Idk yet | Teen Ink

Idk yet

October 26, 2018
By Anonymous

The author's comments:

sorry it so long and kinda bad

It was a crisp, fall day, and school had just started. It was Adam’s first year as a sophomore. New year, new me Adam thought. The two previous years Adam had been the straight A student, nerdy, but pretty attractive. He had one huge secret. He had never had anyone he trusted enough to tell. He was hoping to get a friend he could trust enough to tell. While he was thinking of all this, he bumped into a girl. It was Emily. Emily was the hottest girl at Newman High. She was dating the star quarterback, James. ”Sorry, I was lost in thought. I’ll go now” said Adam. “Wait!” Emily called after him. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around the school. Are you new here?” she asked.  Wow, she actually noticed me, he thought. Saying what first came to his mind, he said, “No, this is my sophomore year here.” Emily looked surprised but confused at the same time. “Oh, well, I’m a sophomore too! Maybe we will have some classes together!” I don’t think so, he thought. “Well, I’ve got to go! Maybe I’ll see you around,” said Emily, and with that, she was gone. Sure enough, he had homeroom, math, science, and English with her. By the time we hit seventh period, Adam was tired of her, and a little annoyed. “Want to sit with me and James at lunch? I think he will be refreshed to see I’m bringing another guy over instead of Julia or Alexa.” “Sure, I’ll find you when I get there.” I’ll just go eat in the library and pretend I couldn’t find them, he thought.

Unfortunately, Emily found him at his locker, James in hand. “Oh! There you are! James, this is Adam, the boy I was telling you about. Adam, James. James, Adam.” Adam was taken aback. He had anticipated James being a cute guy, being on the football team, and all, but not like this. He was grade A hot stuff. He was 5’10, had huge muscles, and was really nice to Adam. “Hi, Adam. It’s really nice to finally meet you. During gym, all Emily did was talk about how nice you were. I see you will be joining us for lunch.” explained James. “Um, um yeah I will be right there.” Oh, my gooooooooooood!  Adam thought. He’s amazing, and I think he’s the one! They went to lunch, and all was well. Adam couldn’t stop staring at James. He’s so beautiful. He has the perfect form, a gentle voice, and knows when to be serious.  Not like all the other jocks. Adam thought. About three months after school started,, Adam and Emily became really close, and he decided to share his secret. So that day, after school, Emily invited Adam over. After like an hour, He gained the courage. “Um... Emily, can I tell you a secret that nobody knows? You can’t tell anyone, especially James.” “Okay, I promise.” He took a deep breath. “So, I’m not exactly like you. I’m not normal. Do you understand?” Emily looked confused. “Okay, I see you are confused,” Adam continued, “What I am trying to say is, um, I’m gay.”

Emily didn’t look worried. In fact, she looked relieved. “Oh! You scared me there! I thought you were gonna say you have cancer or something!!” Adam must have had a dumbfounded look on his face because Emily elaborated. “I’m perfectly fine with gays, in fact, my second cousin twice removed on my mother side is a lesbian! I grew up with my parents telling me not to judge people by their race, sexuality or gender. Everyone was made the way God wanted them. You just happened to be my Gay Best Friend.” This took a lot of stress off of Adam’s shoulders. “Wait till you hear who I have my eye on- then you will hate me.” Adam laughed. “If it’s James, I already know.” Emily chuckled. Adam looked confused. “How did you know?” “I have seen you watching him- and I’m not at all offended or upset. The heart wants what the heart wants. Now if you go behind my back, then I'm offended. But I know you would never do that.” Emily cleared up. I’m really glad she understands and isn’t upset Adam thought. “You can’t say ANYTHING to James. If you do I will kill you.” Adam warned her. Emily laughed. “No, I was planning to tell my boyfriend that my best friend is gay and has a massive crush on him. He would take that GREAT.” Then Adam hit her with a pillow, and they fell over laughing. And that was that.

Fall came and went. Winter was the slowest season ever. There were 2 weeks of school being canceled, and lots of 2-hour delays. That meant more days till school was out at the end of the year. Winter break came, and Adam was over at Emily’s place, and that’s when it happened. James texted Emily to meet him at a McDonalds on the outskirts of town, alone. I stayed behind at her place, and then she went. About an hour later, she came back, mascara streaming down her face with the tears. She was heartbroken. Adam, being the best friend he is, asked what happened. She began with the fact that she didn’t blame Adam, and that he should go take his chance. Adam was confused and worried. Turns out James had a crush on Adam from day one, and that he was secretly bisexual. He was in love, or so he thought, with Emily. But after he met Adam, he saw love for real. Adam felt bad for Emily's harsh breakup but was excited inside. “I’m so sorry Em, I’m so sorry. Did he say anything else?” She went on to give Adam every little detail. Emily looked tired. Adam pointed that out to her, and she lay down on his lap. “I am so thankful to have a friend like you. I love you so much.” “I love you too,” Adam said as he lay back on the wall. Then they fell asleep.

