alright, there has to be a reason that they’re there. Chuang, search the atmosphere readings in Osaka,”

“The atmosphere is even worse there sir,” responded Chuang.

“That means that the UFO will most likely be there soon,”

The G.E. 5,000 flew over some buildings and then stopped. Godzilla stepped onto the soil of Osaka. He roared loudly. The city had not been fully evacuated so there were people running for their lives. Some tanks rolled up to him and began to fire.

“Wait, hold your fire! We’re with the G.P.D. and we order you to stop!” called the pilot of the G.E. 5,000 to the tanks below.

“He’ll destroy us all!” called back a tank operator.

“Listen, you’ve got to get out of the city as quick as you can. There will be a UFO coming. Godzilla is going to help us fight it,”

The tank operator sighed. “Those are just rumors you crazy bag,”

“Please, acknowledge me,” the tank operator did not respond back.

The tanks continued to blast away at the king of the monsters. Anguirus came alongside Godzilla and trampled the tanks. Godzillas atomic breath took care of the rest of them. The two monsters stepped into Osaka. Godzilla banged his fist against a tower and it collapsed onto the fleeing people. Then, a faint sound came from the ocean. Both Godzilla and Anguirus turned around. Mothra flew into the city and stopped in front of the monsters.
“Mothra?!” cried the pilot of the G.E. 5,000.

The men at the base were astonished to see the large moth.

“This is crazy. Now, Mothra’s here too,” gasped the general.

“Something big must be about to happen,” proclaimed Dr. Chuang.

“I think you are right,” agreed the general.

Godzilla roared at Mothra. Mothra made a faint sound back.

“They also seem to be communicating to each other,” said the pilot of the G.E. 5,000.

“They must all be teaming up to take down this thing. They know it will cause harm to their planet,” said Chuang.

A worker stood out of his seat and began to speak.

“Okay, not to be the bad guy here but, have we all forgot that Godzilla and Anguirus are still also our enemies. They don’t want to protect us, they just want this thing out of here so they can destroy us themselves,” he announced.

Workers and troopers started turning to one another and nodding as if they were agreeing with him. Dr. Chuang made a worried face.

“Who says that is for sure though?” asked Chuang also now standing up.

“Why would they help? The last time Godzilla came to Tokyo, he wrecked everything! Don’t you remember? The cries of people being crushed by the monster, soldiers being smashed by falling buildings, the screams of men being burned alive. Don’t you remember the horror, the destruction?” asked the worker.

Chuang paused and looked at the floor. In her mind she pictured the raging beast as it spat its horrible, burning atomic breath down at the citizens that were running for their life. She saw the army soldiers firing missiles and cannons at the monster. she also saw the great Gojira swat the helicopters and planes out of the sky, sending friends, allies to their death.

“Yes, I do remember. I’ve never forgot,” she said finally.

“I remember what happened in 1954, but we have got to give them a chance. Just give them one chance. If they manage to defeat this things from outer space and decide to attack us, then you can blame me for it all. It will all be my fault. But, i’m asking you for one simple favor, give Godzilla and Anguirus a chance to show they are more than just a nuclear bomb,” Dr. Chuang finished.

The whole room was silent. You’d think you were in a library. No one spoke, then the general walked over to her. He came really close to her ear and said.

“You have earned your chance. We’ll let Godzilla and Anguirus work, but if you’re wrong about them, you are fired from this operation,” sternly said the general.

Gasping, but still keeping a straight face she responded, “Yes sir,”

The next day, all three monsters were gone. The G.E. 5,000 hovered above Osaka. The general walked into the room and picked up a headset.

“G.E. Pilot 01, do you read?” asked the general.

“Roger that General sir,” answered the pilot.

“Where are they?”

“Well, Godzilla went back into the ocean but, we presume he is still nearby,”

“And Anguirus?”

“He buried himself in a hole outside the main center. Mothra flew away just a few hours ago,”

“Alright, thank you. Return to base,” said the general.

The radio went quiet. The general put down the headset and turned around to see the workers.

