Goodbye | Teen Ink


May 18, 2018
By JordanWithers SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
JordanWithers SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was the 23rd of December, 2015, two days before Christmas. I was relaxing with my mom at around 7:00 a.m while we ate breakfast and watched the news. At 8:00 a.m we finally decided to get ready for the day to do some final shopping before Christmas. When we were finished getting ready, we had to take our dog Bo outside to use the restroom. My mom grabbed Bo’s leash and took him out.


As Bo and my mom were outside, I was inside waiting to leave. As I sat on the couch, I heard a loud bark. The bark was then proceeded by the kind of screaming that sent chills down your spine. I opened the door, looked outside, and found the most terrifying sight I had ever seen. A woman is lying on the ground screaming bloody murder. On top of her is a small object I couldn’t quite identify. On top of that object was Bo and on top of Bo was my mom. I rushed down the stairs and realized that the object was a small dog a little bigger than a men's shoe.

As I got closer and closer, I noticed blood and found that the small dog was inside of Bo’s mouth. Terrified of what to do, I started hitting and kicking Bo as hard as I could, but nothing was working. I turned around and found a brick that had fallen off the building. I then began to hit Bo with it until he let the dog go. Once Bo had released the dog, I looked at his mouth and found blood all over his face and chest as well as on the woman, my mom, and, of course, the small dog. I was bawling my eyes out because I was so petrified as to what just happened. I held Bo as tightly as I could so he couldn't escape while my mom helped the woman and the dog.
I eventually took Bo inside and called my step-dad Phil to come home right away. Within 15 minutes, Phil arrived and took the woman and her dog to the vet. An hour had passed and Phil came inside crying. My mom and I then received the worst news ever. Bo, our sweet, loving, English Bulldog had killed the small dog. Shocked to hear the news, my mom and I began sobbing. We were heartbroken. We all sat in my parents room and held each other as tight as we could. My mom explained that as she was outside with Bo, the woman and her dog came out, and Bo raced over to them. Bo had run so fast that he swept my mom off of her feet and dragged her across the ground.

Knowing of what had just happened, we made the hardest decision of our lives to put Bo down. Knowing it was going to be hard to say goodbye to him, my mom and I walked out the door and went to the car. We got inside and drove off. We were both sobbing like crazy and drove till there was nothing to see. We later turned around and drove back home. As we got back inside, Phil was sitting on the couch, with Bo nowhere in sight. We all sat in silence and looked at the walls. An hour passed and I finally got up and went into my room. I shut my door and didn’t come out till Christmas morning.

I didn’t sleep at all the last two nights. The only thing that was going through my mind was what had just happened. I kept hearing the words: scream, stairs, Bo, brick, kill, and dead over and over again. It was the worst day of my life. I didn’t recover till two months later. It was hard to come home everyday without a friendly face at the door. Bo was always so happy to see me. He brightened my day. A day has not gone by that I have not thought about Bo. He would and will always be in my heart.

The author's comments:

This story is based off of a tramatic experience I had the day I lost my dog.

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