Little Reds Breakfast. | Teen Ink

Little Reds Breakfast.

May 13, 2019
By VictoriaCJ, Cedar City, Utah
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VictoriaCJ, Cedar City, Utah
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A long time ago, before texting, phones, or email existed, Little Red was going to her grandma's home. Little Red was a young girl and had no business roaming through the forest completely alone, so she traveled in a carriage. As she happily made her way through the forest, little red riding hood could smell the food in her basket.  The small blue basket was full of eggs, toast, pancake batter, and most importantly, bacon. She loved having breakfast with her grandmother. After a while, she was completely daydreaming.

When lost in thought she hadn't realized the basket teetering back and forth on the edge of the coach. She finally saw it and caught it by the edge of the cloth. When she looked inside, she quickly realized that something was missing. She quickly looked behind the cart to see bacon laying flat on the trail. As she sat back down after the chauffeur had shouted at her,  she presumed that even if she did go back to get the bacon, it would be filthy and contaminated.

She knocked on the door, and was greeted with an enthusiastic hug and a joyful ¨Hello deary! Do you have the food?¨  Red replied in a distressed voice, ¨No grandma, unfortunately, the bacon fell out of my basket, but I have a plan.¨

Little red went to take a walk around the forest when she heard a distant noise. She walked closer to find a small house that had been blown down. She asked around ¨hello, do you know what happened here,¨ and a young woman replied ¨No I don't know what happened here.¨ so she asked again, ¨Do you know what happened here,¨ and yet again the answer was no. The third time that she asked a large man said ¨well of course! A big bad wolf came around here not too long ago and blew down these houses. The rumor is that he ate the three little pigs,¨

With a spark in her eye, Red concluded that a pig filled wolf was just as good as the pig itself. She knew the stories of the big bad wolf, and she knew just what bait he would take. She decided to walk down the street and started singing ¨off to grandma's house!¨.

Now the wolf heard this from quite far away, and he thought he had found even more pray. For what is the point of a little pig breakfast if there was no dessert to follow! So he started down the tracks to find the young voice that he heard. But the wolf is in favor of tricks and not force, so he decided he would find her grandma too. He walked and he walked until he saw a small red dot, holding a basket that smelled like a treat.

The wolf walked up to red and said ¨why darling, it is much too dangerous to walk all alone. Let me go ahead and make sure your path is clear! Where are you going little one?¨ With a smile, red replied ¨Three streets up and two houses to the right!¨. So the wolf started up to find the old grandma, but was unprepared for what was about to transpire.

Red ran to her grandmother's house, leaving another way so the wolf would not see her. She ran inside to give grandmother a briefing on what had just happened, so they grabbed a large pan and started a fire. Red went to hide, and granny got in bed. They were ready for the wolf to come into the house.

The wolf, who was still on his way, herd his stomach rumble. He had eaten three pigs already but he wanted to eat some more. He turned the last corner and saw grandmas house. He started up to the door to start his routine. He had eaten many people by this point in time he had done it so much that he had a system. Talk first then pounce at the end. Put on a costume and then eat their friend. It had done well so far and it would work again.

He walked in the house and yelled ¨grandma! Im home!¨ in the girliest voice he could muster. A quiet voice came from a small room and he walked towards it. When he was inside the room the old woman was holding a frying pan. He said ¨my grandma, what a large pan you have,¨ and in response he heard ¨all the better to hit you with my dear.¨ then a loud wack! filled the house. The grandma pulled a Rapunzel and hit him with the frying pan. The next thing he knew, he was tied down. The back of his head hurt and he couldn't move. When his eyes focused, he saw the big pan he was sitting on. He yelled and little red put an apple in his mouth. Now he truly resembled a pig.

Little red set the table while grandma cooked in the kitchen. She brought out the eggs, then the pancakes anong with some syrup. Finally, they brought out the mound of bacon to sit in the middle of the table. They both sat down to eat the most satisfying meal they had ever had, for they had not eaten all day, they were too busy preparing the food. They then both stood up and agreed that the bacon was delicious.

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