“It would seem something big is about to happen in Osaka. We don’t know what it is really but, something is going to take place, soon,” explained the general.

The workers just looked at him with blank expressions.

“We are going to treat this as if Godzilla were to come. Send a squad of tanks to surround the main center of Osaka. I also want jets to circle the area too,” commanded the general.

“Ill radio our guys,” said a worker.


An army tent sat near the city. Their radio started making a static sound and a voice came on. The men turned to it and one of them picked it up.

“Azuakai, who is this?” asked Azuakai, the soldier.

“This is Kang from G.P.D.” answered the voice.

“Well, what do you want?”

“Something bad is going to happen in Osaka very soon,”

“Thanks for the tip, if you haven’t already noticed G.P.D. Godzilla has already came here and has caused great damages,”

“No, not Godzilla. There has been a UFO sighting and is hostile, you need to make the Godzilla preparation set up,”

“For Godzilla?”

“For the UFO,”

“What, that’s crazy,”

“Listen, Godzilla and Anguirus are not the enemy. Draw all your fire power to the ship when it comes,” said the worker.


“Generals orders,”

“Roger that sir,” said the soldier.

The worker stood up out of his seat.

“General sir, the men are setting up the perimeter now,”

“Excellent,” sighed the general.

Tanks rolled down Osaka roads crushing what was left of cars and smashed building parts. Helicopters soared in the sky overwatching the city in case a monster or the UFO arrived. An army soldier turned to his partner beside him.

“I don’t see why we’re here waiting for some alien to show up. Shouldn’t we be more concerned with the rampaging monsters everywhere?” he asked.

“We don’t question orders, we just obey them,” answered the other soldier.

Buildings, barely standing sat in front of the set-up. A couple were aflame. The city itself was evacuated which was good but not all escaped alive.

“Godzilla is nothing but a savage beast of mass destruction,” told one soldier to the other.

Jet planes flew by at high speeds.

“Nothing so far,” said a jet pilot to the general.

“Keep in the area for a few days. We need to be ready for what is about to happen,” instructed the general.

Dr. Chuang looked at her laptop which showed a red dot in the ocean outside the city. It didn’t move. She then scrolled down to the city and saw another red dot, more faint and seemed to be underneath the ground. Chuang sighed and began typing on some records. The general walked over to her and looked at her computer.

“Any more news?” asked the general.

“I’m just confused. The monsters are still here, but they are not moving. What do you think?” she turned to the general.

“I’m not sure but, I honestly hope you’re right about all of this,” whispered the general.

He then turned and walked back into the larger part of the base room and stood beside his desk. A giant version of the map was on the wall.

About a day went by and Chuang opened her laptop again. Something was different.

“Sir, sir!” she yelled.

“What is it?” he ran over.

“The monsters...are..gone,”

“What?!” the general grabbed her laptop and then looked at the larger map.

“Where did they go?!”

“They wouldn’t just leave,” said Chuang in a worried voice.

“How can this be?” puzzled the general.

A soldier stood watching his troops march by. His radio went off and he picked it up.

“Captain, it seems the monsters have disappeared. Don’t leave the area but, just be advised,”

He set down the radio and ran over to his group.

“This doesn’t make any sense. They just….left?” questioned Dr. Chuang.

“Maybe they think the UFO will go somewhere else?” said the general.

“What about the atmosphere? It’s still bad,”

“I don’t know,” sighed the general.

Later that night, a meeting took place at the G.P.D. Army commanders and general gathered at a circular table in a small room. There was no windows and only one door. A giant TV screen sat in the wall on the far side of the table.

“Gentlemen, it seems that the monsters Godzilla, Anguirus, and the thing Mothra have all somehow disappeared. There was no trace of where they went and no one happened to catch their last position. We don’t know what will happen next, but we need to continue with the plan,” said an army commander.

“And you’re talking the about Operation UFO, right?” asked a scientist.