A few weeks turned into a month, and a month turned into two. Adam became restless. He confronted Emily about it. He told her that he didn’t want to move too fast, but he wanted to confront James about the situation, and maybe ask him out. She said it was okay if he did, and best of luck. So, at lunch, while Emily was sitting with Alexa and Julia, he gained the courage and did it. “So, you know how you broke up with Em because you said you were bi and had a crush on me? Well, I like you too. And if you still feel that way, well maybe, we can, um, you know, um,” Adam was out of words. But James knew what he was trying to say. “I would love to go on a date with you. Maybe this weekend, while my parents are away, I could pick you up at your house and we can get a pizza and a movie. We could go back to my house and watch it.” James turned red. “Or we can go to your house.” Adam blushed. “No, pizza and a movie at your house is fine, how about 5:30 on Saturday? Is that okay?” James agreed and them lunch was over. After school, Adam went over to Emily’s house and told her everything, from the beginning to end. Emily was amazed. “I didn’t know that James had it in him to make plans. I had to plan all of our dates when we were dating.” Adam didn’t hear her. He was too lost in thought, imagining the day to come. He couldn’t wait.

Finally, the Saturday came. Adam was ready, but still kind of nervous. What if he gets to know me a little better, and doesn’t like me? Adam thought, What if he leans in and we get close? What should I do? No, Adam, you are over exaggerating this whole situation. He will like you for you, or James doesn’t get you. That’s that. The conversation went on for a while like that. Luckily, it was all in his head. 5:30 came around and James showed up. “Hi.” Adam greeted him.  James looked nervous. “Hi. I picked up a pizza, just plain, is that okay?” Adam looked into James' eyes and said, “ Don’t worry, whatever happens, it will be okay. Tonight will be fun.” James looked like he just had 200 pounds lifted off his shoulders. “Okay, I was worried that everything would go wrong, and you would never forgive me and then my life would be over.” Nothing could go wrong as long as you’re here, Adam thought. “Okay, what movie are we watching?” Adam asked as the boys headed towards the car. “Well, I was thinking, if you like scary movies and comedies, then we could watch Scary Movie, and then Boo 2. But if not that’s fine.” “No, I love scary movies. I can’t wait.”

About 20 minutes later, they arrived at James’s house. While James got the pizza out of the trunk, Adam took a deep breath. It’s okay, Adam. Just breath. Man, now I know how girls feel. Adam chuckled a little. “What’s so funny?” James asked. “Oh, nothing. I was just thinking.” James put on a smug look and said “Were you thinking about how long it is taking me to get the pizza out of the trunk? Because it’s taking me pretty dang long.” They laughed. James opened the house door and they walked in. “My folks are out for the weekend, and it’s not much, but it’s home.” Adam was amazed. He had a huge house, and when you walk in, it was a long hallway, and a spiraling staircase, Upstairs was another long hallway with six doors on each side. James’s room was in the far corner on the left. The boys ate their pizza and went up to James’s room to watch the movies. During the middle of Scary Movie, James moved a little closer to Adam. A little after that, Adam jumped and almost landed on James. They both laughed and separated. After 2 hours of movies, the boys got bored. They went downstairs to eat and then back up to his room. They sat on James’s bed and talked. They talked about Emily, about school, about the movies, and about them. “So,” James began, “where do you want to go from here?” Adam had been waiting for this moment all year. He had planned to say that they should date, but James is the quarterback, that would not go down very well. “Well, um, whatever you wanna do will work,” Adam said. “If you wanna keep this a secret, then we can do that. If you wanna make this a one-time thing, and wanna just be bro’s, that’s fine too.” James and Adam just sat like that for a while. Then James moved a little closer. And a little closer, till they were right next to each other. “If I kissed you, what would you do?” he asked Adam. “I would probably kiss you back,” Adam replied. “Well, let’s find out.” James leaned in,  and suddenly, their lips met. Adam didn’t back away. In fact, he kissed him back. He has been waiting for this moment since that one fall day.

