Faults and True Resolutions | Teen Ink

Faults and True Resolutions

January 19, 2017
By SunShinePoliteBoy SILVER, Miami, Florida
SunShinePoliteBoy SILVER, Miami, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Humans, animals, machines. No matter what it is, they all make mistakes, it's what we're all known for. Perhaps you forget to lock the fence on your way out, and the pet got loose, or while in a rush, you spilled hot coffee on someone's brand new suit, complete with tie and hair gel, depending on were you got it on. Maybe one day you got into a disagreement with someone and said something you didn't mean, maybe you've let out some of your thoughts out of misunderstanding. We live in such a large, fast paced, evolved world, where each individual has their own way of coping with problems. If you hurt your friend unintentionally, you can apologize and they could forgive you and still recompense with you, doing so to a stranger, and then he or she could flip you off and unlease their wrath unto you, lowering your self esteem. You could think that you'll never see them again, so you don't even waste your energy on it, and how could you? You live a busy life with so much to preoccupy yourself. We often times forget how to truely our minds at ease when we have the world weighing down on us. But we feel guilty when we do slip up, we have faults, and everyone's going to have them. But all faults we've made are in the past, and we can't change it. We learn from them to know how to avoid them more, yet sometimes, that may not be enough in our conscience. I know i've rubbed someone the wrong way one time, and i guess i've warrented some undesirable response to it. I couldn't help but feel horrible for the next couple of days, thinking that i went off my path and i was caught up in my own faults. It took until 5 days later to realize what i should do. I went and posted that not only am i extensively sorry, but that wanted to leave on a better note. Whether the person got it or not, i just wanted to set things right and know that i've tried. At that point, i've have learned to try to set things straight, because you'll feel better knowing some good came out of a gloomy situation. And hell, it could be the smallest of things, but if you know that some, if any right can be done to something, on your own accord or for what you vaule, you take that chance everytime, no matter what, because you are doing what's right in your heart, and hold no regrets. Things happen for a reason, even though this is coming from someone who hasn't seen the worst of things and list nearly as much as others have. But know that we do have dark moments, moments we pull through and are gald to have it behind us. No bad moment lasts more than its lifespan. Take the weight of your soul and rest, knowing you can have peace with yourself and others.

The author's comments:

Just a recent personal experience i thought i might share.

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