“Yes, we cannot let the fact that there is still a UFO out there somewhere fade away,”

“But, Commander we don’t even know for certain if the UFO will hit Osaka. This was just guessed by a scientists trusting in the monsters to bring us to victory, if that is not crazy enough already,” scolded another army general.

Dr. Chuang, part of this conference made a sour face at that general.

“Yes, we don’t know for sure but, it is a high probability due to the atmosphere in that area,” confirmed the general of G.P.D.

“Yes, you are right about that,” sighed the other general.

“And when this happened here in Tokyo, the ship came here did it not?” questioned the G.P.D. general.


“Then we cannot doubt that it happen here too,” said the general to the group.

The men shook their heads in agreement.

“All we can now, is wait and see what happens,” said the commander.

It was the morning at around 8:26. The army circled the city of Osaka. No one could get in or out. The ground was warm and building parts scattered the area. A soldier marched over to the ocean side with a squad and looked out into the open waters. The ocean was calm and sparkled in the morning sun. One soldier put his rifle around his back and crossed his hands. Back in the heart of the city, other men dig into the ruins of what once were skyscrapers. Dead bodies were often found, smashed by the buildings.

“Man, all these poor people. They were too late. Ha, and to think we put our trust into that lizard,” said a soldier with a frown.

Most of the men had to wear gas masks due to the radiation and atmosphere. It was hazardous. Some other guys stood atop a skyscraper, looking out to see if they could spot something, anything.

Suddenly, in the midst of the quietness, there was a large shake of the earth. The ground banged and cracks spread out of the roads. The soldiers toppled over each other. The ocean grew giant waves which splashed onto the land, soaking army troopers. Then, again it went silent. Everything stopped at once. There was a hovering sound. The men all froze and turned their eyes to the sky. A giant oval shape appeared. It had a silver metal looking material on it and was gigantic. An army soldier ran over and snagged his radio.

“General, general! It’s here!!” he cried.

The general back at G.P.D. stood frozen. His jaw dropped to the ground and his eyes looked as wide as gumballs.

“All units, engage on sight!” he commanded.

The tanks fired off several rounds into the metal ship. Some jet planes speed by and launched rockets and helicopters spun miniguns and blasted missiles at it. Explosions could be heard for miles. Metal chunks of the UFO fell onto buildings and crushed some of the tanks. All the units then stopped firing. The UFO sat still as if nothing had even happened. A blue glow came from the center of the ship and shot down a beam of energy onto the ground. A huge boom went off and nothing was there. The tanks, buildings, everything turned to a pile of ashes. The general stood shocked at what he had just seen.

“Whoa! What the..” cried a plane pilot.

The impact of the beam was so strong that the helicopters tumbled to their doom.

The general sprinted over to Dr. Chuang’s desk.

“Where are the monsters?!” he demanded.

“I...uh..i’m not sure,” she hesitated.

A jet flew by the UFO. The jet shot missiles which slammed into the UFO. Again, taking no damage blasted the ground with another blistering beam. One jet began to spin around and slowly started to glide to the ground and blew up.

“We lost J-3,” said a worker at G.P.D.

Two more jets went by the massive ship and shot more rockets at it.

“Amazing, it’s like it’s invincible,” said a scientist looking at the screen.

The UFO took a new approach this time. It hovered lower to the ground and a small alien-like minigun sprouted out of the top. A jet flew towards the ship and it sprayed a deadly pulse of the weapon. The second jet smashed into a building. The skyscraper swayed back and forth and then fell, causing a giant cloud of smoke and ash.

The general put his hands behind his head.

“General, i’m sorry. I thought for sure…”

“No, you’re fired!”

Then, on Chuang’s laptop, a red dot appeared. It was faint but, was there.

“General, look,”

He looked at the laptop.