James left Adam’s lips and looked at him. “Wow,” Adam said. “Wow,” James said. The two looked at each other, unsure of what to do next. They sat there for at least 15 minutes. Then the burst out laughing. “So,” James started, “ Do you want to be my boyfriend?” Adam stopped laughing. He was taken by surprise. “Of course I want to be your boyfriend,” Adam said, “but wouldn’t that ruin your rep? You know, ‘James, the gay football player’” Adam acted like a sports announcer, which made James laugh. “Well, yeah, but that won’t change the fact that I want to be with YOU. I would rather lose football than the one that makes me happy. So it’s settled. As of right now, you are my boyfriend, and I am ‘James the gay football player’” Adam chimed in. “I am so lucky to have you, James Owens.” “ And I am even luckier to have you, Adam Scott”

The next day was Sunday, and the boys and Emily spent the day together. James and Adam told her about their new found relationship. Emily took it surprisingly well. The three went shopping and out for dinner. It was James turn to host them that night. So they all went over there and ate, played games, and watched movies. Adam and Emily ended up spending the night in the basement. In the middle of the night, Adam woke up with a sudden jolt. Oh, my god-what is James gonna tell his parents?! All of these thoughts went into Adam’s head, What if the kids at school make fun of him? They can make fun of me for all I care-but James might crack. He had always been the star football player, the most popular guy in school, and now-if and when people find out, all of that will be lost. What should I do?? Adam could not fall back asleep after that. He was up the rest of the night thinking. When he finally got back to sleep, he had to get up and get ready for school.

The school didn’t start out as planned. Adam missed the bus, so he was late to the first period, he forgot his Social Studies, Math, and Science homework. That got him Saturday morning detention. So Adam wasn’t in a good mood. But he still had to tell James about last night. So during lunch, he confronted James. “So James, I was thinking last night, and I have a few questions.” James looked a little discombobulated. “Okay, go ahead.” So Adam went on to explain everything. James was stunned. “I never really thought about all of that, I guess. I just figured that everyone would be okay with me being gay. And as for my parents-woah-if, they found out that their poster child of a son was not that, they would freak. What should I do?” Adam thought about this for a little. “Well,” Adam finally said, “I think we should tell our parents before they find out the hard way. I think, this weekend, we should have our parents get together, meet each other, and then do it. They need to know.” Jams agreed, and they went their separate ways for the day. The week went by pretty fast for Adam. But when Saturday came, Adam was having second thoughts.

The boys had established that their parents would meet at Adam’s house. They went up in Adams room to go over what they would say. “Now, I have rehearsed this many times in my head, but never thought I would actually have the guts to say it. What I would say is ‘Mom, Dad, there is something I need to tell you. Promise not to freak out.’ Kinda like the same way I came out to Emily.” James let this all processes for a moment. “Okay, then what?” Adam thought for a moment. “Then we just say it. ‘Mom, Dad, I’m gay.’” That's what he wanted to say. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Um, I don’t know, actually. I guess we could just come out and say it, and everything could go two ways from there.” James was lost. “What do you mean two ways?” James asked. “Well,” Adam whispered, “they could either be really accepting or the opposite.” “So you're telling me that they either could say ‘Oh, that's fine, we still love you’ or they could blow up?” “Well I was trying to keep it vague, but,” James looked forlorn. “Well, here goes nothing.” And down the stairs, they went.

“So Mr. Owens,” Adam began, “how do you like the house?” James and Adam shared a look. They knew they had to buy some time for them to gather courage. After about 15 minutes of light conversation, Adam pulled James into the kitchen. “It’s now or never, James. We need to do it now, or they find out on their own, and that does not go well at the dinner table, believe me.” James stared at his feet. “I know, I know, its just I don’t know if I can take the shock on their faces.” Adam grabbed James’s hands. “Don’t worry, if you need anything, I’m right there. Don’t forget that. And if you want, I can do all the talking.” James smiled. “Thanks. I needed that reassurance. It would be nice if you could do all the talking, though.” James leaned in and kissed Adam. “Here we go. I think I’m ready now.” They took a deep breath and prepared for the worst. “So Mom, Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Owens, there is something that I and James would like to tell you.” Their of the parents looked confused. James looked at Adam, grabbed his hand, and nodded. Adam finally spoke. “We’re gay.”

Mr. and Mrs. Owens looked at each other, as did Mr. and Mrs. Scott. Then they looked at their kids. Holding hands after just coming out to them. It was a sight for those people to behold. “Well,” started Mrs. Scott, “if you two amazing boys are gay, then so be it. Adam, your father and I still love you very much. James, your parents still love you very much, as do we. So don’t worry about all of this. It’s just who you are.” James’s mom continued. “Helen is right. We still love you boys deeply, no matter what. So,” she said as she noticed them holding hands, “are you two an item?” James laughed. “She does this a lot. Yes, we are dating. Are you and Dad sure you are okay with this?” Mr. Owens nodded.

The next morning, James and Adam went out for coffee and breakfast. “So, that went better than planned. I was ready for that dinner talk after you guys left that's like ‘Oh, well if you ever need to talk about anything your mother and I are here for you, blah blah blah’” Adam laughed. “You’re parents spared you from that? My parents hit me with the ‘Oh, well we kind of knew all along, What straight dude plans his 7 birthday, blah blah bleh’. Needless to say it was an awkward night.” James looked at Adam and smiled. “You planned your 7 birthday party?! Dude, no offense, but that is like stereotypical white gay guy.” “Haha, hilarious James the gay football player. What did you do when you were seven. Go to your first NFL game and fall in love with football? BLEGH!” They both laughed so loud that they almost were asked to leave. After breakfast, they met Emily at the mall to meet her new boyfriend. When they got there, they spotted her in Hot Topic with John. John was on the football team at Newman High, and just happened to be the only guy who wasn’t okay with James turning gay. James stopped dead in his tracks. He had that look on his face that can tell anyone that looks at him that he is about to blow. “Are you serious? Lets just go. She doesn’t have to know we were here.” He turned around and started to walk off. “Um, James? She saw you and is coming over. Should we run?” He stopped , took a deep breath, and turned around. “No it’s fine, just stay with me today. If he can make my life miserable at school, I don’t know what he is capable of off campus.”

“James! Adam! You made it!!” Let me introduce you to John Ranker. He is the inside linebacker on the football team. Do you know James?” John narrowed his eyes at James and shot him a nasty smirk. “Oh yeah, we know each other.” “Oh! You two should get along great then!” Emily looked at James, who wasn’t smiling. “Oh yeah, GREAT.” “Emily, can I talk to you in private? It’s urgent.” Emily nodded and they left for a little. John looked pleased with what he was about to say to Adam. “So, is that you boyfriend, Glasses?” Ouch, thought Adam. Glasses was Adam’s nickname from middle school, when he had big, blocky glasses and was ‘nerd of the year’. “How did you end up with the captain of the football team? Oh, I forgot, he wasn’t here when you were a nerd, was he, Four Eyes? He might not have been, but I was. You must think dating the top football player will automatically bring you up in the food chain that is called popularity. That’s not gonna happen, kid. You see, since James left Emily for you, I became the top football player. He just shoved himself into a hole. Now he is just as low as you. You will never be on the top.” Adam looked untouched. “Are you finished? Your comments have no bother to me. I was killed by it in 7th grade when you actually had the courage to hurt me. You remember when you shoved me into a locker and I broke my arm? I bet that will hurt more than what I’m about to tell you. You wanna know what I have to say? I think you have to stoop as low as James’s sloppy seconds.” John was taken aback. Oh your gonna get it now, punk.” And then it went black.

Adam woke up in the hospital with a broken arm, fractured rib, and concussion. James was holding his hand at his side. “Oh my god thank god! You were out for 3 hours. I didn’t know when you were gonna wake up!” Adam was so confused. “What happened? Last thing I remember was waiting for impact from John’s fist. Where am I?” James took a deep breath. “So, as Emily and I were walking back over to the spot where we left you two, we saw you on the ground, not moving, unconscious, while John was rubbing his fist, looking satisfied. I ran over to you, while Emily ran to John. We called 911, and the ambulance took us to the hospital. Your parents are filing charges against him.” Adam looked worried. “Can you get me on the phone with my mom? I really need to talk to her.” James dialed the number and handed it to Adam. “Hello? Mom? Yes its me Adam. Yes I am okay. Now I need to talk to you about the charges against Ranker. You can’t do that. Because his parents will lose money again, and that’s more trouble for James and I. Remember last time? Yes. That’s why we can’t do it again. Okay, I love you too. Bye.” James looked lost. “Okay. So you know how you were new to Newman this year? I’ve known Ranker since the sixth grade. He used to be ‘my bully’. He broke my arm after shoving me into a locker in 7th grade. My parents filed charges and he served a few months. Hee has hated me since. And now look what he did. I’m useless against him. It's just gonna happen again if they sent him to prison. It can’t happen again. And that's only the half of it.”

James was astounded. “What do you mean that's only the half? What else did he do? What do I need to do to him?” Tears streamed down Adams face. “You can’t do anything. If you do his family will file charges against you and that doesn’t go well. And as for what else he did to me, he tortured me, beat me up, called me names, and drove me to suicide. Or attempt anyway.” James did not look happy. “Why did you not tell me this?! We could have found a way to work it out together! You could have died. Why would you want to die?” Adam looked down. “I am so sorry I didn't tell you.  I didn’t think it would matter. But nevermind that. We need to think of a way to deal with him and fast, because I don’t want you to be next.” James was okay after that. Emily come into Adam’s room after James left to go home for dinner. Adam, I am so sorry. I didn’t know he was capable of this, nor that he would do it. How long has this been going on? How can I help?” Adam explained that there was nothing she could do except get a hold of the kid. He told her that it is not just today, and that he has been doing it to James too. She told Adam that she would try and left. Emily left and James came back. Adam was in the hospital for 2 days then let out. He was scared to go back to school and face John, since his parents decided not to back down from the charges. He didn’t want James to go either. He didn’t want anyone else getting hurt. He didn’t need that, not on top of everything else.