The last jet came around and fired rockets at the UFO. With one blast of the minigun, the jet swerved and wrecked into the concrete of the city street. The UFO stood still, making its weird hovering sound. Suddenly, the ground exploded. Some spikes stuck out and a head peeked out. There was a roar and Anguirus emerged from the soil. He crawled over to a building and stood on his hind legs. Anguirus roared again as he turned to the large space ship. The UFO was still. Anguirus walked over to it and also froze. It was silent as the two creatures looked at one another in astonishment and confusion. Then, the UFO hit Anguirus with its minigun. Anguirus squealed and fell to the floor. He quickly got up and charged the ship. Anguirus lept into the air and latched onto the UFO. It drove its scaley fists into the ship over and over until the UFO had had enough. It flung Anguirus right off onto a building. Anguirus lay on his back and flailed his arms and legs, roaring in anger. The UFO went over to Anguirus and began to charge the beam underneath it. When Anguirus looked up, it was too late. The UFOs beam drove into him.

“Anguirus is fighting the UFO, see?” proclaimed Chuang.

“Yes, but he can’t do it alone,” explained the general.

The UFO stopped shooting its beam. Anguirus didn’t move for a while. Then, he finally flipped back over and crawled away from the ship. He turned around and growled at the UFO. Anguirus darted at the UFO again. It blasted another beam but, Anguirus lept over it and smacked into the ship. It tumbled to the ground with a thud. Anguirus let out a small victory roar. The spaceship immediately flipped over and hit Anguirus at a high speed. Anguirus flew back and smashed into a building. Blood poured out of the dinosaur-like creatures mouth as he roared out in pain. The ship approached Anguirus and prepared to hit him with another beam when a blue fire hit the ship.

Godzilla surfaced from the water right outside Osaka. The ship turned to him and remained still. Godzilla let out a long roar and stepped onto the shore. The UFO went over to Godzilla.

“It’s going to attack Godzilla now,” said the general.

“You’re right, it must get its threat out of the way in order to take the planet,” said Dr. Chuang.

The UFO halted in front of Godzilla. Godzilla looked up at it and growled lowly. Then, the ship hit him with its ray in the chest again, which was still injured from the last battle. Godzilla roared in agony and toppled over on his side. The UFO hovered over Godzilla and started to power up its beam. Moments away from firing, Godzilla blasted his atomic breath into the cannon under the UFO. There was a huge explosion and the ship swayed back and forth and then fell to the ground. Godzilla stood back up and walked slowly over the UFO. He looked down at it for a minute or two and lifted his foot in the air. With full force, he crushed the top of it. Over and over he stepped on the UFO. Suddenly, the UFO swept from underneath him and Godzilla tripped. Anguirus finally got to his feet again and stroded towards Godzilla. The two monsters stood side by side. The UFO backed away and then then shot into the air, disappearing. Godzilla looked up at the sky, as did Anguirus.

“The UFO’s gone, again,” said a worker.

“It’s been defeated, but now knows Godzilla and Anguirus primary attacks and will most likely perfect its weaponry in order to destroy the monsters,” guessed Chuang.

“That seems to be what it’s doing. Finding out a weakness,” said the general.

Godzilla walked into the ocean with Anguirus and they began swimming.

“Where are they going now?” asked a worker.

“They’re going to where the UFO is going to go next,” said Chuang.

Everyone turned to Dr. Chuang. The general went up to.

“You know, you were correct about Osaka,” he said.

Dr. Chuang nodded.

“Well, good work. Where do you think they’re going to go next?”

“I’m not sure but, we’ll have to keep an eye on the atmosphere for Japan cities,”

“Right,” agreed the general.

The general picked up a phone on his desk.

“Send out the G.E. 5,000 to follow Godzilla and Anguirus,”

“Yes, sir,” responded a voice.

The pilots and crew ran through the hall and into the launch room. They strapped in their helmets and opened the doors to the G.E. 5,000. The head pilot sat down in the front and the crew also sat and put their seat belts on. The pilot turned it on and the ship began to go up. The G.E. 5,000 flew out towards Osaka. They came to Godzilla and Anguirus.

“Steady, we don’t want to get too close,” said a pilot.

Godzilla raised his head out of the water and turned to the ship. He gave a roar but, then submerged into the water.

“They seem to be headed south-west,” informed the pilot.