The next day was Saturday, so he had all weekend to contemplate his approach. He was worrying all weekend, and by the time Sunday night came, he had not yet called James, not taken his meds. Oh my god, I’m going crazy. I am legitimately going crazy, he thought. He picked up his phone on the way to his room and called James. “Hi.” James said. “Hi, I’m going crazy.” James paused a minute, then respond, but then he said “What do you mean?” Adam listed off his whole weekend. “So yesterday, I couldn’t stop crying. Then I almost took too much medication, Then I forgot to call you,” Adam started to cry. “I’m just so afraid.” “Adam, I’m coming over. I’ll be there in 5. Stay with me Adam.” But Adam couldn’t hear him. He was too lost in his own thoughts. He really was afraid. He was afraid of   John coming after him, full throttle. He was afraid of losing James. He was afraid of losing himself. He was just afraid in general. James finally showed up. Adam was laying on his floor with his pillow, crying. Janes threw his keys aside and ran to Adam. Through the tears, Adam said, “I’m so sorry. I am so sorry.” James was confused. He looked around Adam’s room and found the pill bottle. He took a deep breath when he saw it was still full. Thank you God. James thought. But then he saw it. Adam, breathlessly laying on the floor. He didn’t seem alive. He called 911 and told them what he saw. Adam had had a asthma attack. It was from all the sobbing. The ambulance arrived and the EMS team was shocked.  “Didn’t we just pick him up at the mall a few weeks ago?” James was now crying. This was the second time that month he has been transported to the hospital in an ambulance. And he was sure it wasn’t going to be the last.

Adam was fine, he just had to get an inhaler. He was home from school on Monday and Tuesday, but was back on Wednesday. He was fine till 6th period. Then he got sent home from the nurse on a fever and upset stomach. He was out Thursday, and Friday was an inservice day, so nobody had school. He was fine over the weekend, ready to go back to school, but then it came. He was confident enough to take on the day, with James, of course. He picked James up at his house, just to prove he was better, and well enough to drive. When they got to school, James said, “If anything happens with you and John, or just with you, I want you to text me. We can go home. It’s okay.” Adam reluctantly agreed and they headed to 1st period. James had a few classes with Adam, and one class with John and Emily. Emily promised to get a hold of John so he didn’t kill anyone. But Adam was more worried. He had three classes with John, two of them without Emily. But those classes came and went, with no sign of John. Maybe his parents made him stay home today. Lets hope I’m right. He thought. 8th period came, and John showed up. He walked in the room, and looked at him and said, “Principle Eastman needs to see Adam Scott in the office. I will be walking him down.” Adam opened his mouth to object, but John said “It’s urgent. We need to go now.” The teacher looked up, beckoned for Adam, and gave him a pass. Great, thought Adam, I’m stuck alone with my bully, while everyone thinks I’m in the office. Perfect scenario. As soon as they were away from the classroom, John pushed Adam up against the lockers. “I know what you’re planning, kid. Lemme tell you it’s not gonna work. I’m not going back to that place. It was horrible, and I will go to all costs to keep me from going back there.” Adam was furious. His arm was hurting again, and it was the same set of lockers as last time. “What are you gonna do this time, blackmail me? Not gonna work, since you have nothing to hold against me.” John looked at me in a way that showed it clear that he actually had some leverage. “You sure about that?” He rolled up my sleeves so that my wrists were showing. “I’m sure dear ol’ boyfriend doesn’t know about this! We wouldn’t want him to find out now would we? And what about those painkillers, and that addiction? What about that?” Oh no. He has a hold on me. Adam looked down. “What do you need me to do, John.” John laughed. “It’s not what I need you to do, it’s what I want you to do.” He laughed to himself, one of those evil laughs you only hear in Disney movies, as he walked away. But Adam knew he had to do anything. Anything to keep James from the truth.

Adam didn’t have another encounter with John again for a while. He had gotten Adam’s number from James, so it’s not like all contact stopped. John had been harassing him, and making him do things. Adam kept this a secret, even from James, just to make sure his secrets never got out. Him and James were not talking as much, and James took notice to this, and confronted Adam one day. “What’s going on here, Adam? Are you okay? Is it something at home? Why won’t you talk to me?” When Adam didn’t respond, James kept talking. “Is it me? Are you mad because we can never spend time together now with all of my practices and games and extra classes? Because if that’s it, I can’t control this. I can’t help that I am failing english and if I don’t get a B by May I’m off the team. Can you please say something?” Adam sighed, and then said “Look, it’s not you. Yes, I miss spending time together, and yes, everything is fine at home. It’s just, something is going on, and I can’t say. Nobody knows, and I will tell you when the time is right. Can you respect that?” James nodded, and Adam continued. “I can tutor you in english, to make sure you stay on the team. Is that okay?” James’s face lit up. “Yes! Yes! Thank you so much!” James was literally jumping. “You can come by after school, and you can tutor me! Perfect! Thank you! Thank you!” He kissed Adam on the cheek. “That’s amazing! I love you!” James immediately stopped jumping. Adam was taken aback.  “I-I love you too.” That was the first time they had said ‘I love you’ to each other. Adam couldn’t wait till next time.