“That’s odd,” thought the general.

Godzillas fins poked out of the water. They sailed roughly splashing water high into the sky. His tail whipped out and then hit the ocean again. Anguirus head popped out of the water and he growled.

A day went by and the G.E. 5,000 continued following the two monsters.

“General, the beats just passed the island of Taiwan. They seem to headed to China,”


Sure enough, within the next day, Godzilla and Anguirus approached China.

“Okay, now they are off the coast of Hong Kong,” said the pilot.

“Let them know what’s coming their way,” said the general to a worker.

Godzilla stuck his head out of the water, then his whole body. He raised his head and roared. Anguirus came up as well. Then, they stepped onto the shore. Fishermen and other bay workers screamed in horror at the sight the mammoth creatures. They ran for their lives. Godzilla looked around as if to check the area out. Anguirus reached the bay too and not too far behind, the G.E. 5,000. Police cars whirled into the area and made a perimeter. Godzilla looked down at them but, did not take much more notice. He marched right by them and continued into Hong Kong along with Anguirus.The pilot of the G.E. 5,000 pushed a few buttons and sent a radar check.

“My gosh, Chuang was right. The atmosphere is bad here as well,”

Army troopers were already in Hong Kong due to the atmosphere change and were evacuating citizens. They wore gas masks. Godzilla slowly went into the city and smashed through a bridge. Debree and rubble fell to the ground, crushing army men and vehicles. Godzilla snarled as he walked through the city. His massive feet stomped on cars and fleeing people. His tail swept around and knocked over small buildings and shops. Anguirus rolled into the city as well. He stuck his nose in the air and sniffed it. He then turned to the ground and looked at the citizens running. Anguirus ignored them and continued on to where his companion was. Godzilla looked over his shoulder to make sure Anguirus was there. The G.E. 5,000 soared through. The pilot looked down at the fallen buildings and burning houses.

“Holy crap,” he whispered.

The army had noticed the monsters entry and took direct action. The pilot of the G.E. 5,000 tried to get in contact with them so they wouldn’t attack Godzilla and Anguirus. For some reason, they didn’t respond back. Tanks lined up around the area as did other heavily armored vehicles. Godzilla looked at them and roared loudly. The tanks fired at them.

“General sir, the chinese military has opened fire on the monsters,” informed the pilot of the G.E. 5,000.

“Did you try to get ahold of their leader?”

“Yes, they did not respond,”

“Great,” sighed the general.

The tanks popped off large shells into the king of the monsters. They did no good but, the men didn’t realize this. Godzilla lowered his head and grunted at the tanks. His spikes lit up and steam could be seen coming off them. He opened his and mouth and blew the tanks away with his fire breath.

“Well, there they go,” said the pilot.

Godzilla kept advancing into the city with Anguirus close by. There was a low sound. The monsters looked up in the sky. Mothra flew down to them.

“Mothra, it’s back,” said the pilot.

“Mothra,” whispered the general.

Mothra, Anguirus, and Godzilla roared and growled back at each other as if they were talking.

“What’s going on?” asked one of the side pilots.

“I may be wrong, but I believe they’re planning for their attack,” responded the main pilot.

Suddenly, a rumble hit the city of Hong Kong. The G.E. 5,000 wobbled in the air and the pilots struggled to gain back its control. Godzilla and Anguirus fell over and Mothra swayed in the sky. A red beam hit the middle of the city. The three monsters looked into it.

“What is that?!” cried the pilot.

Back at G.P.D. headquarters, the video and maps were failing.

“Quick, find out what’s the matter!” yelled the general.

“We’re trying. Something’s blocking the signal to the G.E. 5,000!” said a worker.

The beam vanished. A black figure stood in its place. Godzilla growled at it. There was a hissing sound and the sound of what seemed like, a hyena. Two golden colored feet stepped out onto the rubble. Three snake-like heads stuck high up. Two giant wings spread out. Two whipped tails lashed outward. The monster roared a terrible roar. The roar itself sounded like someone was laughing in a chipmunk voice. This monster, was Ghidorah.

Ghidorah walked in front of the three earth defenders and gave a nasty look at them. The creature had blood red eyes and sharp pearly white fangs.Tongues stuck out of all three of their mouths as if to smell them. Godzilla roared at Ghidorah. Ghidorah did not like this at all, he lunged at Godzilla. One head bit into his right arm shocking him with electricity. Anguirus charged Ghidorah and rammed into his side. The remaining two heads latched around Anguirus and flung him into a building. Wreckage fell onto chinese soldiers. Godzilla grunted in pain and grabbed one of the heads with his left arm. The head biting his arm, let go and roared at Godzilla. Godzilla then grabbed that head with his right arm and began to strangle the beast. Mothra flew towards the back of Ghidorah and shot a deadly pollen at him. Ghidorah smacked Mothra out of the sky with its tails. The third head of Ghidorah shot volts of electric at Godzilla. Godzilla let go of the heads and fell over, dazed. Anguirus got back up and tried to ram Ghidorah again, this time from the back. His front horn jammed into Ghidorah's back. Blood shot out as two of Ghidorah’s heads whipped around and bit Anguirus in the neck. With dual strength, Ghidorah picked up Anguirus with his heads and through him into Godzilla who was still laying on the ground.

“We have to help them,” said the pilot.

“Um, sir this is the Godzilla Exterminator you know, not the Alien Exterminator,” joked a side pilot.

“I know but, we have to help,”

The G.E. 5,000 hovered over to Ghidorah, who was roaring in victory and shot giant missiles at it. Ghidorah turned around and tried shooting it’s electricity at the G.E. 5,000. The G.E. dodged it just in time but, a bigger problem occurred. The UFO slowly came down from the sky.

“I get it now. The UFO, it found the weakness. The only way to defeat a monster, is with another monster,” realized the pilot.

Ghidorah turned back around to see Mothra back up. Mothra shot its pollen at Ghidorah. Ghidorah flung his heads around like rag dolls and shot its electric. Godzilla got back up and ran up to Ghidorah. He grabbed it around the chest and tried to pick up the massive dragon. Ghidorah flailed around and continued to fire its electric. Godzilla tossed the beast into a nearby building. Then, Godzilla picked up a smaller building and threw it at Ghidorah. The building smashed into him and Ghidorah fell over. Godzilla lit his spikes up and prepared to fire his atomic breath. Just before he could shoot it though, the UFO rammed into Godzilla’s head. Godzilla toppled over firing his breath as he fell which missed Ghidorah. Anguirus roared at Ghidorah and curled into a spiky ball. Godzilla got up and picked up Anguirus. He then threw the spiky ball into Ghidorah. Ghidorah squealed and blood shot out of his chest.

The interruption to the G.P.D. finally stopped and the whole fight was now visible. The general was shocked as were most of the workers and Dr. Chuang.

“What is that monster?” questioned the general.

“This is it. This is what the aliens were planning, to destroy the king of the monsters, with their own monster taking his place,” said Dr. Chuang.

Mothra flew into Ghidorah. Ghidorah bit into her wings and shocked her and threw her to the ground. Ghidorah then lifted his foot and stomped on the large moth. Mothra let out a faint sound and tried to fly away. Ghidorah sprayed his electric at her and the giant moth fell back to the ground.

Back on Infant Island, the two small girls went to their knees.

“It can not be, the thing Mothra, she’s dead,” they said together.

Mothra’s blue eyes turned a faint grey and she stopped moving.

“Mothra is dead,” said the pilot back to G.P.D.

The men and women sighed and lowered their heads in respect fro the creature.

Godzilla marched over to Ghidorah again and punched one of its heads. Ghidorah roared as Anguirus lept onto its back and scratched it.
His claws sunk into Ghidorah’s scaly skin. Blood came gushing out of Ghidorah and he flipped Anguirus off. Godzilla socked another one of Ghidorah’s heads. Then, he grabbed one of them and bit it. Ghidorah screeched with pain. Anguirus charged up and sunk his fangs into another one of Ghidorah’s heads. The remaining head started shooting electric everywhere, it didn’t even care. The UFO went over and shot its lazor at Godzilla. Godzilla let go of Ghidorah’s and and turned around to the UFO. He quickly lit up his spikes and shot his fire breath at the ship. The UFO burst into flame and blew up.