The next week came and went, which was a good week for Adam, since John was on vacation in France. James and Adam hung around together more and were really happy. The following week, though, was pure torture. James had gotten suspended from school. He was caught with drugs, on school property. Adam was furious. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?” Adam said to him on the day of the suspension, “You could have gotten arrested!” James didn’t look pleased with Adam either. “Oh your one to talk. Why didn’t you tell me about John harassing you? You could have died. So let’s not play the blame game here.” Adam didn’t want to give up. “This is not about me. We can deal with my problems later. Why were you doing drugs? Was it because you couldn’t handle the pressure?” James looked hurt. “Pressure from what?” Adam raised his voice. “Pressure from being perfect. Pressure from trying to worry about everyone. Pressure from trying to love me when I am far from close to perfect. Pressure from everything because you are so perfect. Pressure from not knowing what is going on in side your suicidal boyfriend’s head. That pressure, James. All of that.” James started to tear up. “You’re-You’re suicidal? Why?” Adam sat down and calmed his voice a little. He took a deep, shaky breath. “For like a few years. I have been doing things that I regret, and have done things. I didn’t want to bring you into my problems.” James opened his mouth to speak, but Adam hushed him. “Look, James. I love you, but we have to break up. It will spare you the pain of what will come next. I love you.” And with that, Adam went out the door.

The next day at school was a week from then, and Adam didn’t show up. James had been un-suspended, and got his phone back, so he texted Adam a paragraph to say he was sorry, and wanted to help. Adam just replied with a simple ‘You can’t help anymore. No one can. Goodbye James.’ That was Sunday night. Adam’s parents were away on a business trip, so Adam was alone. James showed the text to Emily, who immediately left to her locker to get her phone. SHe had one missed call from Adam, and a bunch of texts.  Adam was saying goodbye. In his voicemail, he had said how this was none of their faults, and that he was NOT pressured into this by John. The whole school was sent a video on how John was harassing him, and that while he was gone they should stand up to him if they ever were to be harassed. He apologized to them for this announcement, and that’s where it ended. Emily called 9-11 and drove at 50 mph over to his house. They searched the house, and then the backyard. They found nothing. Until they checked the basement. The EMS arrived, and they took him away. They didn’t get to see him for the rest of the school year, until July 1st, when they went to rehab with him. Turns out that Adam wasn’t planning to end it all, just go away for a few years. John had got there first, was furious about the video, as he had received it, and tried to kill him. Everyone was fine, except John. John was in jail, for  almost seven years. His 18th birthday was on June 4th, and the accident was on June 12, so he was eligible for trial. Everything was okay Adam was alive and well.. Except for what wasn’t.

The author's comments:

okay this one is rlly bad but irdc

“Hello, My name is Adam Scott. I am 17 years old, and I am a victim of bullying and depression. I was self diagnosed with depression about 7 years ago. I have no disabilities, and I am somewhat “cured”, I guess. And that’s it.” Adam was at a new support, group, as the last one he was at fell through. He was still recovering from the incident with John, and the death of his mother. His mother was killed during a bombing at the Boston Marathon. Adam took this especially hard, since she was the one that was always there for him. His father, who was a pilot, was almost never home anymore, He took up a second job, so he was home even less. Adam was left with a trust fund, a house, and a car while his father was away. Adam barely saw Emily anymore, since she was at Harvard, while him and James still saw each other at school.  Ever since their breakup, things were awkward for the two boys. They had almost every class together, which didn’t help. Everyday, Adam prayed for it not to be awkward between them, but it never happened. Everytime Adam tried to talk to him, James thought that he was either trying to get back together with him, or trying to get sympathy votes. Adam just wanted things to go back to normal, like it was in 10th. Adam eventually stopped showing up for school. He just thought it would be better to join an online school. While he was at support group, his mind started to wander again. i don’t wanna be here i don’t wanna be here i don’t wanna be here i don’t wanna be- “Adam? ADAM! Are you okay?” Adam shot back to reality. “Um ye-yeah I’m okay. Yeah I’m okay.” The counselor spoke once more, “Well then can you answer Natalie's question?” “Ummm, what was the question again?” The counselor sighed. “Stay back after the session, Adam. I want to talk to you.” Great. Just Great. Adam didn’t pay attention to anything the rest of the day. He was preparing for the question that always came: Is everything okay at home. Everything was fine, if you count his mom being dead, his father never being home, him having no friends, and him being depressed. Other then that, his life was fine.