The pilots gasped as did the people at G.P.D.

“The UFO, it’s been destroyed!” cries a worker.

They all began clapping but, continued watching the two monsters battle the alien.

Ghidorah struggled to get Anguirus off of his neck. He had a tight jaw grip. Godzilla turned back around and punched Ghidorah’s head again. Ghidorah had had enough, he completely spread out his enormous wings and flapped them again and again. Anguirus let go of Ghidorah’s head but, Godzilla hung on. Ghidorah lifted off of the ground and started to fly. Godzilla kept a hold of Ghidorah’s left head. He roared as he looked down at Anguirus. The two monsters were now high in the sky. Ghidorah growled as Godzilla held on for dear life. Ghidorah’s middle head turned to
Godzilla and bit him.Though in pain, Godzilla held on. Godzilla’s weight was so large, Ghidorah started descending downward. Anguirus ran over to where they we about to land. Finally, after their joyride, they hit the ground again. Ghidorah shot electric at the incoming Anguirus, but missed. Anguirus ran full speed into Ghidorah. His horn stabbed Ghidorah in the chest. Anguirus then retreated and turned around. Godzilla also backed away but, before Ghidorah could do anything, Anguirus tail smacked him in all three of his faces. Ghidorah hit the floor with a giant thud. Godzilla and Anguirus roared victoriously. Ghidorah slowly stood back up, barely able to move. He roared softly in his hyena like tone. Godzilla grunted and his spikes turned blue. Anguirus stood back a little. Godzilla’s spikes then turned a darker blue, and then a light orange. Ghidorah stepped back. Then, Godzilla opened his mouth and it filled with flame. Ghidorah began to fly upward. It was too late. Godzilla unleashed a deadly pulse of dark orange fire. It hit Ghidorah like a train to a car. Ghidorah flung back and smashed into a building. There was a huge explosions and fire filled the area. The force was so strong, the G.E. 5,000 began to sway back and forth.

“Whoa, steady,” said the main pilot.

Godzilla’s spikes flickered and he closed his mouth. Anguirus walked back over to Godzilla and stood on his hind legs. Ghidorah stepped forward then, he froze completely. The monsters stood silently. Ghidorah fell forward and landed directly in front of Godzilla and Anguirus, and died. Godzilla let out a long, low roar.

At G.P.D. headquarters, everyone stood in awe. No one talked, no one spoke. The general then turned around at all his workers and Dr. Chuang. He raised his arm and saluted. Everyone else in the room stood to their feet and also saluted. On the screen, Godzilla was still roaring. The general put down his arm as did the workers and walked over to Dr. Chuang.

“Dr. Chuang, you were right. You were right about everything. Godzilla, he came here to protect his planet, not destroy it. Maybe, Godzilla is more than we think he is,” he turned to the screen.

“Godzilla, Earth Defender,” he finished.

“General, the atmosphere is returning to normal,” said a worker.


The G.E. 5,000 watched the monsters.

“G.E. team, rap it up. You’re coming home,” said the general on the radio.

“Yes sir,” said the pilot back.

The G.E. 5,000 spun around and flew back towards Japan.

Godzilla looked at it fly away and growled. Anguirus looked at Godzilla. Together they walked into the ocean. Anguirus was gone first, beneath the waves. Godzilla, about chest high with the water, let out one last roar, a long victorious roar, and he submerged back into the green, salty, water. The sun began to descend and the cool summer night came. The stars sparkled in the sky and a full moon shown. The ocean water was still and clear. And beneath those waves, was a monster. It was no ordinary monster, it was the king of the monsters Gojira, Gojira.
The End

All monsters in this novel are the property of Toho co. Ltd

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