“So I noticed today that you were a little out of focus, if that makes sense. You didn’t seem engaged in the conversation. May I ask what is going on at home?” the counselor said. No, you may not, he wanted to say, but instead he said “Everything is fine. My mom and dad, oh i mean my DAD is fine, as you know my mom is DEAD. But other than that everything is great.” The counselor was looking offended, so just said that she was sorry she asked and that he was good to go. Yesssssss, he thought, finally. He had to get home, since today was the day that Emily came home to see her family and Adam. He was hoping that she met some cute gay guy for Adam to fall madly in love with and spend his life with. He needed someone. When he and James broke up, that little bit of hope that contains his love and trust disappeared. He never trusted anyone, barely even Emily, again. He gave up on trying to keep and gain friends, so he was lonely. He cut out the world. Now, with Emily in college, and maybe needing a roommate, if he’s lucky, Adam could start over. Adam pulled into the driveway, and saw Emily’s car. It was red Honda Civic. She had that car since she was 12. It was waiting for her from her dad. Now, that she was 18, so it was her’s. When he turned the lock, she jumped out of the corner and yelled, “Surprise!! I’m back!” and gave him a huge hug. It felt good to be in her warm embrace, he felt safe. “How’s college? He asked once he set his backpack down. “Oh it’s great. I love the professors, and the people are somewhat nice. I don’t have very many friends, though. I brought someone I want you to meet. Adam, his name is Corey. He is my boyfriend.” She leaned in close to Adam’s ear so that only he could hear. “And guess what. He’s got a cute gay brotherrrr” Adam’s face lit up. Finally, he thought, A chance at happiness. “Well, where is this strapping young man at, then? I would love to meet him.” Emily laughed and took him to the backyard. “Corey, meet Adam. Adam, Corey. I’ll get lemonade and let you two talk.” As she went back inside, Adam turned to greet Corey. “It’s nice to meet you, Corey. I hope your having a good year.” Corey grabbed his phone, and mumbled “Likewise” without looking up. They sat there in silence for about 5 minutes before the door opened and Corey quickly put his phone away. As Emily sat down, she asked if Adam wanted to join them for dinner at the local diner. Adam agreed, and they Corey went home to “get ready”. When we showed up to the diner, Corey finally put his phone away and acknowledged that Adam and Emily existed.

“So,” Emily began, “Did you guys get to know each other at the house?” Corey looked at Adam and said, “Oh yeah, we did. Adam, you are really good at soccer, I understand?” Adam looked at Emily with a puzzled look. “Um, yeah” he said with surprise. We didn’t talk at all at the house. How did he know that? Adam brushed it aside since the waiter showed up to order their drinks. As she left, Adam watched as Corey whipped out his phone once more, this time saying that he needed to use the bathroom. Adam got a strange feeling from Corey, and decided to follow him. Emily was out at the car, as she had forgot her wallet, as did Adam and Corey. When Adam reached the bathroom, he noticed that he heard a muffled voice coming from the other side of the door. But it wasn’t a man’s voice. Adam texted Emily to see where she had gone. “Drove back home to get my wallet. Keep Corey entertained while I’m gone. Luv yah” was what he saw when he opened his phone. Now Adam was suspicious. Why would a woman be in the men’s room? Since it would be to weird if Adam walked in there, Adam asked a man from a nearby table to help him out. The man happily agreed. When the man came back out, he reported to Adam that a woman with red hair and a pink dress and heels was in there with a man that had dark brown hair and a black tuxedo. Adam was taken aback. He knew something was up with Corey, being on his phone all the time, but he never thought that he would be CHEATING on her! He had to tell Emily. Adam went to the front desk, paid for the drinks, and left. Corey was not heard from the rest of the night, and Adam raced home to tell Emily of his discoveries. He was so worried for her. When he got home to Emily, he explained everything.

“So i was at the restaurant after you left and then he went into the bathroom and i was suspicious so I followed him and then asked another man to go in and tell me what he saw and he said he saw him with another woman in the bathroom.” Adam paused to take a breath. Emily was confused. “Wait-so your telling me that Corey was in the men’s bathroom with another woman? And how did u say you know this?” Adam explained the situation again-this time very slowly and so she could understand. She was quiet for a minute or two, and then seemed to become mad at Adam. “How do I know your telling the truth? You could be trying to sabotage my relationship because you are jealous that people actually can love me! I don’t even know who you are anymore.” Adam’s eyes welled up with tears. “Oh yeah?” He said in a quiet voice, “I guess you’re right. Nobody does love me. And I don’t even know who you are-but u know your not the Emily I know.” And with that, Adam turned towards the door and left the still fuming Emily. “Call me when you are over this” he mumbled over his shoulder.

Adam stayed isolated in his “home” for two days before he got a text from Emily asking him to meet her at the ice cream shop they love to go to. He reluctantly agreed and then got ready. He needed to take a shower as he had not changed or showered since diner the night that she flipped. When he got there, he saw Emily in the corner, mascara smudged and eyes red and puffy. He quickly evaluated the situation. He walked over and asked if she was okay. She got up and hugged him for a while. The place was practically empty, so he didn’t mind. She told him that she and Corey had broke up because she had caught him texting another girl he had been dating on the side. She was the one that ended it. Adam couldn’t resist saying “I told you so” but Emily didn’t mind. They ended up going back to Emily’s dorm and Adam moved in. He  didn’t have much to take over, minus clothes. He called his dad and left a message saying that he will still pay the bill for two more months, but then Adamis putting the house up for sale if his dad didn’t come home. After that, Adam surfed the internet looking for a good paying job and sent his application. All was well in Emily’s dorm.

A few months after Adam moved in with Emily, he got a call from the place his dad worked at. The man said he had not shown up to work for the past week. Adam thought nothing of it, until he got a call saying that his dad never paid the rent. That’s odd, Adam thought, He moved back in months ago. Adam decided to go check out the house to see if his dad was there. He drove over that afternoon and went it. He walked around for about ten minutes, then decided to check the basement. Then he saw it. His dad was on the floor, not moving. Adam stared in horror. He slowly pulled out his phone to call 911. The ambulance came, and took his limp, cold father out to the ambulance. He was pronounced dead less that 10 minutes after they took him. An investigation was opened. The police thought he was murdered. He had 3 stab wounds in his stomach and 1 in his back. He couldn’t have done that himself, they told Adam. All adam heard was catching him wouldn’t be enough. He needed revenge, and soon.

Adam went down to the station the next day to get more information. When he showed up, he met with the head officer in the case. Thank you for coming down,” the officer began. “I am Officer Jamie. I would like to start by saying that I am very sorry for your loss. I will do as best to my abilities to catch whomever did this. As of right now we have three pieces of evidence that we may be able to connect with your help. The first is a bracelet.” He pulled out a evidence bag. Inside it there was a gold charm bracelet with a silver moon and the initials E.T. That’s weird, Adam thought, Those are Emily’s initials. It must be a coincidence. “The second is a broken shard of glass. We believe that to be the murder weapon. We could smell something on it, but can’t make it out. We are wondering if it may be a bottle of your dad’s cologne, and that you may be able to identify the scent.” He pulled out a glass shard in a bag. He put on a glove and pulled it out. Adam immediately made it out to be Emily’s perfume. Now that’s just creepy. First the bracelet initials, then the perfume. “The last, and quite possibly most compelling piece of evidence is a book. If we can lift prints off of this book, we can figure out who committed the crime. Unfortunately, this is a library book. We picked up three prints. The names are Ethan Williams, Sophia Nelson, and the last was not given a name.”  Adam took a deep, shaky breath. It can’t be her. She gets that book all the time, so her print is distinguishable. It can’t be her now.  

The next day, Emily didn’t come home. Adam didn’t think much of it though. She was always out for a night then didn’t come back till later. Adam had his own problems. He had to figure out why all but one of the clues pointed to Emily. He went over it in his head a thousand times. Nothing made sense. Who would go to so much trouble to frame Emily? She was the one who was with me through all of the tough times. She helped me through the bullying and breakup and depression. She even broke up with James and John for him, and Corey because he told her too. For him. Suddenly it all made sense. Emily had though she loved them. Her heart was broken repeatedly be Adam. She broke up with all three because she wanted to make him happy. Adam immediately went to the police. The next day, she was brought into interrogation. Her alibi fell through, so she was arrested. On the way out, Adam saw her and she was smiling. “Hey Adam! How are you doing? Can you tell these bozos that I’m innocent, and we were hanging out that night?” Adam just looked down and said “Why would you do it? I mean I know why, but what did I do to deserve my life ruined. You have plenty people that love you. I only had Dad.” Her sweet smile turned to a devious and malevolent one. “Do I really need to answer that? You ruined my life. You took James, my first love, from me just to let him go. You made me break up with John because you couldn’t take him yourself. Then, on top of all that, you snitched on Corey, so I had to break up with him. I loved them, and you took them from me. So, before you took anyone else from me, I took the only one you had left. Your father. Now we both have no one to love us. Now you know my pain.” Adam looked at her. And slapped her. She looked astonished. He was s mad. “There you go, Officer, You have your confession. Now take this psychopath away. Please,” They took her away. She was sentenced to 25-life in jail. He was glad to be rid of her. THe next month was rough for Adam. He finally got the hang of things with nobody around. Then one day, the doorbell rang. Adam went to the door to see who it owas. He opened the door, and there stoop James. “Hi.” said James. “Hi.” Adam replied. “What are you doing here?” James looked down, then said, in a small voice, “I love you.”

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